Sunday, July 16, 2023


After breakfast, I spent most of the morning making a birthday card for Vickie: wrote a little verse, decorated a blank card, and enclosed a tiny metal angel.

Ken picked me up at 12:30, his usual horrendously early time for rehearsal, so we sat around for a half hour before others arrived. That meant he had time to hold forth, without stopping, on a narrow range of topics: his ideas, his beliefs, his this, his that; of course, he never asks about my ideas or beliefs. He also tried to interest me in attending a church service--which he assured me wasn't a church service--today. I declined, but not in an offensive manner. He gave me a copy of the Santa Paula free paper, in which he was depicted singing in the Half Notes Band for the fourth of July. Ken is on the far right:

Thank Dionysus,* Karyn had us go on first. I added a few subtleties and she liked them a lot, plus she modified our blocking slightly. We stayed to watch another scene, with Emma (below, middle), who was in Welcome Home three years ago with me. She's the understudy and frankly, I think she's far superior to the person who's actually doing the role. 
I talked to Anthony, who told me the picture I posted yesterday shows him in a commercial coming up. Unfortunately, I don't remember what product it was for.  

After, I was kind of at loose ends, as I had expected to be out until after 4:00, so I decided to walk to the park over the footbridge and stop at the little lending library. However, after I started off, I realized it might be such a hot idea--"hot" being the operative word here, because it was pretty hot, all right. I deviated from the plan and, instead, walked several blocks, then back--probably got a mile in. 

While I was doing this, Nancy called.  I had completely forgotten it was her birthday (she's my junior by 17 months) and was glad to hear her son, Richard, had taken her out for lunch and given her several presents. She may needs extensive dental work, as I did two years ago, and she asked me for an idea of the cost.

Home, I did something I never thought I'd do: I went into a dating site and actually send a message to three men indicating interest. I have no desire for any kind of romantic relationship, but would like a friendship with a reasonably sound, mentally and emotionally, man. However, I doubt if anything will come of this, but it was kind of fun to consider.

Rehearsal again today, this time 4:00 to 7:00. 

* God of theatre


iloveac said...

I believe there are many men of a certain age who would love to have a meaningful relationship. I also doubt they'd go on a dating site, but heck, maybe one will be secure enough in himself to do it. Let's see. Hope I'm wrong in my belief.

iloveac said...

Too many Rose + in my life...I know you are RoseMary as was my Mother.

Mimi said...

Pat, Ellen actually met Greg on a dating site and they've been together for seven years. The site I was on is for seniors and you put in the age bracket in which you're interested; I put in 73 to 90. As I mentioned, I have NO INTEREST in a romantic--or physical--relationship, but I would like to know a man as a friend. Yes, Jim and I are friends, but he's so damaged, I really don't get much out of it except compassion for him. I like to try new things and make new friends; I may or may not get anything out of this, but figure I might as well give it a shot.

iloveac said...

Makes good sense to me. Jack often mentions how much he misses the many talks he had with his wife. As long as they know upfront that's what you want I believe it'll work. Of course, there are many boring men out there just as there were when we were 30 but many have matured enough to enjoy female communication.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...