Monday, January 28, 2008

The fish fry at First Presbyterian last night was good fun. Attendees were asked to contribute food (but not money), and I had most of a large pumpkin pie in the freezer left over from Christmas. I checked, it looked good, and I defrosted and sliced it, then arranged the pieces on a pretty tray.
Ray and Barb picked me up and we met Les and Dennis there, along with our other neighbor, Johanna. Had such a good, convivial time chatting and talking. Because of helping out at Sister Jean's kitchen, I know several other people who were there; told Les I want to go back to Sister Jean's when we're finished the radiation visits. I also know Meredith, the pastor, and enjoyed talking to her.
I was pleased that my pie was gone when I went to retrieve the tray. Johanna didn't know it was mine, but came back to the table with a slice, tasted it, and said, "This is so good, it must be all homemade!" I laughed and assured her it was. (Damn good thing she didn't say, "Aagh! What crap is this?")
Earlier in the day, I got calls from Alison (complimenting me on the hike), Betty (ditto and more), and my brother, Jim (just to say hello). I called Patti M., who used to live in Clark House (see yesterday's entry).
I also heard from Mary Ann Van O., who is facilitating a little "opera workshop" for those who want to learn about it (I do). We made a date for lunch on Thursday, too. Talked to Ellen, whose real estate issues are still not resolved.
Got a lovely message from Jen telling about their trip to a cabin in upstate New York. She said both Joels loved it, snow-boarding every day and making big fires at night. Her mother took Tristan, so Joely had all their attention. And there was no television, so they were able to concentrate on each other. Sounds idyllic--I'd love to go myself.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...