Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Had a "cleaning up/getting it done" day, which was long overdue. I seemed to have been consumed by the show for the whole month and put so much off (of course, I tend to be a procrastinator in the best of times) that now, things are urgent. 

Early on, I trekked to The Market and Wal-Mart for items to embellish the wrapping of the carafe of Irish Crème I'm making for Shannon. Home, I tackled the last--I thought!--of the rent/utilities bills SO-FI says I didn't pay, but I know I did. Sent Jasmine an email asking her to confirm that the only thing left in question was a $89.64 utilities charge. No only did I pay that, but I overpaid--long story I won't revisit at this point. Annoyingly, I got a letter from BOA to say they "couldn't find" the checks sent to SO-FI, which I had requested. I called, was put on hold, then call was dropped, called again and finally got told I had earlier requested them from the wrong department--AAGH! I think--I can never be sure--I was finally directed to the right one, but who knows?

Got a email from Sandy from the show--to me, but copied to all the Fractured Actors cast. She asked if I'd send her a copy of my "Heart's Desire" verse, for which I won the Cowboy Poetry Contest. I wrote back suggesting I instead recite it at the cast party on Sunday--and that others in the gang, wonderfully talented as they are, could do their own offerings. Founder and director Jeff and others in the group enthusiastically agreed and that's what we'll do. I certainly have no intention of distributing it to others, let alone sending copies in print. It's under copywrite and I don't want it out there without my permission.

Got a letter from Prime Management at Sunrise Bay to the effect that the garden beds at my house in Little Egg are overgrown and in need of trimming. I'll call friend Susan shortly to see if she'll check and possibly, take pictures. I'll then call CantRememberHisName, the gardener I've had before, and hire him to do it. Finally, I'll email the Susan who actually lives in my house to inform her and Cliff.

I called Noreen and we made a date for lunch today. We'll meet early--11:30--as she has an appointment to pick out her son's headstone. I was concerned when she said she wished she hadn't lived so long; she's thought she would be dead by the time she was 80, but that was seven years ago. I actually asked her if she had any thoughts about taking her own life and she more or less deflected the question.  I'll try to gently draw her out at lunch. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Twenty Again!

I finally got back into being able to post on my blog, but only after all kind of machinations, frustration, and a final ignorance of how I did it, which is infuriating. However, at least I'm in--that's something--but it stressed me out. So did my projected activities: first, my dermatologist appointment in Oxnard and from there, the cast/crew cleanup at the theater. I always get stressed about being late or otherwise not measuring up to what I'm supposed to do--a product of my RC upbringing, no doubt. 

Showered and washed my hair.  Access van picked me up and I got to the dermatology office in Oxnard right on time. I was taken soon after, had the full body scan, and Dr. S. found a number of benign bumps and blemishes, which she zapped with the freezing gun. She said the slight roughness on my nose was pre-cancerous, so zapped that, too. I then had to wait an hour for the van to take me to the theatre, which I did on a bench outside. Called Bobbi to see how her husband and she are (both have had some health "issues," as the cliché goes), then Ellen, who was on her way home from work. 

Most of the cast and crew were there and we were all assigned certain tasks. I carried a lot of the props up to the prop room upstairs and helped out otherwise.  We decided we'd all go to Anthony's next play in a few weeks at the Elite in Oxnard--that should be great fun. Alex took me home on her way to Santa Paula, where she (yes, Alex is a woman) lives and I got in about 7:00.

Heated up a slice of frozen pizza, poured some Mountain Dew, and ended the day with Bob Odenkirk and Better Call Saul. I was just exhausted and went to bed a little after nine. Slept like a stone, a brick, a log, or whatever else, got up at 5:00, it's now a half hour later and feel like twenty again! 

Monday, August 29, 2022


I'm in again--but am just at a loss as to how I got here. I think I'll just keep this open indefinitely. Anyway, here's yesterday (Sunday):

Trekked to The Market after breakfast to get a little gift for Ken. Bought a small cactus plant and a card. Home, I put the cactus in an attractive surround and added a note to the card: "I thought of you when I saw this cactus: tall and little prickly, but in a good way." Home to lunch and shower, then--


and our last was about our best ever. Everybody (as far as I could see and hear) was letter-perfect and the audience was great. It always seems to happen this way: At final performances, everybody has settled comfortably into their roles, problem areas have been fixed, and it seems as if we were just born to be there. It's ironic, then, that we weren't settling into a year-long run or something, but no, it was the last.

Anthony (who plays 2022 to my 2023) asked to have our picture taken together and, if I can ever get back on my blog, I'll post it. Speaking of...I took another picture of darling little, 20-year-old Maggie, who has the greatest wardrobe. This time, she wore a leather jacket with flowers and a dragon. Just so cute and funny:

Okay, as long as I'm putting on pictures, I'll add this one of adorable little Emma and her "baby." (It's actually her long wig--what we used to call a "fall," which she wears on-stage:
Okay, goofy picture time, so I'll add more:
Maggie, Ben, and Amy

Amy, some old lady who wandered in three months early, and Alex

We mingled after until Ken wanted to leave, but we'll see each other again today at 5:00 when we meet to clean up and clear away. I'm sorry it's over, but I'm happily looking to the future--and who know where that'll lead?

Sunday, August 28, 2022


 I think--I think--I got back onto Mimi's Musings. Okay, there's the May entry below (from Here in California), but I'm not even going to try to remove it. Anyhoo, Saturday:

Went to Nails L'Elegance about ten for a pedicure, then to Von's for heavy cream and other ingredient for the Irish whiskey I'll make Shannon, then to the Hallmark store for a birthday card for grandson, Mr. K., the almost nine-year-old in Tokyo. Rushed home, addressed it, and walked to the post office to mail. Mike will be sending his gifts from me--or maybe he already has--and they may not get there in time, but I'll email K.'s dad to explain. 

The play: We had the best audience ever last night! House was sold out and reception was over the top, full of laughs in the right places, and attentive engagement otherwise. After our piece, which comes first,  there was, as ever, a lot of sitting around, strolling around, and aimless chatter, interspersed with running over lines here and there. 

An innovation last night was a little bar set up in the reception room in the front of the building (reception room and theater for the show are at the back entrance).  Good grief, somebody had brought in several bottles of the hard stuff--rye, bourbon, vodka, and ginger beer--plus lemon and lime strips, olives, and a shaker, strainer, and other additions. Erica made up the drinks--I had a Margarita, salt rim and all--and we stood around and talked and laughed and it was so festive. 

Home gruesomely late, which meant I didn't get to bed until after midnight. I can't even remember when I've been up that late before, but I did sleep well and just got up at a bit after six.

Today, at 5:00, we go on for the last time. Boy, it'll be an adjustment.      

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Boy, am I having a problem with Blogger. While trying to get back into Office on Thursday, I must have screwed up something. Anyway, the only thing it let me into was a short-lived "Here in California," which I set up as kind of a sub for Mimi's Musings. Anyway, I hope I'm back.

Jim came over, as I asked, at 11:30 for lunch. We had a pretty good conversation session. Whether he's going to the show or not, I don't know.  He left about 2:00; I hopped in the shower, partly dressed (I take the top of my costume with me), and put a little polish on my nails.We have two more performances to go, then it's curtains.  

Friday, August 26, 2022



I was horrified when I went to open Apache Office,  and found it wouldn't. I spent an hour or more looking up the "community resources" answers as to why.  Couldn't follow the solutions, so I got my cart, packed up my laptop, and walked to Telephone Road, then bused to Office Max. 

It's just incredible to me that their techs will fix problems at no cost--and they do it quickly and cheerfully. The tech guy was occupied, so "Albert"--I think he's the manager--got it going again for me. He said I had a lot of stuff on it, so of which should probably be removed. I'll do that as soon as I figure out how. Also bought an ink cartilage, which cost me two bucks and change, as I had a "reward" of $13,00.

Stopped at Aldi for lettuce, broccoli, and cheese and broccoli manicotti. I've had that last stuffed with chicken; it's frozen, but really good. Bused home, had lunch, then spent an hour on food prep. That included chopping three big red onions; microwaving and seasoning a bag of spinach, and washing, paring, and roasting two large tubers: a yam and a sweet potato. I read that they're supposed to be good if you have an ulcer and I think I do.

Speaking of...I got a call from a nurse with Blue Shield, asking if I had an health problems, questions, and concerns. Jeez, if I do, I'll ask my doctor, but I talked to her for a bit. Julie called and will pick me up this morning for T.O.P.S. I must ask when she leaves for two months in Austria (she was born there), as I want to get her a little gift--she's been so nice. Also want to get Ken something--maybe a succulent--since he takes me home from the show. 

Called the Access Van and will be picked up for tonight's performance at five something. I hope T.O.P.S. doesn't drag on too long, as I asked Jim to get here at 11:30, since I have to shower and wash my hair and otherwise prepare for tonight.

I'm working on a little name rhyme for our director, Shannon, and it's a rather difficult one, as hers has has three of the letter "n." I want to give it to her at the cast party on the fourth, along with the Irish Cream I'll make.

 Took a one-hour nap, since I had gotten so little sleep and just got up at 6:30--yay!

Friday, May 6, 2022


Walked down Victoria to IHOP to meet LaVonne for breakfast at 10:00. I had an omelet with hash browns and good grief, although it was two hours after my usual breakfast time, it was so big I could eat only half.  I asked for a container (reheat an omelet--why not?) and put it in the handy nylon bag I keep in my purse. LaVonne and I then walked to Power Storage, where her granddaughter is manager. I met

Thursday, August 25, 2022


Yesterday, I was determined to get some of the things done that I've been putting off, so I finally:

 1. wrote and mailed a thank-you letter to the Agricultural Association for the Cowboy Poetry prize;

 2. ordered return address labels on line;

 3. assembled the non-perishable ingredients for Molloy's Irish Creme*;

 4. sent an email to Tristan's Dad (grandson Joel) with a picture of Buddy Holly**;

 5. walked the three miles there and back to the government center to decline my juror summons.

What I didn't yet do was: 

  1. claim the three credits I have coming from Big Fish Games;

  2. get to the bottom of the utilities question of whether I owe $89.64 or not;

  3. donate my body to science.

  4. complete the name rhyme I want to do for Shannon.*

  5. Order the CVS OTC goods

* Shannon had said she likes Irish Creme and I want to make her some and present it with name name rhyme at the cast party next week. Still have to get the eggs and heavy cream.

** Tristan looks like Buddy Holly or will when he's grown:

(But "T" is cuter. 😁)

Incredibly, I went to the pool, bringing my book, a beer, and some cheese and crackers. Did I go in? Well, not exactly: After reading happily for 45 or so, I went into the hot tub--felt great, but I nixed the pool itself. I had it all to myself until Gabe and his adorable little boy, Miles, came in. This kid is remarkable; he's only just turned two, yet he happily jumped in the pool over and over again. He's almost able to swim on his own and has no fear of the water. He also talks well for such a young child and it was delightful to chat with him and his father. Here they are, horsing around in the water; Gabe throws Miles up high and he laughs with delight:
(I took a video of them doing the same, but it was too big, I guess, to show here.)

James, brother of my next door neighbor, Benny, called. He said a washer and dryer are being installed in Benny's apartment and, because Benny can't handle the noise and upheaval, SO-FI (the owners) will pay to have his stay in a hotel for the duration. Wonders will never cease.    
(Ugh, I had a terrible time trying to sleep. RLS was evident, plus I was just restless, for some reason. It's now 4: 22 on Thursday and I'm afraid I'm up for the day. Should I try to nap later? Dunno--that might make it worse.) 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 As I was finishing breakfast, Suzanne stopped over to ask if her friend, another Mercy Sister, could use my parking slot today, as she's coming for lunch. Of course. Suzanne stayed for a bit and we talked over my doofy dilemma with the rent and utilities bill--actually, it's not a dilemma because I know damn well I paid the stuff.  At this point, the only thing still up in the air is the utilities bill; it's just $89.64, but there are lots of questions surrounding it. 

Stuck in 1969, Suzanne writes out a check every month and takes it to the office, then gets the canceled check with a statement through the mail. She urged me to do the same, but frankly, I see no reason to inconvenience myself. Maybe I'll modify something or other, but I'm not going back to paper checks. Anyway, at this point, I seem to be ahead of everything aside from the utility bill thing. 

Called Noreen to see if she wanted to go to lunch at Blue Agave today, but she has a 2:00 doctor's appointment. We made a date to go there next Wednesday. Called Jim and we had a long talk. I invited him for lunch on Friday, asking if he'll come early (11:30), as I have a show that night. He accepted and I think, after our talk, he felt better about his classes and so on. 

Bused to town after lunch. It was very quiet, I guess because the kids are back in school (not all of them--Ellen's class won't start until tomorrow, although the teachers have been in for a week). I bought a sleep mask and a pocketbook. I had to carefully examine and think over that last purchase. Because I walk so much, what I carry has to be light in itself, so that lets out leather and a lot of other materials--this is fabric and I think the paisley print is attractive. It also has to have an adequate number of compartments so I can separate my phone, credit cards, glasses, and all the other essentials I need with me. It has to have a strap long enough to serve as "crossbody," but not so long that I can't comfortably hang it on my left shoulder. This fills all those requirements, so I'm happy to have found it. 

It isn't as large as it looks here--just kind of medium size.

Then it occurred to me that the purse reminded me of something--a picture I have of someone I'll always love. And here she is, forty-six years ago, in Ventnor, New Jersey, my darling Aunt Maggie in her paisley dress:

Medical Note: I just looked it up on this blog and saw that it's been seven years since I had a colonoscopy. Hope I don't have to have another, but I've been having ominous pains in my stomach about 45 minutes after I eat, which is how my former ulcer manifested itself. Damn. I looked up what to eat for an ulcer and sweet potatoes were mentioned--rushed over to Von's and bought some.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

More dreary "business" crapola: Re that email from Bianca, I was looking up the info when Jasmine called. We discussed the whole thing and she asked if I'd ask Bank of America for a photo of the rent check from almost a year ago, September 2021.  Okay, I walked to the bank and after a long wait, got the person there to get on the phone and ask her opposite number in headquarters (or wherever) to send it. (She said I could also call the number myself and ask to get a copy; later, I did so.)

From there, I walked to The Market. Got a huge cauliflower, red onions, and Stevia. I skipped Wal-Mart and impulsively took the 11 bus toward Diane's. I texted her to see if she could meet for lunch, but she's not feeling well and couldn't. No matter, I just got off at the small, sells-everything store where I used to go when Ellen lived on Montgomery Street. Tried on a few tops, but didn't get anything. I bused part way back and got off at Hill Street; walked the rest of the way on the footpath over the 126, so I got about four miles in.

Did some food prep: washed and cut the Brussels sprouts I had bought the other day and roasted the whole cauliflower in the oven. Had a salad for lunch, but couldn't resist some of the veggies later. 

I saw this on Facebook and sent it to Jim:

Think I'll ask if he wants to come to lunch on Friday. Although we go on that evening and I have to be there at 6:30, I'll have plenty of time to do that. Also, I'd like to know if he plans to attend the show--I'm about 99.9 percent sure he has no such plans--what a pal--but we'll see.   

Here's a picture from Welcome Home, the last F.A. show I was in (2019).  The blonde on the left is the one who greeted me Sunday night, whose name I couldn't remember. I still can't, but at least I now know how I know her.  

Monday, August 22, 2022



Yesterday's show was absolutely the best yet!  Everybody hit the marks of a smooth-running show and the audience was intently engaged and receptive.  As for my own small part, I was amazed when my monologue was greeted not only with a laugh at the end, as it's supposed to, but applause when "Keith" ushered me, "2023, " to my seat on-stage.   

When we mingled after, I was congratulated by friends, including Suzanne and Vickie; Julie and Regina from T.O.P.S. and BCNN; Noreen and her gentleman friend; and two others. Those last I know, but damn, as with Joan from the other night, at this point, I just don't remember who they are or where I knew them. Here's a video Jeff took of the wild finale with all of us whooping it up to the band on-stage:


As for earlier in the day: Nothing special, unless changing the bed and doing two loads of wash is anything special. I did go over to Von's for a few things, plus something or other else, but that fades into history after last night. Ellen called and I had a good talk with her. Van picked me up and I got to the theatre early, but that was okay; chatted with Ken, who seems to live there.   


A somber note: Today (Monday, August 22) is the thirteenth anniversary of my husband's death. Rest in peace, Pat.


This is one of my favorite pictures of him, with baby Joel, Jr., (now in college). This was before the years of illness and decline and I cherish it. 


Sunday, August 21, 2022


After breakfast, I actually was able to take a short nap. Since I'm getting home and to bed so late, it was good to be able to do that. Went over to Von's and on my way, another resident stopped me to exclaim over my mobility--or something. She asked me my age, I told her, and she went into raptures over my--my what? My ability to walk and chew gum at the same time? Not being addled out of my head?  Because I'm not yet in the grave? I don't know, but this happens more often than I like and it drives me crazy!  I hate being set apart because I'm of a certain age. 

With that said (well, I didn't say it to her; she meant well), we then chatted. Her name is Frieda, she's 56, and is Filipino. Actually, she turned out to be pretty nice; she's been to Singapore, and noted how beautiful it is. I like to know a variety of people, so--after the initial annoyance--enjoyed talking to her.

Got a few staples at Von's, including lunch meat because I think I'll ask Jim over for lunch one day this week.  Put red beans, chicken broth, and spinach in the slow cooker, then julienned an onion and added that with garlic and seasonings. Got to The Place early, as usual, and chatted with Ken, who was even earlier, as usual. Soon, Jeff and others came in and we settled into our routine. 

The show was yet another smash hit; the audience was great and afterward, when we mingled,  I was approached by a woman whose face I knew only vaguely. She gave me a big hug, introduced her husband, and said how much they had enjoyed the show. I hugged her back and tried not to show I was thinking, "Who the hell are you?" Luckily, as we chatted, it dawned on me: She was Joan Something, whom I had met at the BCNN lunch on Wednesday. 

Two of the young women in our wonderful cast, Maggie and Emma, wore (not for the show, but just as everyday wear) outfits that wowed everybody:

Emma, a darling girl, is one of the terrestrials in IGM, the play in which I'm another.

Maggie (her real name, incredibly, is Magnolia) is from a Mormon family, but has since removed herself from the religion. She is twenty years old--imagine being twenty again!

Business Note: I got an email from Bianca, the "community manager," asking for the rent payment info for September of 2021, now almost a year ago. These people are driving me nuts.   

Saturday, August 20, 2022


With five of us at T.O.P.S., we meandered around conversationally far too long, as usual. However, Lennie lost four pounds via the whateveritscalled method the woman introduced us to a few meetings ago. In a nutshell, you eat every two hours, then have protein and greens for dinner. It cost three hundred seventy-five smackers a month--highway robbery, sez I--and what you get are a bunch of processed food. As for me, I weighed in at 130.2 at home, for a loss of .06, but at the meeting, the scale read 131.1 for a gain of 1.7. Make sense? Nope.

We took the newly rejoined person, Helen, who is 92 and rather tiresome, home. I didn't get breakfast until quarter of 11:00, which I greatly dislike. After, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for a number of items. It was  cooler than it had been--very pleasant, actually. Bused part of the way home and saw Vickie outside. I had told her she could use my parking space (the parking places are being paved and hers will be shortly) and she said if I had a problem with the Access Van being late, to call her and she'll take me to the show.

Had lunch, showered, and tried to nap, but didn't fall asleep or even rest very long. I went out to wait for the Access Van much too early, as usual, and it came late, as usual. The driver was Manny, whom I've had before; nobody else was traveling then, so I sat up front with him and we had a nice chat. I almost didn't recognize him, as he had shaved off his beard.   

Backstage, as usual, during the long wait until the finale was occupied with chatter and, as often happens, some personal traits were mentioned: One of our group revealed her sexual orientation and another her daughter's. To me, this seems to indicate the trust and rapport we've developed during this run.

Ben, Ken, and I again read lines beforehand and we had another great show. The audience was terrific: attentive, enthusiastic, and laughing in all the right spots. After the finale, we mingle and I was pleased to have a woman come up and compliment me. On my part in the show? No, for my reading of "Heart's Desire" at the cowboy poetry contest. She had come in fourth and said her name was Shirley. With all the noise milling around, I didn't get a chance to ask her contact information, but will try to follow up.

A funny note: I change my top (which has "2023" on it) after my part and wear regular clothes for the finale. In the children's nursery, I found my soul mate and Amber took a picture of us:

Friday, August 19, 2022


I don't know what possessed me (another of Mom's expressions) to make an 8:30 eye doctor appointment, but I did, some time ago. Ate breakfast at 7:00, an hour early, and was outside waiting for the bus at 7:45...

...which didn't come and didn't come and when it finally got here, I was frantic. I was sure I'd miss my appointment and then it would take an age before I got another. However, I calmed down when driver Pablo assured me we'd get there by 8:30. I've had Pablo before and he's a nice guy, so I cheered up. When I was taken within a few minutes of arrival, I was even cheerier. Endured the usual: drops, bright light, photograph of eyeballs, and so on. But the best part was that Dr. Rosenblatt said the (slight) macular degermation was stable and there's no other change, so I don't need to come back for a year.

I walked the mile or so to the nearby branch of The Market, hoping they had gotten my favorite 20-calorie rice cakes in. They hadn't and location to which I usually go hasn't, either--it's been weeks since they did. This supply chain problem seems to hit randomly, with plenty of items being in abundance, but others--and there doesn't seem to be any pattern--having vanished from the stores. I tried to get blush at CVS, Von's, and several other stores, but non of them had any. Finally got it at the other Market location.

From there, I walked the mile and a half to the transit center and bused home. Had lunch, then called leader Lennie to tell her I'm not going to T.O.P.S. this morning. I knew I'd be out late and will be tonight when we open again; I just wanted not to wait so long for breakfast. Later, I changed my mind and Julie will pick me up at 8:30.

Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I wanted to come over and see her pics of her recent trip Burlingame. Sure, and happily, she had managed to get them on her laptop, which were so much easier to see than on her phone. I spent a pleasant half-hour taking the tour of the lovely grounds, which include the Sisters of Mercy assistant living facility and a high school.  

Took a short nap, then just lazed around until I had a light dinner. Van took me to the on-call run-through, where I joined my tribe. Shannon brought a bottle of champagne and insisted we had to help her empty it, as she needed it for a prop. Rita, Amber, and I helped her out, I'm happy to say. The run-through went very well, and I'm looking forward to tonight's performance.

A rather bizarre note: When Ken took me home, he told me in his usual pontificating way, that the play, Hard Bargain, in which Erica, Ben, and Emma appear, is actually an allegory for the three temptations of Christ. That blew my mind, especially since "not a church play" is always added to Fractured Actors blurbs. Odd also, as it ends with Erica's character telling Ben's to go to hell and Ben responds, "stay there." Here's Erica in the piece with a blow-up of Ben's face:


Thursday, August 18, 2022


Suzanne stopped over after breakfast to tell me about her recent trip to Burlingame. She said she's wants to have Vickie, our upstairs neighbor, Leah, and me over soon to see the pictures. I then took my little cart and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. Took my BP at the latter and it seemed okay: 119/77 and a pulse of 75. Bought this and that, bused home, and had a light lunch. 

Showered and dressed to get ready for the BCNN happy hour. Julie picked me up at 3:30 and off we went to Oxnard. We picked up Julie's friend, Lupe, and drove to Yolanda's. This one is considerably nicer than the one in Ventura; we sat on a lovely, glass-enclosed patio/porch overlooking the harbor. I had a regular Margarita (next time I'll get strawberry because it's so pretty) and a sample something, which was very good. 

I talked a lot with Dusty, who is an attractive blonde older than she looks; I peg her as close to 70.  Her husband had owned a ball bearing factory before he died in 1996, and she then took it over. Has three grown children and a boyfriend who, unfortunately, is in the hospital after a series of strokes. The great thing about her is that she was born in Cherry Hill and knows Maple Shade, Cinnaminson, and surrounding areas; she said they used to walk to Haddonfield to a particular ice cream shop. I mentioned the show to the group and a number of them are actually going to go. Julie and her friend, Rosie have tickets for this Sunday.

We were there until about 6:30, took Lupe home, then Julie drove the length of Victoria Avenue, which stretches all the way from Oxnard to where I live in Ventura. It was a pleasant outing, but now I have to get ready to have the Access Van pick me up and take me to the eye doctor for my 8:30 appointment. I have a rehearsal/run-through tonight and--happy day--we don't have to be in costume. 

Darn, I didn't want to get up this early (5:00 am), but couldn't get back to sleep. The Access Van will  take me to my 8:30 eye doctor appointment (what ever possessed me to make one that early?), but I hope to nap later in the day, as we have a pre-performance call tonight. 

"Business" note: Started tackling the new round of erroneous crapola by So-Fi. I found the check for the extra $126 which I owed for the March increase in rent and will send it with other supporting information, to Jasmine. I emailed her to say I'd be responding in full within a week.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Went over to Von's for stuff, including Drano, because my tub drain was somewhat slow.  I was pleased to see it worked very well. Didn't do a lot else before lunch except filing my pile of paperwork. 

I had been a little concerned because my primary, Dr. Lazzarotto, wanted to confer with me after my blood test. She and I talked (on the phone, the vision part didn't work adequately) at 1:00 and she said my platelet count was low and has been. Said she isn't extremely concerned about it, as the rest of the blood work is good, but she'll send me to a hematologist to get the lowdown. However, my cholesterol is way down to an LDL of 52; of course, I have no clue what that means, but it seems to be good, not bad, and she told me to cut my Ator-statin or whatever it is, in half and she'll send a new Rx for 10 mg., instead of 20.  

Bused to the transit center after lunch. Went to Ross and tried on some casual dresses, which I've been wanting to get, but didn't like any and will look elsewhere.  Took the 6 bus home and stopped at CVS for the med. Also, looked for blush, as I have been everywhere for blush, but no go. For some reason, there seems to be a supply problem there, too.

Home about 5:30 and made stir-fry for dinner. Michelle called to ask if there was any progress with my continuing battle with management. I told her I've been so busy, I just haven't addressed it. Julie called and she'll pick me up for Happy Hour at 3:30 with the BCNN group.

I called Jim to ask how his first day of classes (both on Monday) went; he seemed to think reasonably okay, although he's worried one (or both!) will be cancelled due to low attendance. It was alarming--and all too significant--that he "thinks" he has nine in one and couldn't remember how many in the other. However, he seemed maybe less disheartened than usual. He actually remembered that I have two more weekends of the play coming up, although he stopped short of saying he'd attend. (The two classes Jim teaches are on Tuesday and Thursday.)

LaVonne called and I was taken aback to learn that the produce place we've been going to will no longer be available--not sure why. Darn, I got some good stuff at that place for a fraction of what supermarket charge. Guess I'll just have to chalk it up to "c'est la vie."

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Monday And Soaring Spirits

 A day off from the all-encompassing Area 22. I love being there, but it's good to take a breather, too. I washed my sheets and other whites, then re-made the bed. Tackled the hard floors and they look good after their Bona dust and wash treatment.

Walked to Smart 'n' Final and back, so got three miles. in Stopped at CVS for some new cosmetics and, for some weird reason, couldn't find blush. I'll have to see if I have any old stuff. 

Talked to T.O.P.S. leader, Lennie, and she said she'd pick up Helen W., but somebody will have to take  her home. Ain't gonna be me, that's a cinch. Did another wash load after lunch,

Old school chum Jeanne Painter facetimed me to tell me her 33-year-old grandson is getting married in October, reception at the yacht club, he owns two houses on LBI, and blah, blah, blah. Jeanne and her 93-year-old lover, John, are still at one of his places, Lake George, but will be returning to Jersey in September.  (It's hard to decide if I actually enjoy Jeanne and her eternal self-absorption or if I find her a total bore.)

Julie picked me up at 5:45 and off we went to Stone Fire Grille for dinner with Soaring Spirits. Julie, however, didn't go in; she said she was just going to Kohl's, right across the way, instead. Okay, no prob for me, anyway. Longtime members Vera, Susan, and Gayle were there, along with newcomers Renee, Claire, and Dennis. As we chatted, Amy came in. She has some big problems of various kinds, including an unpleasant probate situation with her late husband's children. As she, Vera, Dennis, and I talked, I was asked how long ago Pat died. I answered "thirteen years next week," then surprised myself by starting to cry. In this company, though, there were no reactions of alarm, distaste, or overly solicitous concern. It was just accepted as natural and normal, then we continued chatting.  

We were there until 7:15 or so, then Vera took me home. We had a good talk about the show, also about Fractured Actors and the various people involved, all of whom Vera knows well. (She's the one who introduced me to the company.) I like her so much and am pleased she'll be there at each performance behind the soda/tea/wine counter. Here's a picture of Vera and I can attest that her inside is just as beautiful as her outside:

Vera was twenty-one and pregnant with their second child when her young husband was killed in a car accident. That was 22 years ago; her son and daughter are now living on their own, but are still very close to their mother.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Sunday Not-Exactly-Matinee

Wish I could have slept later than 5:00, but couldn't. After breakfast, I washed the bathroom rugs; I want to do the hard floors today, as I've neglected most housekeeping since the start of rehearsals. I didn't do much more than fool around on this device until I got in the shower. Lunched, showered, dressed, and got ready to the Sunday show call at 3:30.

Happy day, it was probably the best yet, for me, anyway. (Not "anyways!" I hear that more and more and it's driving me batty.) I was letter perfect with my teeny part and everybody seemed more relaxed. Ben, Ken, and I ran over our lines together beforehand and opened the show with confidence. Waiting around after, I chatted with several, including darling Vera, who introduced me to Fractured Acorns in the first place. 

As for the audience, it was another good one. Certainly, my much-loved part of it, Ellen, assured me afterward that she greatly enjoyed it. I had told her she didn't have to stay for the whole thing, as my small part is in the first play, but she did and I was able to introduce her to Shannon and a few other cast members. We mingled a bit, then she and I left and went to the Victorian Pub for a late dinner. She dropped me at home and I relaxed with my usual of Netflix and sherry.

Here's a pic of Jeff's and Shannon's seven-year-old Harper, who has a small part in Window Dressing.  After I showed it to her, she herself added the printing ("Prom King And Queen"). I'm not sure how to remove, but no matter, I guess. 

Speaking of beautiful little girls, here are my granddaughters, Vivian and Violet, at 18 and 14. Hmm...guess you couldn't say they're little, anymore.


Sunday, August 14, 2022


 Biz, biz, busy and show-bizzy day! Ellen picked me up and off we went to the Ventura County Fair. She dropped me off, then drove to the place where a shuttle bus could be boarded, free of charge. That made a lot more sense than to pay the twenty-buck charge to park. 

It was jammed--Saturdays usually are--but I got to the agriculture building where the "Cowboy Poetry Contest" was to be held. I was very early--my usual--so had time to look around at the various booths and displays, some that caught my eye:

At first, I thought what was covered was "sh-t," but after checking, I saw it was "steak."

I thought this was a terrific slogan (at the Santa Monica mountains booth.) 

These remarkable carvings on fruit and vegetables intrigued me. The bottom pic shows a hollowed-out cantaloupe set on a light to show the brain-like pattern of the carving. Besides all that...

I did indeed, enter the Cowboy Poetry Contest and--won first prize! I tried to put the video of me reciting my verse here, but it didn't work. It can, however, be seen on my Facebook page of yesterday, 8/13. (I call it a verse to distinguish it--it's doggerel, really--from what real poets--Yeats, for instance--write.)  

El and I had lunch at the fair, then she took me home to prepare for the show.  Access van picked me up early and I got there a good half hour before the 6:30 call. That was okay, though: I chatted with Ken, then took my few things to the dressing room. It was a good one--better, I think, even than opening night on Friday. The audience was very responsive and I got some good laughs via my small part. We had plenty of wine and crackers in the dressing room, in which I indulged only after my walk-off.

During intermission, Ken came and got me to see and chat with my set: niece Carolyn, her Dana, nephew Steve, and his Robyn and Dexter. (This isn't proper show biz protocol--you don't let the audience see you break character--but I did it, anyway.)  They loved the show and especially, a certain player who impersonates the year 2023--their Aunt Mimi.

Ken and his brother took me home and, gawd, after a session of "Better Call Saul" with snack, I didn't get to bed until midnight. But hey, I'm not complaining--it was a terrific day!

Saturday, August 13, 2022


Well, I never liked to sit around and I'm definitely not doing that.  Put in a wash before breakfast and got it dried and put away after. I then left for The Market and Wal-Mart after breakfast to get staples, including oatmeal and tangerines. I also picked up something I didn't think I'd ever use: makeup. 

Bused home and got in before 1:00. I wanted to have a substantial lunch, so had the chicken, cauliflower, and carrots I had prepared, cooked, and frozen a week or so ago. Called the Access Van to request for a ride for tonight.

After lunch, I lay down for a time, but didn't sleep. Got up to shower and wash my hair, then just kind of waited around until it was time to dress; call time was 6:30. Got there early and marveled at the terrific transformation of our theatre. Vera was there (she mans the wine bar) and we hugged happily; I'll see her Monday for Soaring Spirts dinner, too. Here's the entrance and more: 

Our flag...
Cast board and close-up of me...
AAGH! I cringe!
 We did a quick run-through at Shannon's request, which went okay, but then it was--

And that went more than okay.  Full audience and an enthusiastic one, which always revs up the players, of course. My little part went without a hitch, the only down side being I come on so early I have two hours to wait around until the joint curtain call. BTW, that consists of the full cast jiving on stage to the band's yah-yah-yah number, then going down through the audience. 

Performance call tonight at 6:30 again, but before that, I'm going to the county fair to enter the Western Poetry Contest. (I may collapse when all this is over.)

Friday, August 12, 2022

Dress Rehearsal

Ellen came before noon and I asked if we could go first to Office Max so I could get printer ink. We did, then to the nearby Dollar Tree for various little items. She found some cute things for her third-grade class in both stores. We then went to the Stone Fire Grille for lunch and had a convivial mother/daughter time.

El stopped in for a bit after, then we parted. I tried to nap, but no go; got up, putzed around with this and that, then showered. The Access Van came, I got in, and talked to the very pleasant driver, who's name is Ishmael. Of course, Moby Dick came up in conversation and we chatted about that. I was interested to hear his name isn't pronounced with a starting "Ish," but is more like Is-may-el. 

Got there a bit early, as usual, which is fine by me. I was surprised to see a man there I didn't recognize at first: Good grief, it was Jeff--he had shaved off his beard!  He now looked like the staid and conventional business man he probably is in his other life. 

Rehearsal went well, although after the opening play, which I'm in, time dragged a bit, as usual. I did enjoy nice chats with both Shannon and Erica, re ethnic heritage. Shannon, as I am, is a mix of Irish and German, Erica a more exotic part Spanish (from Spain, not Mexico), other European groups and--I found this fascinating--a particular native American tribe from Minnesota. Ken dressed as the coffee man (he'll be serving it during intermission), with peculiar black hair and beard; see pics below.

Home, thanks to Ken, at 10:00 and I stayed  up another hour with my port and Netflix. Here are some pics I took last night:

Director Shannon in her character as no-better-than-she-has-to-be girl.

Shannon with Meredith, who designed the set and made many of the artifacts;

Ken and the bandleader of The Conspirators (can' recall his name);

Alex, Ken, and Anthony, all of whom are also in IGM;
The years 2022 and 2023 (Anthony wasn't feeling well and declined removing the mask).

Thursday, August 11, 2022


 Left for the Urbane Cafe at 11:00 to meet Diane there at noon. I was early, so wandered into Kohl's--didn't see anything. Diane came promptly and we ordered. This is one of these kinda, sorta fast food places, but healthy. I had never been there before, but Diane says it's one of her favorites, so I thought I'd try it. 

I ordered a kind of salmon salad bowl, not expecting much, but to my pleasant surprise, it was delicious. Besides a nice piece of salmon, it included mango rice, spinach, some kind of maple sweet potato cubes, and a slice of thick bread. I'll eat there again, the only drawback being they don't serve alcohol, but no prob: I brought my can of beer and Diane her carafe of wine.

We sat and talked for a full three hours and it was so enjoyable. I'm glad Diane and I got back together after our falling out and we'll see each other again. Bused home and by that time it was, 4:00. Jumped in the shower, dressed, and waited for the Access Van to take me to rehearsal at 6:00.

That went well, although I was inexplicably nervous during my small part. We did get home earlier than we had before--about 9:45--but as ever, I stayed up with Bob Odenkirk and cream sherry until almost 11:00. 

We open tomorrow! 😨

NOTE: Incredibly, I received an email from Jasmine, the assistant community director, repeating the charge that I owe for back rent--for September, 2021!--plus utilities and late payment fees! Did they not receive the documentation I sent? More on this later--I just can't deal with it now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


After breakfast, Suzanne came over to tell me she's leaving for Burlingame this morning. We then had a long talk about mutual interests and concerns. (No, I'm not getting religion.) I then walked to CVS to pick up some medication. I get most of mine by mail, but I don't mind walking over for it--I'm just puzzled why it didn't come the other way. Stopped at Von's on the way back. Called the Access Van to reserve for today.

I tried to nap after lunch, but no go, although I at least rested for a time.  Showered, dressed, and went out to wait for the Access Van. It--he--got me to rehearsal early, but that was okay. Jeff and Ken were already there, as was the lighting guy, Jarrad, who happens to be Emma's dad. Emma is a lovely young woman who plays Ella in IGM--I'm the year 2023. Soon, the rest of the cast and crew filtered in and we were up and running.  And oh joy: I did my little part very well and didn't stumble over it at all! 😄

We go on first with IGM, so inevitably, after that, it was sit around time until curtain call. While being sequestered in the ladies' dressing room (which, happily, is a large room with a door to the outside which we can prop open for fresh air), we chatted together. 

I liked Rita a lot and, incredibly, while we talked, I asked her where she worked--at Whole Foods! Does she know Greg? Well, sure! Can't wait to tell Greg and Ellen. I also talked at length to Erica, who's very active in F.A. and is in IGM about some of the stuff I've written. She said she'd like to see it and, after the show is over, I'll take her up on it. 

Ken took me home and I didn't walk in until--AAGH!--10:30. I can't go immediately to sleep, so changed into my nightie, poured myself a glass of port, and watched an episode of Better Call Saul. Slept until 6:30 and no wonder.

Tuesday, August 09, 2022


One of the many things I enjoy about being with Fractured Actors is getting to know the young people in the company. During the inevitably long waiting-around pre-opening days, I chatted with Amber, here on the left, playing the bride in "The Wedding Dresser." I was surprised and pleased to find she had lived in  Singapore for six months as a journalism intern during college. I've also gotten acquainted with Magnolia (love the name!), sitting in the background, who was a Mormon, but left the religion. She's only twenty and a lovely girl. BTW, standing is Amy, Ken's daughter-in-law. Her husband, Ken's son,  had been the music director at Vineyard (now Luminal) Church for thirteen years.   
I wanted to put the above underneath my usual daily doings, but for some reason, Blogger won't let me. Nor do they seem to want to left-align the text, so it's centered. (But I guess it don't make no never-thatmind, as the saying goes.)
I didn't want to brood over my faux pas at rehearsal Sunday night, so called Noreen, then Diane to see if either was available for lunch. They both had commitments, so I decided to bus to Oxnard and drop in on Greg at work.  I went early--got to The Collection about 11:30, although I was pretty sure he doesn't start until 2:00. I had time to go to Target and get eight washcloths (I have a kind of thing about washcloths) and also bought a made-up Caesar salad that comes with a fork. Sought out a nice little park in the complex and sat there to eat it for lunch. I still had plenty of time, so sat on a bench in front of The Cheesecake Factory and called Nancy P. She still isn't going out--is afraid to--but we had a good talk and I enjoyed it.
Got to Whole Foods and saw Greg. We chatted for a few minutes, then I headed off. Got the 17 bus to the Esplanade, then the 6 back to Ventura Transit Center, and the 10 from there. I felt a lot better by the time I got home and I hope and expect to be letter-perfect at rehearsal tonight.

Monday, August 08, 2022

More Play, Most Of Day

 Yes, another. Suzanne got me to rehearsal at 1:00 and I didn't get back home until 6:15. There were long, long periods of sitting around, chatting, listening to the band, and otherwise just hanging out. Our play, "Interstellar Galactic Management LLC" (IGM), finally went on at 3:00 pm. 

For some reason, I was off and flubbed during my first monologue. Damn, I've been practicing constantly and have known the thing by heart for weeks, but I stumbled over several phrases and generally screwed up. Director Shannon assured me there was no reason to be alarmed or apologetic, but I felt lousy about it.  Anyway, we're dark today, but tomorrow we'll meet at 6:00.  

AAGH!--opening night is only four days away!  😰

Rather than belabor the topic, I'll add some pics of yesterday's rehearsal/tech session:

The band in back with some cast members of various plays.

Erica, who's also in IGM; directors Shannon and Jeff in the sound booth.

Ben and Emma, both of whom are also in IGM.

Sandy, Hudson, Bryan, and Rita in The Collider (I just thought it looked neat in B. and W.).

Following are some of the remarkable pieces Meredith, who's an artist, has made for the show; theme, of course, is outer-spacy alien:

These will be used in various capacities in the overall decoration.  The whole room will be much more elaborate by the time we actually open. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...