Sunday, August 21, 2022


After breakfast, I actually was able to take a short nap. Since I'm getting home and to bed so late, it was good to be able to do that. Went over to Von's and on my way, another resident stopped me to exclaim over my mobility--or something. She asked me my age, I told her, and she went into raptures over my--my what? My ability to walk and chew gum at the same time? Not being addled out of my head?  Because I'm not yet in the grave? I don't know, but this happens more often than I like and it drives me crazy!  I hate being set apart because I'm of a certain age. 

With that said (well, I didn't say it to her; she meant well), we then chatted. Her name is Frieda, she's 56, and is Filipino. Actually, she turned out to be pretty nice; she's been to Singapore, and noted how beautiful it is. I like to know a variety of people, so--after the initial annoyance--enjoyed talking to her.

Got a few staples at Von's, including lunch meat because I think I'll ask Jim over for lunch one day this week.  Put red beans, chicken broth, and spinach in the slow cooker, then julienned an onion and added that with garlic and seasonings. Got to The Place early, as usual, and chatted with Ken, who was even earlier, as usual. Soon, Jeff and others came in and we settled into our routine. 

The show was yet another smash hit; the audience was great and afterward, when we mingled,  I was approached by a woman whose face I knew only vaguely. She gave me a big hug, introduced her husband, and said how much they had enjoyed the show. I hugged her back and tried not to show I was thinking, "Who the hell are you?" Luckily, as we chatted, it dawned on me: She was Joan Something, whom I had met at the BCNN lunch on Wednesday. 

Two of the young women in our wonderful cast, Maggie and Emma, wore (not for the show, but just as everyday wear) outfits that wowed everybody:

Emma, a darling girl, is one of the terrestrials in IGM, the play in which I'm another.

Maggie (her real name, incredibly, is Magnolia) is from a Mormon family, but has since removed herself from the religion. She is twenty years old--imagine being twenty again!

Business Note: I got an email from Bianca, the "community manager," asking for the rent payment info for September of 2021, now almost a year ago. These people are driving me nuts.   


iloveac said...

Many people are dead at our ages. Many are immobile. We are fortunate. If everyone around you is aging poorly then you will be amazed to learn how old we are. Living where I do there are so many who are very active...even more than I and they are 85 and up. You and I are beyond the norm. Enjoy every minute of it.

Mimi said...

I mentioned meeting Frieda not to suggest that others my age are dead, aging poorly, or whatever. I meant to convey that when people remark with awe that I'm as actively engaged in life as younger people are--bopping around town, going to lunch, entering contests, and so on--it suggests that my age is my defining factor. It isn't; it's just one part of me, no more important than the fact that I'm female, from Jersey, am a twin, like to write and act, am irreligious, don't like spicy food, and so on and on.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...