Sunday, January 06, 2008

It's thanks to neighbor Judy K. that I got those revolving pics on the blog! It took me some time--I'm electronically challenged--but I got it done. Sent them separately to Alison, Jen, and Mike and Paula, but A. couldn't open them--not sure why.
Yesterday, I got back to my reasonably buoyant self. Ray came over to change the bulb over the sink and stayed to chat awhile. George's SIL, Bea, called to bring us up to date on his condition. They replaced an artery, but haven't yet done the aneurysm; that will have to wait until he recovers more, but he's doing pretty well. He recognized Bea, and was able to follow the doctor's direction to cough, and so on.
Today, I'll make candied carrots to bring to Alison's for Joel's birthday, plus the Nana Mix as a little extra to go with our "real" present of cash.
Was touched by my dear twin's comment on yesterday's entry. If anybody understands the situation, she does.
But okay, them's the cards I wuz dealt and I gotta play them. Other than Pat's health, we've had aces most of our married life which, incidentally, will total half a century on June 21--this year!


iloveac said...

OK, I joined picturetrail.
1) How do I view your you have to do something on your end?

2)How do I get to make a cube? I added pics to my album. Is the cube etc only for the upgraded accounts?

I'll take my answer 'off the air'....pretending this is a call-in blog. Gotta go read to the blind.

Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary I loved the pictures. How did you do it? Great picture of Betty!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Mom!

Mimi said...

Dee, I'm confused. WHAT picture of Betty? I don't think I put any on of her on the revolving cubes. Fill me in!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...