Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Got my blood pressure checked yesterday morning. It was 128/74 after four days without medication. I was taken aback, as it had been 122/68 last Friday. Wasn't sure if the rise was cause for alarm or not, so I called Betty. She reassured me that BP fluctuates a lot and that those numbers are still very good. Asked Marge if I could use her equipment on Fridays and she agreed, so I'll monitor it twice a week.
When I took Pat for his radiation yesterday, I met an elderly man whose wife was having treatment. He mentioned that he lived down the street from the Maris Convent in Harvey Cedars, a town on Long Beach Island. I told him my friend and former colleague, David P., just sold his house on the same street. "He didn't work at Rider, did he?" asked my new pal, "Mac." Well, yes!
Here, it seems that Mac and his wife, Louise, have known Dave for years. They were even friendlier with long-time Riderite, Kathy B. She and her husband, Nolan, used to rent a house across from them. (Recently, they bought a summer home in Delaware.) In fact, Mac said Nolan had grown up around there and he had befriended N. as a boy.
I e-mailed Dave and Kathy to let them know this, and will see Mac and Louise again today at SOCH. We all hang out in oncology.


iloveac said...

We can meet friends in the strangest places....small world.
B/P sounds great to me. Try and take it at the same time of the day and sit quietly for a few minutes each time before taking it to get a more reliable reading. I would love to have my numbers in the 120s and I'm on medication.

EBJ said...

It's great to meet new friends and it makes the time go by.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...