Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Yesterday was pretty much a catching-up day. Finally buckled down to do some of the pile of chores I had neglected for weeks: packed and wrapped the Valentine gifts for Vivian and Newbaby, and took them to the P.O.; called to switch my BP appointment (because Pat has a pulmonologist appointment in Absecon at 10:30); dropped material for the Tricky Tray over at Amy's; took a dry run to Janice's (my other library lady); filled out the form for the scholarship, went to the clubhouse to duplicate same, and sent it off. Also, stopped at the library to pick up several free magazines* and made a number of phone calls for various reasons. When we went up to SOCH for the radiation, I ran into Staples and got another desk calendar. Once and for all, I want to clear off my desk, get rid of some of the stuff it's accumulated, and replace the messy old calendar with a new one.
Fearful of ignoring my Suzy Homemaker duties, I also did several loads of wash, vacuumed, and spot-cleaned the carpet in the living room.
Okay, there's STILL plenty left to do, but at least I put a dent in it. I must remember to make appointments for my mammogram and bone density test, and go for a (routine) blood test. Also want to check to see which other hikes I want to join. The big problem there is not the length of the hikes, but the distance of the drive to get to the starting point.
Ray came over to pick up Pat's five bucks and have him fill in the squares in a grid for the Super Bowl contest. He tried to explain how it works (winners are random), but I didn't even try to follow.
*Pat likes to leaf through mags after dinner, so I either get them free from the library or buy them for a quarter at a thrift store. When we finish with them, I donate them back. I do subscribe to Vanity Fair. That and The New Yorker are the only current publications that know what the English language is supposed to be and what marvels it can perform. (And okay, I admit it: This self-professed populist has a sneaking fondness for reading about the lives of the rich and powerful.)

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