Thursday, December 15, 2022

Went Wild On Wednesday

Okay, not wild, but I went and went pretty much all day. At 9:00, it was WinCo with Suzanne; I was so glad to get most of what I needed, especially whiskey and heavy cream for the Irish Crème. Also got spinach, an acorn squash, and cauliflower, as well as a number of other groceries, i.e., crackers and cheese and other nibbles for Sunday. 

Home, I immediately started on the Irish Crème. I made one recipe and was chagrinned to see it only filled the second carafe halfway. Luckily, I had enough ingredients for another batch, so I was so I was able to fill it and have some left over.* 

By that time, it was noon, so I packed my lunch and walked to the bank with the checks that son, Mike and daughter-in-law, Paula had received at my address. The complication was that Paula uses her maiden name for professional reasons and her check was made out that way, but was was to be deposited into his bank account. I took a chance and forged both their names and was amazed the teller didn't ask for identification; he simply allowed it. (Geez, I could have put them in my account or used them for a little trip to Cancun--or whatever.)

Went from there to Wal-Mart to get some Christmas cards. I toyed with the idea of making my own, but probably won't get around to it. I had intended to eat in the small park on Victoria, but was due home by 2:30, as Suzanne had invited me to view the "Christmas cans" downtown. (These are stacked by Food Share in the shape of trees and are then donated.) I bused home and just had my lunch in the middle of our complex.

Suzanne and I drove to town, but the display wasn't there. I looked it up and we found it had only be exhibited on December 3 and 4, then dismantled. We then decided to drive the harbor and this was more interesting anyway. We walked next to the water, then stopped at Top This Chocolate, as Suzanne wanted to get some hot chocolate. She offered to treat, but I declined--too many calories. However, the shop is wonderful and, for grandson, Joel's forty-first birthday next month, I'll get his name in chocolate--what a neat idea! (I plan to send him a gift certificate for The Flying Pig, also.) 

We got home about 4:30 and I prepared my cauliflower for dinner. This is a yummy way to fix it: trim, then blanch it in boiling water for four minutes, then spread it with a mix of 1/4 cup each mayonnaise and parmesan cheese, sprinkle with a little garlic powder and pepper, then roast at 375 for twenty minutes. It's so good I have to restrain myself from eating the whole thing at once.

(This blog continues to trip me up! I used to be able to choose the text to be either to the left or centered, but now, after I post a picture, it no longer come up with text location; just centers itself and that's it.) 

* Note to myself: This size whiskey is exactly enough to make two batches of Irish Crème (2 1/2 cups):


iloveac said...

Do you use pasteurized eggs for your delicious drink? I'm always concerned about Salmonella with raw eggs.

Mimi said...

No, Pat, I just buy regular eggs. I've been making Irish crème for years and never had a problem.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...