Tuesday, October 31, 2023


I met Lora and Julie outside at 12:30 and, since Julie had discovered that Cliff House is closed on Mondays, we went to Aloha. I hadn't been there for six months or so and that was fine by me--always liked Aloha. It was a gorgeous day on the water and we had a good time. Talk, talk, talk, of course; Lora went over the sad story of her mentally disturbed/drug and alcohol addicted son and we talked about upcoming cruises, several of which Julie will join. I'm still on the fence about the possibly of Vienna and Budapest, but we'll see. Darn, I wish one of us had thought to take a picture. 

Didn't get home until almost 3:00, then walked over to CVS for my medication and Von's for Squirt Grapefruit Zero Sugar and--well, and actual grapefruit.

Checked my calendar and finally, I have nothing scheduled for today. I think I'll bus over to the Bed And Bath shopping center for more grapefruit and a 2024 calendar. Will go to Wild Birds Unlimited, too, as the greedy little creatures are decimating my bird see. 

Got an email from Lynne, reminding me that I have docent duty on Sunday. Darn, I'll either have to get the Access Van there or ask somebody to take me and bring me home. Ordinarily, I'd have no problem at all busing/walking there, but I can't very well do that with 1890s costume on. 

About 6:30, as I was just about to get dinner, a young woman came to the door from Verizon, asking if their new tower was interfering with my internet and TV reception. Got to talking and, without going into detail, I signed up for Verizon. I haven't be happy with my server for some time and Verizon is actually cheaper. Should get "a box" soon to install. However, now I'm having second thoughts. I assumed that it would cover what I h ave now with Yondoo Communications, but I'll check further. 

I finally succumbed to my nagging conscience and called Jim. We chatted and I invited him to lunch next Thursday, the ninth. I was interested to learn that he had visited another independent living facility by himself, so maybe there's hope for him yet. Typically, he couldn't remember the name of it, but I think I know which one he meant, if it's the one where we used to have Toastmasters meetings. 

Extended family note: At my door about 7:00 pm, I found the book by my niece, Aiming High. I read it in proof, but will again. There are lots of pictures which, unfortunately, are hazy, but maybe that's apropos, considering the context. I do think the cover picture is lovely. 

Monday, October 30, 2023


Crossword was so-so, but not one of his best. After I had finished, I impulsively called Noreen on the off chance she could meet for lunch. She could--great, and we decided on Lure Fish House at 12:30. 

Shortly after that, my niece, Joan, called from Jersey. In July, she and Jim had moved from Florida to White House Station, out in the pinelands of Hunterdon County. I've been there, but can't remember why. Anyway, we talked at length about family matters and Joan said she''s sending me her new book, Aiming High. She had sent it to me electronically as she wrote it, asking me to correct any errors of our family's history, which I did, plus a few typos. I'm much impressed with the cover, as seen below. The representation of the marriage and certain personalities? Not so much. 

Joan said she was having the book, in paperback, sent to me as a gift. There are a lot of family pictures in it, many of which I've seen, but some not, and I'm looking forward to them.** We talked at length about some family issues, too, until I had to leave to meet Noreen. 

I did so, busing into town, and we had a fine time, as ever. Noreen is one of the few people with whom I can disagree. She's a Trump hater, as so many of my friends are, yet she has no animosity toward those of different persuasions.* Anyway, we were there for more than two hours, talking and talking, but also eating with pleasure. I had sand dabs, which I've never had anywhere else (actually, I've never heard of them anywhere else) and, accompanied with sides and a good MadeWest IPA, it was yum.  

Parted about 3:00, stopped in a few stores, and took the 16 home. When I got in, I cored and seasoned the three apples I had left and baked them in the oven. I've been eating them as a as a bedtime snake recently.

Before dinner, I added a lantern to my little Halloween display outside, setting my phone alarm to remember to turn it off. Here's the current arrangement:
* I'm sure as hell not a Trump fan, but I consider the scum in Washington with the ability to decree death around the world as the devil's cohorts.  

** Interestingly, her brother, my nephew Dave, has also written a book, this one a fictionalized version of his father's sojourn from birth in pre-WW II Germany, to death in New Jersey. (At least, he labels it fiction.)

Sunday, October 29, 2023


It was a fun day. I left at 11:00, and walked to Telephone, intending to bus to the Regency Theatre for Killers of the Flower Moon.  However, the bus wouldn't be along for 19 minutes, so I just walked the three miles. It was wonderfully warm--but not too warm--and there was no wind.

Met Diane there at noon and she had terrific news. There was a film company doing a scene at the theatre and she was included in the background outside. This is a very small outfit and, when the people started packing up, we fell into conversation. A guy named Patrick was the director and we chatted with him. He actually knows several people in Fractured Actors and, incredibly, had seen me in Welcome Home in the Roadhouse production four years ago! We also talked to the camera person, a neat young guy named Caleb Colon. 

Killers of the Flower Moon we both thought was terrific, notwithstanding its three hours-plus length. Robert De Niro was just superb and so was Leonardo DiCaprio. Now I think I'll order the true-story book from which the movie was adapted.   

I'm writing this at 8:00 pm on Saturday and am debating with myself whether to ask Jim for lunch or not. I haven't been in touch with him lately and feel a little guilty about that. But do I want to subject myself to a Jim lunch? Tune in tomorrow--that is, today, Sunday-- to find out. 😒

Big reveal: It's now 5:46 on Sunday morning and no, I didn't call Jim. I've had so much scheduled lately, I just decided to have a free day, damnit. Maybe I'll call him today...

Or maybe not.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Weight up in both venues: up a pound at home to 128.6 and 1.3 at T.O.P.S. to 129.8. Meeting was sloppily run, as ever, but endurable. Naturally, Sharon was in full Halloween mode, with wedding of the ghost mice (or something) hat and skeleton gloves and earrings:

Didn't get breakfast until almost 11:00, then walked to Wal-Mart and The Market for a few things. I had just gotten back when Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I was ready. Ready for what? Why, for the Witch Paddle at the harbor, of course. I had completely forgotten about it, but  grabbed my jacket and went with her. It was a fun excursion and the name describes it: just witches and warlocks paddling and strolling around the harbor, ho-hum:


I didn't get a very good picture of the full harbor, but there were probably fifty or more witches paddling around:

But horrors--two of the witches cornered me and were going to put me in a cauldron and have me for dinner! However, I proved to be too tough and they let me go:
After, we went to Andre's and had good clam chowder--Manhattan, my favorite, which I haven't had for years. 

Personal Note That Maybe Fits Right In With The Season
I printed out and will shortly complete and submit this sixteen-page form:

Friday, October 27, 2023


Went over to Great Clips at 10:30 and Maria cut my hair. After that, it was all boring financial and technical stuff until the BCNN dinner. I won't elaborate in detail, but my chores included: 

Citibank credit card and finally wrangling them out of a $99.00 rebate;

Prime Management, which handles my house in Jersey; they're merging with another company (can't imagine why, but I keep thinking the monthly maintenance fee will go up)*; 

Suzanne Hayden, an insurance rep, a friend of Lora's, who will come next week and fill me in on a new one I have to choose;

Diane: she and I will see Killers of the Flower Moon tomorrow;

Chase: will defer switching over the mortgage rise (escrow) until November;

SO-FI: stopped into the office to check up on what I owe--$2.79 cents will clear the books;

Changed the ink in my printer.

Then it was off to dinner with the BCNN group. This was at Orozco's near the waterfront and it was touted as a terrific and exotic place to eat. Hmm...the only thing I found exotic was the cost. I  had some tiny shrimp in a so-so garlic sauce, accompanied by a small mount of rice and a so-called "salad" that was blah, preceded by a fifteen-dollar Margarita. The tab? Fifty-two bucks and I've had better at fast food joints. 

However, we had a good time talking and laughing. I especially bonded with Pat W. and Dusty A. and we're going to get together one of these days. Here are Pat, who is an artist, and Dusty, president of BCNN (Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers), who had been in my acting group:

I was at the end and on my other side were my friend, Julie, who always picks me up for BCNN affairs, and Bridget, who is from Germany:

Gaming Note: I do Wordle, Connections, and Blossoms every day and what's really creepy is, I record my scores, successe, and failures every day. Why? I dunno, guess I've just gotten compulsive now that I'm in my dotage. BTW, I almost never miss Wordle, but only rarely get Connections. As for Blossoms, it's just how many words you can make with certain letters and consider I good if I score over 200. No pressure. I also like Block Champ and Hurdle on-line, plus, of course, the daily Jumble and crosswords, plus my book of Crypto-Families. 

* I won't complain when that happens. The very month we bought the house, the fee for maintaining the pool, lawns, and so on, was raised from ninety-nine dollars to a hundred and twenty.  Twenty-one years later, it's still a hundred and twenty.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Did a color wash, then a me wash--showered, that is--preparing for my trip to the audiologist. I was feeling pretty glum about it. It just seemed dreary--now, in addition to glasses and the balance thing, would I have to be fiddling with a hearing aid, too? At least, I didn't have to take the Access Van; HEAR/USA is right next to Miramar Eye.

Got there early and was greeted by Amanda, who seems to be the receptionist, the audiologist, and general factotum. In any event, she proved to be bright, cheery, and courteous and I perked up. The hearing test (soundproof booth, ear phones, press the button when you hear the tones, repeat the words, etc.) was actually kind of fun. After, Amada gave me the lowdown: Yes, I have some difficulty in hearing high tones, i.e., women's voices, and so on, but not deep ones, such a men's voices and dog barks (damn, I wouldn't miss that). She indicated that the loss was fairly mild and that I should "think about" a hearing aid, when it gets to be more profound. And the cost? Four thousand bucks. Oh, give me a break, I'll look further. From there, I bused to the mall and got three huge and beautiful grapefruit at, of all places, Target.

Finally, at long last, BMO sent me a check for the $55.00 they owed me. I'll try to remember how to deposit it electronically, but can't decide which of three banks to put it in; maybe I'll just cash it; I use the debit card for almost everything, but like to have some cash around. They also sent me a bill for a whopping forty-nine cents (don't even ask), but I paid that last week. 

Lora, Julie, and I texted back and forth and decided on our date to take Julie to lunch for her birthday. That's tomorrow, but we'll go on Monday. I'm getting my hair cut today at 10:30 and Julie will pick me up for the BCNN dinner tonight; will see Lora at tomorrow at T.O.P.S.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Talk about food prep: For a change, I had nothing planned for yesterday, so I spent several hours on that chore, which I find pleasing. I now have a fridge filled with veggies I washed, cut, chopped, or shredded, seasoned, and roasted They include carrots, spinach, tomatoes, onions, and apples, which join the two squashes--butternut and spaghetti, plus cauliflower. Something tells me I'll be eating vegan for the next several meals.  

Called Primary Medical to ask why I hadn't heard back with the referral for p.t.; was told the approval was coming--yeah, so is Christmas. Today, I have the audiologist appointment. What a bore and I don't know if I want to get into the hearing aid thing yet, but I'll see what they have to say. 

Walked over to Nails D'Elegance and got a pedicure. It was done by "Lily"--Vietnamese, of course, and she had a harrowing story about when she and her family left Vietnam thirty-two years ago. They were held up in Thailand for three days under terrible conditions, but then flew out. I liked her and will request her when I go again.

Saw Lorraine in her usual place in the middle garden/pool area and we chatted for half and hour or so. The more I think I want to move to a bigger place--I'd kill for another room--the more I remember that I have good neighbors here and what could be more convenient? Right across the street I can get groceries at Von's, have medications sent to CVS, get my hair cut and my nails done, all without driving, taking a bus, or working up a sweat. It's something to consider.  

Financial Corner: 1.) Got a notice that my mortgage is going up by $980.04 per year, so what gives? I called Maureen at Groendyke and she said all the insurance companies have raised their rates; property tax also went up However, it's less than ninety a month additional, I can take it off my income tax, my home's value has risen, too, and I'm not hurting for money, so I'm okay with it.

2.) I finally worked up the courage to Message nephew, Wes, asking if he had gotten my wedding present in August, a gift card from Amazon. I had emailed to his law office, it was a fairly substantial gift, and I hadn't heard. I wanted to be sure it didn't go astray and some low life was partying with it. Yes, thank Zeus, he got it--apologized, saying he gets so much from Amazon, he had just overlooked it. Okay, one more thing checked off my "things to worry about" list. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


As I headed toward the gate to walk to Wal-Mart. I ran into Vickie and she walked me part way. I asked if she wanted to go to Red with Diane and me on the fourth and she accepted with pleasure. She volunteered to drive and YAY; both Diane and I are so appreciative. 

Today, Diane and I had planned to go to Killers of the Flower Moon, but things got screwed up and we have to postpone. Called her and we'll look at next week instead. Tomorrow, I have the audiologist and Thursday, my haircut in the morning, then the BCNN dinner at night. Tentatively, Lora and I will take Julie to lunch on Friday.  

Donated to the softball team fund drive of great-niece, Amelia (Betty's 12-year-old granddaughter in Chicago), and will get in return a box of cheddar popcorn for a total of only $29.82 (talk about your awkward sentence!).

Ellen came after work at 4:30 and we loaded my stuff in her car to take to GoodWill. Did so--and I'll take the value off my income tax, as I've done many times before. It always gives me a virtuous, goody-girl feeling to do so. After all, I buy things at thrift stores, use them, then donate many of them back for others to use. This is a whole helluva lot better then having manufacturers churn out new stuff to clutter up the environment--not to mention easier on the pocketbook.  El and I went to Jasmine Thai for dinner after and had a good mother/daughter convivial time. 

Agonized Note: AAGH! I had a terrible time this morning re-upping this computer. I had been advised to shut it down, did so last night, then when I tried to start it, it kept refusing--or whatever. Anyway, it's up now, but whew...
Photo Gallery
I put Skampy the Skelton out front, along with some other seasonal items. Will I give treats to the kiddies this year? I think I will; I like seeing them.

 From the Facebook page of my nephew, Patrick Byrne, chair of the Cleveland Clinic's Head and Neck Institute (otolaryngology): 

Patrick: Huge thanks and a welcome to Tiki Barber! Many of you know that a few years ago I worked with a group of engineers at Johns Hopkins to create a device to treat nasal obstruction. The device and our company is called Hale. We are so excited that Hale now has a celebrity sponsor. @tiki.barber was one of my favorite running backs and people in the NFL. He loves the device and supports fitness and wellness technologies.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Crossword was good, as was the usual Sunday. Did my usual white wash with sheets, then showered and dressed. Left for the Hill Street Library at 11:00, so got there early for the noon program. While waiting, I started reading Joan Didion's book of essays, Let Me Tell You What I Mean. It's absorbing, as is all her writing was, and I took it out.

Connie did the program, dressed, of course, in a wonderful outfit--dress and hat--appropriate to the period, which was the nineteen teens and twenties. A fair number of people were there--well, about twenty and all enjoyed it. 

After, a woman who heads up the Ventura Library Book Sales announced that there will be a presentation at the main library by a the writer of a book on Ma Duncan, the woman who contracted to have her pregnant daughter-in-law murdered. This is a new book, but the woman was not aware of the one published twenty years ago, which I have:

I'll be interested in going to the presentation, as I attended one when I first moved to California. That was presented by local historian Richard Senate at the courthouse where the trial took place in the Ventura City Hall. Mrs. Duncan was executed in 1961, the last woman executed in California. 

After, Diane and I ate our lunches at our usual place and sat and talked, as ever. Stopped at Von's on the way home and didn't get in until 4:30. I then saw that Suzanne's and my upstairs neighbor, Mike, had left us tomatoes, avocados, and a papaya each. I don't know his last name, so wrote a "thank you, Mike!" note and taped it to the stairs, which are outside. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Did various and sundry in the morning, then packed my lunch, took my cart, and walked to the post office for overseas stamps. While there, I fell into conversation with a woman wearing a "Pray To End Abortion" badge. I was interested to hear she had entered a convent when she was young; I didn't catch the name, but it was in Michigan and they wore blue habits. She left there, left Catholicism in favor of a certain Lutheran sect, got married, and now is in some kind of fundamentalist church. She is very, very sure her various activities are divinely directed. The fact that she's the same age I am intrigued me, but her evident evangelism didn't--she expressed the certitude that I would eventually see the light, but I say no way, no how...However, it was an interesting encounter. 

Took the 21 to town and just strolled the stroll, then ate my lunch at my usual spot. I picked up a large basket at one of the thrift stores--not sure where I'll use it, but I like the rural look. Ellen called when I was on the bus home and we chatted happily. She'll be coming after work on Tuesday to take my donations and me to GoodWill. Do I take these things off my income tax? Bet your pretty premiums I do. 

Made turkey stir-fry for dinner and just had that and spaghetti squash for dinner. Later, I found on the chair on Suzanne's and my front walk, some lovely avocados, tomatoes, and mangos, clearly meant to be shared by the two of us. I'm almost sure they were left by Mike, our upstairs neighbor, but will find out for sure.

Mike video-messaged me during his morning miles-long bike ride, always a treat. Can't wait to see him and the fam in December.  A-n-n-d his darling daughter,--the older one, Vivian--and I were in touch yesterday via text. She's a botany major and is hoping to get a part-time job at the arboretum there (what better place than in Hawaii?) and just got 105 on her French test. How I love seeing her young life unfold! 💗   

Saturday, October 21, 2023


The weight report: diccy, considering the home scale had me losing 1.4 (to 127.6) and the T.O.P.S. scale gaining .02 (to 128.4). Who knows, maybe it'll switch around next week. As for the meeting, there were only five of us and, weigh-in, we eschewed anything else weight-related in favor of just a friendly chat. Conversation included Lora's botox injections (for migraine, but she's had the cosmetic kind, too), Bobbi's tattooed eye-liner (my late sister in-law, Helen, had had that done,also), and, of course, another of Sharon's Halloween hats, this with a spider theme:

She also had on two pair of dangly spider earrings--so elegant.  

Home at 9:30 and I let Suzanne know, so we left immediately for WinCo. That meant I didn't get breakfast until almost 11:00, but it tasted extra good because I was so hungry. I had bought a lot of produce and I then prepared some, including a yam, spaghetti squash, and one of my favorites, roasted cauliflower with mayo/parm dressing. A few hours later, I ate the yam for a kind of in-between lunch. I went on-line for Red tickets for Diane and me. We'll go to the matinee on Saturday, November 4.

Went next door to Suzanne's for our 5:15 happy hour, Vickie coming soon after. We had a very warm and congenial social session, although those two wild kids got plastered:
Ha! That's non-alcoholic beer, of course. It was accompanied with a spread of shrimp, chips, veggies, and dips. Suzanne also had out a nice, autumny display that Sharon (my Sharon from T.O.P.S.) had given her when she retired from St. John's: 

Suzanne had been a medical educator and Sharon was in her diabetes class. There was another connection with Sharon last night, too: Vickie is a champion pool player and so is Sharon's husband, Louis. Vickie showed pictures of a tournament they were in together recently; she knows Louis well. 

We discussed Diane's puzzlement about something surrounding her recent seizure and I wonder if a certain medical professional who might read this can answer it. In a nutshell, here's the situation: My friend, Diane, suffered what was first thought to be a stroke, then was determined to be a seizure. Unconscious, she collapsed outside her door and a neighbor called an ambulance. On the way to the hospital, she stopped breathing and the attendant intubated her. She has a DNR directive, but the attendant didn't know that. Now here's the question: Would an EMT, say, not a doctor or R.N., have the authority not to use whatever measures necessary to prevent her death? Of course, in this case, he didn't know about the DNR, but what if she or he had? Would it really be up to a non-professional to decide not to restore her breathing? That seems hard to believe. I usually think of these situations happening after an extended illness, maybe under hospice care, but this was a sudden, unexpected event. What's the answer? Does restoring breathing in those circumstances constitute heroic measures?   

We had an interesting time discussing this dilemma and, of course, other less weighty topics. We are now long-time friends and I know I can rely on them if I ever have a need and I hope and believe they feel the same way about me. 

Friday, October 20, 2023


Met Diane at noon at our usual lunch place by the library. We had a long, long discussion about ideas and beliefs with which we vehemently differ, but are able to stay friendly. I invited her to Connie Korenstein's presentation on Sunday at the library and she was pleased to accept. 

Diane and I will also be going to Fractured Actors' Red in a few weeks. That should be a treat.

Walked home and took a short nap, then went to Von's for milk. Suzanne and I will go to WinCo after T.O.P.S. today, then I want to send my Halloween cards to the kiddies in Asia. Speaking of--I received this yesterday from the trio in Tokyo--my daughter-in-law is so imaginative and creative:

I love the funny idea of having Mr. Pumpkin pretend to be Santa. Too bad I can't show my grandson, Mr. K's, handsome face. I also--under previous duress--obliterated the signatures.

Thursday, October 19, 2023


Good phone talks yesterday.  I called my old pal, Nancy, and we had one of our heart-to-hearts. It's been months since we talked--Nancy has several health issues and doesn't get out much--so we needed to catch up. Brother Larry called on his way to the dentist, and we had an enjoyable conversation. Bev, from T.O.P.S., texted, then called to say she won't be at the meeting tomorrow. Her husband is suffering from dizziness and is getting a series of tests to try to determine why. My T.O.P.S. colleagues often contact me if they aren't going to be at the meeting, as if I'm some kind of quasi-attendance taker. No only do I not mind, it actually tickles me, so I dutifully report the absentees. 

After breakfast, I walked to the P.O. to send off a little Halloween shirt to grandson K., in Japan. I had bought it at Wal-Mart for six bucks and when I was told the postage would be $18,95, I just couldn't do it. Will donate it and send the little sweetie pie a card.

Made snickerdoodles for the pot luck. I was annoyed at the recipe, which had me make them too large, so they spread more than they should. However, they taste delish, of course, so I knew no one would care.  

Jim picked me up at 5:45 and off we went to Dudley House. The regulars were there, of course, with a few I didn't know, but it seemed to be a depleted group from the days before COVID. We sat with Karen Dudley, the great-great niece of Benjamin Dudley, the patriarch; her father, who died recently and whom I met several years ago, was his great-nephew. 

Karen, who I guessed is in her middle fifties, was very pleasant, intelligent and friendly, and fun to get to know. She had been a fourth-grade teacher before she and her husband became missionaries (Bible types) in Bulgaria and other parts of Europe. She then inherited her father's ranch up in the hills, and now they work that. She introduced the short video of Suz Montgomery (whom I had known*) interviewing her father. It turned out to be pretty interesting, but the evening itself seemed a little less festive than it used to. For one thing, there was a preponderance of bought items on the buffet tables, both entree and dessert. That was kind of depressing--who the hell wants Kentucky Fried Chicken as opposed to an old-family-recipe casserole (well, plenty of people, maybe). Also, and heaven forfend, there was only one bottle of red (which Jim, Karen, and I polished off) and no whites at all! Darn. 

Lynn signed me up to work at the Christmas boutique and Diana gave me the contact info for my pal, Vera, to contact so she can be a vendor at the outside part. That starts the Sunday after Thanksgiving and should be fun. The cookies were enjoyed and I gave Jim some to take home. Also reserved some for Suzanne and Vickie; Suzanne is having us over for one of our social sessions tomorrow. 

Earlier, I lifted this colorized picture from Keith Williams' Facebook page and did a jigsaw of it. It's from a 1906 glass negative photo and, for some reason, I'm intrigued by this elegant lady. Who is she and where was this taken and was she as secure and aloof and elegant as she looks here? And what was the dog's name?   

*Suz had headed up the Agency on Aging and I had been chair of one of her committees when I first moved to Ventura. She died three or four years ago after a long, long journey through the world of cancer.  

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Walked the footbridge to meet Bernice at the Hill Street Cafe at noon. Yoicks, what an experience! We had no sooner sat down then she launched into a fifteen-minute recitation about her childhood--geez, I felt like Freud's cohort. I'm sure not going to repeat it all here, but the salient points were:

1. Mum born in the U.K., she thought all Americans were rich, meets father there during WWII, as he was in military; they decide to marry, make plans for her to cross over and he'll meet her;

2. Except he doesn't: She's all alone and turns to the Red Cross. They find him and they reconcile, marry, and move to the poorest place in Arkansas; Bernice is born and four more rapidly follow; they have their fifth on Mum's thirtieth birthday; all seven live in a two-room house without indoor plumbing; Mum is a mean, evil person and remains so until she dies;

3. Bernice is teased and tormented in elementary school because she's so small and thin; they move to Santa Paula, California, where she becomes very popular in high school because she lives next door to the handsome boys, plus her brother is a hottie;

4. Meets her future husband, they marry, they have two daughters, he's abusive and also a pedofile and they divorce; she has a gentleman friend, they decide live together, but he develops erectile dysfunction, and they part;

5. And all that was before we even ordered!

During lunch, I heard that her two daughters and their families (in Ventura and Florida) won't visit her or have her come to their places, even on birthdays, and she has no idea why.  

After we ate, Bernice took me to see her house, which she hastened to tell me is completely paid for and she also owns outright, a rental property. The place is huge and why a single woman would ever want to live in a place like that I can't imagine--five bedrooms, four and a half baths, two living rooms, several other rooms. Also, it filled with all kinds of dated furniture--and not the interesting kind--plus pictures and objects that all seem not to have been dusted since 1988, when she moved there. Bernice said she has a thing for fireflies and this struck my eye:                                               

Well, there was much, much more to her saga, but I don't want to recount it here--in fact, I don't even want to think about it. 

She dropped me off about 2:30 and I hard-boiled some eggs, prepared the nice butternut squash I had bought the other day, and assembled the ingredients for the cookies I'll make for the pot luck tonight. I was waiting for Ellen and got concerned when she wasn't here by 6:00. Called and discovered she had told me next Tuesday, the 24th, not yesterday. However, there's no rush, in fact, it's probably better, as I'll have more time to assemble the crapola I want to donate. I do have an audiologist appointment that day--think I'll try to change it.

Wonder of wonders, Carolyn Bowman called in response to my "happy birthday" call on Monday (she was 62). We had a long talk--she's kooky as ever, but I have a fondness for her.  Unfortunately, she now suffers from eczema, but she said it's abating.                                                      

Dudley House dinner tonight.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Did a bunch more clearing out and putting together for GoodWill. Finally got (on the phone) to BMO Bank and convinced them they owe me $55, so they'll send me a check. Had a small problem with my printer and remedied that. 

Called Muckie and we had one of our marathon conversations--this time almost two hours. How I enjoy talking to her and how much I hope to be able to do so for--well, however long it may be. She talked about how her SEVENTIETH class reunion (HSHS 1953) is coming up; Those left--and the group is dwindling--are looking for Geraldine Ferrari; it seems nobody has heard from her for some time.

I couldn't decide what to bring to the Dudley House potluck tomorrow; wanted something not too complicated or too hard to transport.  I was tempted to make a pie, but finally opted for snickerdoodles. Everybody likes them and after, I'll insist that Jim bring the leftovers home, so I won't be tempted. Looked over my baking supplies and found I had no cream of tarter and was low on sugar, so went over to Von's to get them.

Spent time watching more of the Dugger show. Bizarre? You bet. 

My nephew, Jim, who's medical director of three hospitals in northern California, texted me to ask if my brother, Jim, had flown a plane for the CIA. What? No. He then sent me a podcast actually created by the CIA. Why would anyone want to listen to that? And why was he? Hmm...think I'll look into this further.

Bused to the B & N Shopping Center for the Soaring Spirits dinner. On the way, my  cousin, Sally, from San Diego, called and we talked for half an hour or so. Went to Stone Fire Grille and, as ever, enjoyed being with this group. Vera and I had a good, heart-to-heart about various family matters; she's one of my favorite people and I'm so glad to know her. As ever, she drove me home and I was in by 7:30.

Lunch with Bernice today.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Sunday In Guadalajara

 A fairly slow day, but that's all right once in a while. Didn't sleep very well, but napped for an hour later in the day. I have a pretty busy week coming, so decided not to go into town. After breakfast and the crossword (fair to middlin'), I decided to go to the farmers market at the college.

I'm glad I went because it was something new and different and I enjoyed it--it was crowded, but not uncomfortably so. I was taken aback to see a large portion of it was not produce, but all kinds of vendored crapola, from pots and pans to clothing to toys to you name it. Surprisingly, the usual familiar produce--broccoli, squash, spinach, string beans--was nowhere in evidence. What there was, was Latina, some of which I didn't recognize. I enjoyed asking the farmers and shoppers what some of them were and they seemed to enjoy filling in this ignorant gringo

Actually, I saw almost no non-Mexican people and heard Spanish spoken almost exclusively. This pleased me, for some reason, maybe because it was a new experience, which I always enjoy. (I felt as if I were in Guadalajara or something--!Vaya!)  I did, however, get tomatoes and some good citrus--this is California, after all, reducing this pile by two:

I had brought my lunch and sat down at one of the tables set up for that purpose. They had red and white checked oilcloths on them and many others were eating there, too. Ate, then sat for a bit, watching the passing crowd and the little children with their dark eyes. 

Bused home and cooked up the broccoli I had gotten at Trader Joe's and the spinach from Von's; I always like to have veggies ready to heat and eat. Spent spent time on gathering things for GoodWill tomorrow, when Ellen takes me to drop them off. That includes a lot of glassware and some clothing and there's plenty more to go.

Speaking of El: After our conversation on religion the other day, she e-mailed me with a link to a documentary on the Dugger family and I'm watching it. I remember them well and knew  of their extreme conservative beliefs, but hadn't known of the basis for it. Have seen two episodes, will comment more later.   

Dinner at Stone Fire Grille with Soaring Spirits tonight. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Saturday And The Sun Thing

Dealt with BMO Bank in the morning, pursuing the $55.00 they owe me. I'll go back to the fray tomorrow.  I'm having a problem with my (new as of May) printer, too. Will also defer and call Canon tomorrow.

Packed my lunch and walked to Wal-Mart for facial scrub, shoe laces, and coffee. While there, I saw an adorable little tee shirt--orange, with a "Boo" motif--and had to get it for my Tokyo ten-year-old. It's an adult size, but now I'm not so sure it will fit--he's growing  by leaps and bounds, but I'll send it.

After Wal-Mart, it was next door to Trader Joe's for two of their great grapefruits (try saying that three times fast). Also got a nice butternut squash; I think Joe's has the best produce around.

Went from there across the street to the tables and benches surrounding the big fountain to have lunch. I had called Ellen earlier and she called me back. We proceeded to talk for, I think, an hour and a half and covered a lot of ground, including Catholicism, new agey topics, and the fact that she's harboring a cold-blooded killer. (No, not Greg--Gwennie!) I asked if she'd take me to GoodWill to drop off some donations. I often go myself with my cart, but I can't carry much at one time and I really want to get rid of some things. She said she'd come after work on Tuesday and pick me up about six. That's the day I'm meeting Bernice at Hill Street Cafe that day, but that's for lunch, so I'll be home after. 

I was pleased when Mike video-messaged me last night and doubly pleased to chat with Violet, too, before she went off to meet a friend. She's now on a two-week "fall break." It's remarkable how much time they get off: It's three weeks for Christmas and there's some other hiatus, as well. As Mike mentioned, it would make more sense to have shorter breaks and get out for the summer sooner. However, since it's an international school (I can't remember exactly how many, but more than a hundred nationalities are represented), I guess people want to go back to wherever at times.

Ellen took the following "moon shadow" pictures from yesterday's eclipse which, incidentally, I totally missed. Since I don't watch what passes for news on T.V., I didn't even know it had occurred. It was probably in the Ventura Star, also, but I  missed that, too.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Friday And The ChannelAire Chorus

Weight report: Stayed the same at 129 at home, which was fine, and was at 128.2 at T.O.P.S., for a loss of 1.07, even better. Meeting was reasonably short, as leader Lennie had to go somewhere. Home by 10:00, breakfast, putzed around, then showered, washed my hair, and dressed for the Townehouse.

I bused there and was early, but Diane was already there. She was talking with a resident named Jackie, who proved to be interesting, if somewhat of a "look at me, see how great I am" type. She's the music director of the "ChannelAire Chorus," and gave each of us her card: 


It seems odd, to say the least, that her name isn't on it. I'm not quite sure what the outfit is all about, but clearly, they hire themselves out. Looked up their website and saw no mention of Jackie, but did on their Facebook page; she's third from left, looking considerably more glamourous than she did yesterday: 

Jackie tried to persuade both of us to join the chorus--geez, if she ever heard me sing, she'd rue the day. She's a recent resident of The Townehouse--moved in just a month ago after fifty years in Ojai. She lives in one of the cottages on the back expanse, which means she must have big bucks. Said she hasn't eaten in the dining room, yet, but prefers to make her own. That also seems odd--you'd think she'd want to meet others and mingle, considering her talky-talky, but no. We three went into the large gathering room, sat down at a table, and were served wine and hors d'oeuvres. The entertainer was an older guy who sang a medley of mostly Beatles songs--very enjoyable. 

After, we started talking to a woman whose husband had died just three weeks ago. I actually remember seeing his obituary in the Ventura Star, as he was the harbor master at nearby Port Hueneme. Diane and I then repaired to the pleasant, treed patio where we ate what we had brought ourselves--rather, Diane did, but I was so stuffed, I just had the beer I had brought. We sat and talked for more than an hour, Diane into one of her supernatural lectures. She keeps insisting I don't subscribe to her other-worldly ideas because I haven't researched it enough. Nope, don't think so. Access Van picked us up at 5:30 and off we went.

Diane wants us to go again next Friday, but I'm not enthusiastic about it. I like the place and as I've repeated several times to my children and others, if I ever move to a facility like that, The Townehouse is where I'd want to go (although I find that stupid added "e" hard to forgive 😬). However, I don't really want to go as a regular thing, so I told Diane I thought I had something on the agenda. Actually, I don't, but I'll try to arrange to do that.

Note: My friend, Pat, mentioned my careless proofreading of this blog and I plead guilty. Will be more conscientious in the future.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Thursday And Virtuous Mimi

I'm so goody-goody: Aside from a quick trip to Von's, I stayed in all day and got done what needed to be done: 

a. Printed out my Blue Shield of California brochure. They're leaving California and I'll take it to the info meetings on other insurance at the Black Bear Diner on the 28th. Made a reservation; 

b. Revised my business cards ("Acting for Amateurs") changing the wording to add Fractured Actors info.; ordered new from Vista Print. I must say, they're one of the most courteous, helpful, and knowledgeable of all the outfits I deal with ("with which I deal," that is--HA!). Here's the old one, front and back: 

I also changed the picture, figuring it was about time:
Of course, this is the one with the wrinkles smoothed out by Photo Restoration. 

c. Gathered a lot of the T.O.P.S./weight loss material, including my original program quiz and program material, most of which I had printed out. Called Noreen to see if she wants it. She does and she'll call me back to arrange for lunch; 

d. Called Primary Medical for an appointment with the endocrinologist only to find I already have one for January;

e.  Went back and forth between Bank of America and SO-FI Bank to set up a transfer system between the two. I have most of my income automatically depositing at BOA, but I opened a smallish account at the other and want to be able to move funds, as needed:

f. Arranged with Diane for our excursion today to the wine and music affair at The Townehouse. I'll bus there, she'll take the Access Van, and we'll both take it home. She suggested we bring dinner and eat on the grounds after the hour-long gathering. Great idea, so that's what we'll do. 

g. Bernice, my new friend from BCNN, called to see if I could go to lunch (is the pope...? does a bear...?) and we'll go on Tuesday to Hill Street Cafe. Good, I want to get to know her better.*

h. Went over to Von's for spinach and cauliflower. Just have a hankerin' for scrambled eggs with veggies, so will make that for dinner tonight or tomorrow;

i. Dusted and otherwise titled up the bedroom--not really a deep clean, but it's an improvement.


As for late afternoon, I spent it in L.A.--with Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, and Chinatown. Watching any kind a media in the daytime is the height of decadence, it seems to me (oh, get off your high horse, Mimi!), but this is one of my favorite movies of all time and I greatly enjoyed it. It's included in my large collection of DVDs (I know that's old-hat technology) and the fact that this June will mark its  FIFTIETH year is simply mind-boggling. But yes: It was released on June 20, 1974, the day before my sixteenth wedding anniversary. 

*Hmm... next week is shaping up, lunch-wise. Besides Bernice on Tuesday, I have Soaring Spirits and dinner on Monday, and the Dudley House Covered Dish with Jim on Wednesday. 

Note to myself: I somehow overpaid SCE and have a credit balance of $24.33--big whoops, as we kids used to say.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


Kind of a fiasco day, with snafus and changes of plans. Early on, I decided I'd go to Santa Barbara to see. It's been months since I did and, although I didn't actually want to see her, I felt I should want to. This time, I took my cart. Walked to the bus stop, knowing I had to be at the transit center at 9:43 for the SB bus, sat down, and took out my phone to check the local bus arrival time. Reached in for my glasses--wait a minute, where're my glasses?--and found I didn't have them. I rushed home, thinking I'd get one of my dozens of pairs, then realized I hd missed the earlier bus and would have to wait for the next at 12:50 and I didn't want to go that late. I decided I'd go to Ojai, instead, take my lunch, eat at the park there, and see if Greg was working. 

Made and packed my lunch and, as I was walking past Vickie's, she came out to her car. She was passing the transit center, so dropped me off there and we had a pleasant conversation on the way. Got on the 16 bus and a few stops later, a man with a very large push-vehicle got on. There wasn't room for both of us in the reserved area at the front and he seemed needy, so I said I'd get off and take the next bus. Once I did so, I realized the next bus was the 6, which doesn't go to Ojai and the next one that did wouldn't be coming for an hour. 

Okay, another change of plans: I scratched Ojai and went to my across-from-the-mission lunch spot and ate there. Wandered around Main Street stores for a bit, but didn't buy anything and took the 6 home. I was a bit concerned because besides experiencing another visual migraine, I got another headache. I took a pain killer, then napped for an hour. Felt better when I got up. I'm chalking that up to tension or something--I've been somewhat concerned about various things lately.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


I spent an ridiculous amount on the phone with Bank of Annoying in the morning and the issue isn't resolved yet. Made an appointment with the audiologist for October 24th. Did a color wash and a few other mundane chores. Went to Von's to find they're--again--out of the Squirt grapefruit zero sugar soda I like. 

Had lunch, then did something unusual for me: I had a small glass of cream sherry while I played some games (Block Champ and Scramble) on the laptop. That made me sleepy, so I lay down and took a nap.

Up and at 'em by 3:30 and, late for me, I took my cart and bused to town. Took two books back to the library and got two out: A new bio of Jackie Kennedy, which concentrates on her early career as a camera person reporter and a Jonathan Kellerman. Stopped at Goodwill and got some decorative boxes I want to use for storing things in plain sight. 

Didn't get home until after 6:00 or have dinner (salmon and broccoli) until 7:00, late for me, but it was a pretty good day. 

The following picture showed up on Facebook and I find it haunting. It shows the Traymore Hotel in 1920 on a dark and troubled day. Portent of things to come?  

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Monday, I woke up with a headache, incredibly enough. I honestly can't remember the last time I had a headache, but I know it was years ago; it may even have been when I live lived in Jersey. Of course, ever the alarmist, I thought it was a brain tumor, but no, I took some pain medication and it went away. 

I had ordered and paid for a anagram puzzle book from Penny Dell Press on October 2, and it hadn't come yet.  I called, was told it was mailed on Wednesday, the fourth, but would arrive for 4 to 6 weeks!  Un. Friggin'. Believable. Responded in the positive to BCNN dinner on the 26th. It's at Orozco's in town, a pretty pricey one, but that's fine by me. Cleaned up the patio and put the new bird feed out. However, when I got home, I saw the little rascals had spread some around, but not off the tray and not nearly as much as they had with the cheap stuff. 

Took my cart and walked over the footbridge. While waiting for the 11 bus, I passed a young woman putting up posters on Telephone Road. I asked about it and we fell into conversation. She told me she's in a contest to be named the Face of Horror--some theatrical thing. Her name is Ashley Van Kalsbeek and I told her I'd vote for her, which I did (you can vote every day). I scanned the info and this is her on the page; 

From there, I proceeded to Grocery Outlook and the shop next door. I wanted to get the IPA Diane had brought me the other day; found it and was amazed it was only five bucks for a six pack. At Stone Fire Grille, it's five for just one can and some other restaurants charge even more. I almost made a horrible mistake and first picked up non-alcoholic beer--AAGH!  Why would anyone want to drink it? Found my error in time and exchanged it. 

Had to add this apartment building in Singapore. Mike said Vivian has been there, as one of her friends lives in the place. Wonderfully fanciful and creative or pure crap? I can't decide. 

Stopped on the way home at the Hill Street Library. I'm reading two non-fiction books and I just felt like something that didn't require me to think. Sat and read for a hour, then took out Under The Midnight Sun.  An international best seller, it was translated from the Japanese and came out seven years ago. I'm deep into its 554 pages and find it riveting.  

To top off a good day, Ellen called on her way home. Her and Greg company from Germany left Friday and we exalted over the fact that when they come next year (she's already invited them), she'll be retired, so able to hang out more--YAY! 

Monday, October 09, 2023


The Sunday Crossword was very enjoyable, since Frank (Longo, the author) seems to have abandoned his uninteresting and obscure references. I don't mean I prefer it to be easier, just more straightforward. Anyway, I got all but one. Changed the bed, re-made, and did a bleach wash, so followed my customary Sunday routine. The rest is, taking my once-a-week "bone pill," Alendronate Sodium, and shutting down my laptop. A creature of habit? You bet.

Virtuous me, after breakfast, I dry- and wet-mopped the hard floors and washed the bathroom rugs. Annoyingly, they didn't dry in the dryer, so I spread them outside on the patio chairs. As of last night, they were still damp, so I won't bring them in until later. 

Chirp Corner:  For the past six months or so, I've been feeding the birds. I put a plate of bird food and a bowl of water out for them and I do attract some. However, I've been annoyed to find they're eating only a certain kind of seed  and scattering the the bulk of it around. The result is a messy patio, even with the containers on a rubber tray; I had already swept up more:


I decided to put a stop to their nefarious doings and after breakfast, took my cart, walked to Telephone Road, then bused to Donlon Street, where Wild Birds Unlimited is located. A lovely young woman, Sonya, the manager, revealed the reason for my dilemma: I had bought inexpensive bird food at Von's and the manufacturer adds a lot of filler which the birds won't eat! Why, the dirty dogs! It's scum-of-the-earth capitalism, pure and simple! How dare they!  And so on...

Anyway, to my amazement, the young woman presented me with a bird life magazine:

                                                 AND, a two-pound bag of good bird food...

...incredibly, both free of charge! 
You can be absolutely sure I'll go back there to get my bird food--and all of my other bird needs (if I every have any). BTW, the owner spoke at our BCNN meeting a few months ago--loved his info on birds in the area.

Target is in the same shopping center, so I stopped there to get more grapefruit and a few other things. Bused to the mall and also stopped at the Target there and, then to Von's for low-calorie ice pops. Walking through the middle on the way to my place, I saw Lorraine, my neighbor, who often sits under the sun shades in that pleasant area. We chatted for twenty or so, then I went on my way.

Drano-ed the bathtub and otherwise busied myself with this and that. Showered, then settled down to watch the next episode of Suits

Sunday, October 08, 2023


I spent the morning fighting with Amazon about an erroneous charge of $39.67 that appeared on-line on my debit account. I think I won.

Walked over the footbridge to Diane's and my lunch place behind the library. We each brought our lunches, of course, and she provided the beer. She wanted my opinion on it--good, I said, although I prefer a citrus IPA. We proceeded to talk and talk and talk, until 3:30, in fact, when we said goodbye. I then walked the mile and a half to Wal-Mart for Drano, dryer balls, and a few other things. From there,I visited Trader Joe's and got two of their big grapefruits, plus a huge apple. I'm getting more and more enamoured with Trader Joe's--I fine their produce vastly superior to Von's and, in many cases, their prices are on a par or even lower. 

After dinner, I was pleased to get a Message video call from Mike. He had been cycling around the reservoir, a lovely wooded area with a broad walking and bike path around it. He also mentioned the monkeys that inhabit the area and actually had some bananas with him. AAGH--I just saw a piece about a woman who had her face torn off by a pet monkey!  🙊

For dinner, I finally finished the spaghetti squash and the barley. Boiled up most of the rest of the chicken liver, but still have enough for one meal. That means I've had the same thing three nights in a row, but that's okay once in a while.  


Show-Bizzy Note:  I looked up Harvey's partner, Nancee Borgnine (I'm not sure if she's his life partner or just business partner, but they're the "sales and marketing team.") I added what's on the site that references her:

--Though having worked in senior living previously and now being given the opportunity to be a part of the team at the Townehouse, Nancee’s early career was a bit different from most. She grew up in the entertainment industry as the daughter of Academy Award-winning actor, Ernest Borgnine. Initially, she followed the family business and became a theatrical agent, film producer, and PR/marketing executive for a gifting suites company that catered to the various awards shows.--

Saturday, October 07, 2023


Weight? Not great. I went to 129 at home, for a gain of 1.2 and to 129.9 at T.O.P.S. for the same gain. I'm sure that had nothing to do with the fact that I've eaten out the entire week and today will be no exception: I'm meeting Diane in back of the library. Of course, we'll bring our own, so I can curtail the calories (but the question is, will I?). 

After, I ran into Vickie on the way to my building and she invited me in for a bit. We chatted--mostly about her new mattress, which she had to return not once, but twice, for defects, although she paid fifteen hundred for it. At noon, Suzanne and I went off the Cafe Nouveau and where has that been all my life?

We sat outside, but not in just an ordinary patio. This was beautifully treed, so was nicely shaded on the hot, hot day and lattice work made tables and eating areas semi-private. The food? Superb. I had a turkey other things sandwich, but on a delicious semi-soft roll, plus an excellent IPA called Raging Bitch from the Flying Dog Brewery in Maryland. Oh, mama, so good. Of course, the cost was what one used to pay for dinner, but that's gotten to be a given--thirty bucks in my case.

Home after and I took a short nap, as I hadn't slept well. After that, I didn't do a lot else, aside was sweep the patio and clean up the kitchen a bit. In truth, I felt a little down most of the day; not sure why.

I got a text from Lisa, my fellow cast member in the last show. She asked if I'd like to go to Red (see info following). I had already intended  to and suggested we see if others in our play, After All This Time, might want to get up a group and go together.   

Fractured Actors is presenting the play, Red, in November, which features one of my favorites, Ben Wilson, the full-figure on the left. I've appeared on stage with him three times, first playing his grandmother-in-law in Welcome Home four years ago. Incidentally, the play has nothing to do with Communism, Russia, or anything else political, according to Wikipedia--title may be misleading. 

Actually, it seems to have to do with an artist who--I don't know, likes the color red or something. Can't wait to see it and be back with my tribe!

Friday, October 06, 2023

Thursday And It's A Long One

Jim called about 8:00 to ask if we'd see the The Townehouse apartment before or after lunch. I had no idea, but figured probably after. Why did he want to know? Because he was about to have breakfast and he wasn't sure how much to eat. Ok-k-a-ay... I asked if he had yet heard from the Agency on Aging to set up the assessment. No, he hadn't and I had called three weeks ago. That prompted me to call and give them the info all over again. I also got in touch with an outfit called "Helping Hands Senior Foundation," which I may or may not share with Jim. I called and was told it's a non-profit organization, but I have my doubts.

Was picked up by my escort (!) at 11:45 and off we went to The Townehouse. We were greeted by Harvey, the operations director (actually, he's probably the sales director) and he mentioned he had met me in June when Diane and I went to The Poseidon Adventure movie and buffet. Later, he also mentioned that his partner, Nancy, works there, too (I don't know in what capacity),  AND that she's Earnest Borgnine's daughter--wow! 

I was surprised when a woman came up and said she remembered me from my June visit. As soon as she said her name--Maxine--I remembered her. I liked her, we seemed compatible, and I may look her up one of these days. 

Others greeted us, too, including several at the main desk, the dining room manager, and the chef. We were seated in the dining room, given menus, and looked over the extensive choices. I decided on a macaroni, ham, and cheese casserole (which came with slices of fresh pineapple), seasoned (cooked) carrots, and something else I can't remember. Got a diet coke to go with it, as they don't serve wine or beer until after 4:00. (I wonder if that's standard in independent living places?) 

The dining room is very attractive: spacious, inclosed by glass panels that look out over a lovely wooded area, and with a patio (it was very warm, so we opted for inside) and probably the nicest I've seen. After, we were shown the studio apartment and the one-bedroom. They also have two bedrooms, large tower suites, and cottages behind on the extensive property where my friend, Joe Rocco, lived. (He died last year.)

Before we left, Jim wanted to look over the library, which we did. Got home about 2:00 and immediately did something radical: I went to the pool. Went in, then sat and read for a bit. Two guys came in, but they were the only other ones there:

I've always liked this view of the hills from the pool.
Home, I showered, dressed, put in a load of whites, then went next door to Suzanne's, as she had asked me to tell her Jim's reaction to The Townehouse. We talked and she asked if I wanted to go to lunch today to Cafe Nouveau. I accepted on the spot, as I had never been here and do I ever turn down an invitation? Since I'm meeting Diane for lunch in back of the library tomorrow, that means every day this week so far, I'll have gone out for lunch. Geez, guess I'd better fill in Sunday. 😂

As I was going back from getting the  mail, a young woman was getting out of her car with an adorable baby in her arms. We said hello and I admired the four-month-old. After introductions (she's Gabby, baby is Elias), she told me she had moved into the apartment next to me. How nice--I love the idea of a baby next door.

Okay, I've left until now commenting on the reason I was at The Townehouse in the first place: Jim.  I'm afraid he has deteriorated greatly in the last year or so. Reading the menu in the dining room, he was confused as to what--or how much--he could order. I told him he could have five entrees and fourteen appetizers if he wanted--it isn't a restaurant where you pay for everything, we were guests and there was no charge. He questioned practically everything on the menu--"Is that good?," "What's in that?," as if I knew. When Harvey showed us the apartments and amenities, Jim wrote down a lot, even things that made no sense to record, such as the laundry rooms. (They have three on the second, fourth, and sixth floors, with four large washers and dryers in each. There's no charge for residents. Of course, they can also pay extra to have their laundry done for them.)

I think The Townehouse is probably very much like other independent/assisted living facilities in the country; certainly is similar to the ones I've been in. I do think it would be ideal for Jim, but I'm almost sure he can't afford even the studio. Of course, I don't know what his yearly income is, but then, neither does he.     

Lots, lots more to say about the day, especially concerning Jim, but it's 8:00 on Thursday night and I'm tired. Later: Now it's 4:30 am on Friday and I don't want to elaborate further, except to say Jim definitely shouldn't be living alone. I'm going to continue following up on the Agency for Aging. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...