Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The hike yesterday was a terrific experience. Was surprised to see about thirty people gathered and got acquainted with several. One, Leona, gave me two "Grabbers"--hand warmers--that were so welcome. Even with two pairs of gloves, my fingers get cold when I'm out. I was pleased to find the woman I had walked with on the 7-miler, Marilyn, there, and we chatted together during much of the time.
It was a glorious day: very cold, but sunny, with a beautiful blue sky above. The terrain was okay--sand on much of it, but mostly packed, so not difficult to traverse. After a time, we deviated onto a narrow trail deeper into the woods, then went up an incline to reach Apple Pie Hill. Stayed there for 20 minutes or so, then completed the trip back.
The pace had been described as "moderate to easy" and, although brisk at times, was probably slower overall than Susan's and my walks. It's difficult to walk very fast through the narrower trails, as you have to keep watching the ground for roots, ruts, and holes. Happily, my feet didn't bother me at all, aside from getting a little cold. I wore sneaks, but MUST get myself some walking boots; I was the only one yesterday not properly shod.
The hike took 2 hours, 15 minutes and I was home before 1:00. It was great: At one point while we were walking, I suddenly felt such a rush of well-being, so invigorated, healthy, and alive, I wanted to go into the woods again. I'm seriously considering the 10-miler on Saturday. Think I'll call the leaders and ask a few questions.
Got in touch with my new "library home borrower," Janice, and made a date to see her next Wednesday. I believe she's deaf, as we used the device whereby I tell the operator something, she types it to Janice, then Janice types a response and the operator reads it to me.
Got Pat to his radiation session, then touched base with Alison to tell her about the hike. Have no soreness at all, I'm happy to say.
Will get my BP checked today at 10 and will ask Marge if I can do it with her equipment on Fridays. So far, so good without the medication, as far as I know.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary, congratulations on your five mile hike. You are really something to start hiking at your age. I don't mean your old but Allison has been doing it for years and you just decided to walk five miles and your not even sore. You should lose some weight this Thursday for sure. Keep up the good work.

EBJ said...

Oh, Rosemary you should be SOOO proud of yourself! I have had that feeling of well being--but,--not for a long time.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...