Saturday, January 19, 2008

Up from the depths! Things were so much better yesterday. I started off by going to my own Dr. K. at 10:00 and basking in her delighted approval of my weight loss. I wanted to discuss with her my desire to get off the BP medication. She said it may be possible, and that I can discontinue it, then stop in at her office every week to have the nurse check my BP. As it is, she told me, I'm taking a low dose (.5 of Altace) and my pressure has been fine for years. She also said I could/should stop in a drugstore or wherever to check it in between my office visits. When I told her about joining the Outdoor Club and my interest in hiking, she was very enthusiastic. Said she may want to join herself and I gave her the web site info.
Dr. K. is a D.O., not an M.D. I've never been clear on how they differ, but I have the idea--must look this up--that D.O.s emphasize more heavily natural avenues to healing, such as weight loss, exercise, and so on. I don't mean they follow the wacky dictates with which "natural medicine" abounds, but that they may be slightly less inclined to confront every malady with a prescription. In any event, Dr. K. seems to be of that persuasion and I like that attitude.
Had plenty of time to make Pat lunch, eat my own, and get to SOCH for his radiation by 3:00. I was told we don't have to sit in the first waiting room initially, but I can just wheel him into the inner one. I got acquainted with two other women waiting for their husbands and we had a nice chat. Pat was finished in a half hour and I thought, "Hey, this ain't gonna be so bad."
We were back in Little Egg so early we decided to go see Old George in Arcadia. They got us a wheel chair (good thing, as the rehab section is down several corridors from the front entrance) and we found him napping, but fully dressed.
George was delighted to see us and, garrulous as ever, filled us in on his operations and even his current bodily functions, which I didn't need to hear. While we were there, his sweet SIL, Bea, and her husband came in, also. We stayed just a half hour or so, leaving him a gift bag of two versions of Goldfish crackers. He had loved them when he was here for dinner and I put them out as appetizers.
Just had a pick-up dinner (don't know why I call it that) of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for Pat and veggies and shrimp for me. All in all, it was a good, satisfying day.

1 comment:

EBJ said...

Glad your day was better.
It's not easy.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...