Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trip Day--NOT!

😭Forget the following: When I finished writing this, I got an email and text that my trip HAS BEEN CANCELLED.  More later or tomorrow.

Getting down to the wire, I stripped the bed, washed the sheet and other items, then pulled together some family ancestor pics and documents to share with those I'll see. That took a few hours. I changed my automatic payment to my phone service and put on them on the new debit card. Ellen and called and we had a lovely chat. I'm anxious to see those on the east coast, but I'll miss her, of course.

Checked in and printed out my boarding pass and paid the checked bag fee. Spent a lot of time just arranging and rearranging my suitcases. Did a second load of wash, took out the trash, and otherwise completed final preparations for my trip.    

I set my alarm for 4:45, as Suzanne is picking me up at 6:00 to get to the Airporter. Incredibly, I slept like a stone, as the Brits say, and feel wonderfully refreshed and buoyant. 

I'm on my way!  👌

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Julie picked me up for T.O.P.S. and we had a reasonably good session. Bobbi, Lennie, and Sharon were also there. I was surprised to have lost some; at home, I went to 126.2 for a loss of 1.4 and at T.O.P.S. to 126.8 for a loss of 1.7. After, I treated Julie to breakfast at the popular place on Main Street, name of which I always forget.  I had scrambled eggs and sausage, which came with toast and hash browns, plus the best coffee I ever tasted. I was pleased that Julie didn't stint because I was paying; she had waffles topped with two easy-over eggs (a bizarre combination if you ask me), toast and milk. Anyway, we sat outside under a kind of tent and it was lovely.

After, she took me to Shari's where I picked up the glasses I had dropped at the stamp show. The view from their front steps was, as I remember, spectacular; you could see the whole city, plus a big stretch of the Pacific and the Channel Islands.

Home and Suzanne stopped to give me a candy apple for Halloween, which I put it in the freezer. It's not that I'm so virtuous weight-wise, but in truth, I don't really like them, plus they're a little hard for me to eat--but no matter, it was nice of her.

I then took everything out of both suitcases and arranged them better. I still have a few things to take care of, but the trip is shaping up well. Called Kim W., my R.E. agent in Little Egg, to discuss my tenants' request and I made an appointment to see her in a few weeks.    

I was so stuffed from breakfast that I skipped lunch. Bused to the transit center, then walked to The Market on Loma Vista. Walked back and bused home. Again, Jim called after dinner and we talked for almost an hour. He wished me a wonderful time and repeated several times how he's going to miss me. He's a good friend and I'll keep in touch while I'm in Jersey.

Hoo-boy: I set the alarm for 4:15 and got up. I wanted to prepare for getting up that early tomorrow, but that was pretty dumb. Anyway, after my morning libations, it's now not quite five. Maybe I'll take a nap today...

Friday, October 29, 2021

Another One And Ativan

Ho, boy, another busy day. Went over to Von's for sale items blueberries and salad dressing. Home and I started pulling together and copying some family ancestor pictures and documents for Larry's crew in Florida. I'm trying to keep it to some kind of sequential narrative, but boy, do I have a lot of material.

Noreen picked me up at 12:45 and I asked her to take me to Donna's to retrieve my Rider yearbook. It was hard to find her house, especially since the Ventura system of numbering is designed to keep anybody from actually locating what they're looking for. We finally did, though, I got the book and we went off to Two Trees for lunch. I don't know why I keep ordering hamburger there; it's never rare enough and so sloppy it's hard to eat. However, the draft beer made it go down better. We then went a few doors over to The Dollar Tree, where I picked up a some file folders and other stuff for my trip.

I didn't get home until 3:00 and then debated whether to go in the pool (it was 90 degrees, but with no humidity) or take a nap and the nap won out. I've had terrible insomnia again and I debated whether or not to take a minor milligram dose of Ativan tonight (and see below). I had just drifted off when Vickie called to ask if she could come over for a bit. Sure--I can sleep later--and we sat out front and talked. 

I'm afraid Vickie's latest breast cancer report is not good. That, combined with her continuing worry about her partner, Mary, whose Alzheimer's is progressing so quickly, is hard to bear. I wish I could help in some way, but I think just sitting and talking is a help. Also, wonder of wonders, she asked when I was returning from Jersey. During the course of conversation, she casually offered to pick me up when I get in on the Airporter from LAX at 11:30 pm. Oh, what a relief that is--she's become such a good friend. 

I did, indeed, take the Ativan--a little nervously because I have them in strengths from one milligram to five. I finally took half of one mg. and happy day, that did the trick! Of course, I omitted my usual OTC sleep aid (I'm not quite that dense), but I feel so much better this morning--yay! 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Real ID And The Roman Catholic Church

Called Julie to tell her I wanted to take her out; we'll go to breakfast after T.O.P.S. tomorrow. I'll then ask her to stop at Sheri's to pick up the little glasses I dropped at the stamp club.

I'm trying to find out if what I was issued, a "Senior Citizen Identification Card" is the same as a Real I.D. It guess it's moot, anyway, as the requirement for a Real I.D. to travel domestically has been extended to May, 2023. I'd like to know, though, and the DMV site, unhelpful as ever, doesn't seem to address this.* 

Jim came for lunch and we had a lively discussion about why sisters don't live in convents anymore. I then asked him to drop me off at Wal-Mart, which he did and where I exchanged the unmentionables I had bought for the ones I like better. I'm sick of those Hanes that all the old ladies wear and got briefs that are silky and snug.

Bused home from Wal-Mart, then Suzanne and I sat outside for our Happy Hour (she non-alcoholic O'Doul's, I, iced tea) and had a lively and very in-depth discussion about the convent thing and the Catholic church in general. We also hit on homosexuality and sex in general, believe it or not. I can't even imagine talking that way with any of the religious I knew as a kid. I'm lucky to live next to her.

I saw I had nothing on the calendar for today, so called Noreen to see if she could do lunch. Yes, indeed, and she'll pick me up, then we'll go to Two Trees. Donna lives nearby, so I'll ask Noreen to pick up my yearbook.

*Coincidentally, Jim called about after dinner to ask how long it had taken to get my Real ID. He completed the application last week and thought it was taking a long time to come. In light of the disgraceful U.S. Postal Service, I thought he should give it another week, then call. I told him about my talk with Suzanne and we continued the theme for  more than a half-hour. Jim himself--wonders will never cease--suggested the three of us get together and I happily agreed. I'll ask them for dinner when I get back to town. He also said he was going to a friend's house for Thanksgiving and that's good.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


At 7:30, I walked over to Quest Diagnostics at Von's and got a blood test; home in time for breakfast. After, walked to The Market for blueberries, then to Wal-Mart. At the latter, I got milk, Ritz chips, and (tee-hee) unmentionables.  Brother Larry called just to chat and to tell me to bring my bathing suit; I'll see him in Florida soon.

Had lunch, then used the two flat rate medium P.O. boxes I had picked up to send some things ahead to N.J.: my flannel bathrobe, snow/rain boots, two pairs of peddle pushers, and two tank tops (green and blue), then put them in  my little cart and walked to the P.O.  They cost a total of $32.00, but it was well worth it to ship them ahead.

Stopped on the way home at Von's for bread and wine (doesn't that sound biblical?). Ellen stopped over after work to see if she could get Lyft on my phone, which is an android. She couldn't, but then we figured I wouldn't need to use it until the end of November, anyway. That's if I can't get a friend to pick me up that late. 

Unfortunately, I slept badly again. Hope this doesn't last.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


And not just the three-drips-and-it's-over California rain, but a full, vigorous downpour--a real rain! Of course, the Ventura Star headlined it as if World War III was upon it.  It was kind of nice to experience for a change, plus it meant I didn't have to water the patio. 

I put on my boobs (boots!), took my umbrella, and walked to the post office to pick up some medium, one-price boxes. I plan to send some things--notably, my big flannel bathrobe--to Jersey. May send the boots, too. I called Donna and tomorrow, she'll come to pick up her Dad's Rider yearbooks and scrapbook. I enjoyed looking at them, but don't want to keep them here while I'm away.

Got lots of other crapola out of the way: changed my endocrinologist appointment to December 5, eye doc appointment to next year (January 5, 2022), and paused delivery of the paper while I'm gone. Noreen called to thank me again for the T.O.P.S. skit I wrote for her group. Julie, back from her cruise, called to ask if I wanted to go to the supermarket tomorrow. I don't, as I need to eat up what I already have, but I'll see her at T.O.P.S. on Friday. 

I surprised myself by taking a nap after lunch; slept for about two hours. Later, the bad news: It's just too long and involved to go into, but my major credit card is now void and I'll be sent a new one. It was my fault--I should remember not to think I have to do something right away, when it can wait. Anyway, I have others, so I guess it's not a disaster, but it's just another problem, which seem to be swarming lately. 

Monday, October 25, 2021


I was charmed to see that the Ventura Star in its travel section, recommended a trip to Singapore; article mentioned the charming atmosphere and said it was especially interesting for children. I tried to copy to send Mike, but wouldn't go. Okay, I cut it out and sent it the old-fashioned way: the actual article, through the mail.  

Ellen came about noon, bringing my big suitcase. We then went to the Japanese restaurant in the Von's shopping center and had a really good lunch. I had chicken teriyaki and deep-fried vegetables, plus a Sapporo (Japanese beer). It was excellent and there was so much, I took half home for dinner. I was surprised that it was relatively inexpensive.

After, El took me to the Hill Street library to leave three books, then to Famous Footwear to yet again try to get sneakers that fit. I got a pair and hope they prove to be okay. After home and stowing my food in the fridge, El to drop me at California Street in town. She did, we said goodbye, and I walked Main. It was a beautiful day and it was good to see the street crowded with people having a good time. I stopped to admire a particular display of art on leather and was amazed when the woman painter said, "I know you--you used to walk Kimball!" It was Shelly, whom I used to meet with her little dog, Joey, every morning at the park. I love her work and here's her info:

Got home at 5:30 and went over to chat with Suzanne. We had a good talk and she offered to take me to Five Points to get the Airporter Shuttle on Sunday. I have to leave at 6:30 am and since she's an early riser like me, she seemed to think it was no big deal. Good, Ellen had said she'd do it, but she'd have to drive an hour or so total and this is much better.  However, I have a dilemma with the Airporter back; hope I can resolve it today. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Saturday, Stamps, And Sneakers

 As planned, Jim picked me up at 11:00 and we went to the stamp show at Dudley House. (I've never seen so many stamps in my life, except in Shari's garage.) I got a number of them for my grandson, the little stamp collector in Tokyo and enjoyed seeing so many children there. There were free booklets and catalogs, too, and I got some of them. Left a donation for the club.

At home, Jim and I went over the stamps, picking out those I thought Mr. K. would like most and trying to avoid duplicates. I didn't want to sent all of them, plus I'm going to have to be judicious about what printed matter I should send, as postage is so pricey to Japan. 

We had lunch, then Jim suggested we go to Kimball Park to the little lending library there. We did and I left off some DVDs and acquired three books. He didn't see anything he wanted, but will check now and then. 

We went back to Dudley House so Shari could postmark my packet to Japan. I wasn't entirely clear on it--Shari had said it was good to good, but that seemed questionable. I knew the post office was open until 3:00, so asked Jim to drive there. I checked and yes, it was good to go. 

Ellen's coming over to bring my large suitcase, which was stored in her shed, then we'll go to lunch. I'll ask her to drop me off at Famous Footwear so I can yet again take back my sneakers and try another pair. Third time's a charm, I hope.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Woe Is Me

Did I think Thursday was bad? Yesterday was a lot worse. I was informed the Access Van would be picking me up between 6:57 and 7:20 am--fair enough, I was going to Camarillo and my eye appointment was at 8:15. The morning recording informed me it would be here by 7:14 and I was out front in plenty of time. I then waited...and waited...and waited.... No, it couldn't possibly be a repeat of the last time when "somebody called in sick" and I was left. I called Access and was told he was on his way. Oh, there he is, turning in now, at 7:40. Okay, we can't probably make in just in ti...

Nope. Because he had to make not one, but two other stops, several miles away from each other and by the time we actually got to Miramar, I was a half hour late and of course, they wouldn't take me. That means I certainly won't be able to get an eye exam until December, since I'll be gone all next month. To get home, I then waited...and waited...and waited.... The van finally got there and walked in at 11:30...

...where I was greeted by yet another communication from Bianca--an envelope on the door--by the supposedly missing September rent and utilities payment. Called asking to make an appointment for Monday and guess what? She's going on vacation on Monday. I, of course, will be gone a lot longer than that (just don't want to specify), so where does that leave us? I called the bank and was told there was no suspension of my automatic rent payment. Okay, but now I have to deal with the supposedly missing utilities bills.

Called the general manager of the Access Van and raised hell, of course. He told me he had problems getting anybody to drive, although they pay well and provide benefits. I said he'd better not deduct the aborted trip cost out of what I put on my debit card and he said he won't. 

To top it off--geez, I hope it's topping off--the sneakers I bought (and paid seventy bucks for) are too snug, so I have to take them back. That's opposed to the last pair, which were too big. 


Friday, October 22, 2021


One of those up and down days: The sneakers I bought on Wednesday were really too big, so I reluctantly decided to return them. Walked to Telephone Road, then bused to Famous Footwear and got a smaller size and different style, which I really don't like as much, but oh, well. Walked from there to Office Max (or Depot) to show the manager the seventeen dollar credit I received via email; he pointed out it went into effect yesterday, not Wednesday when I bought the ink. No big deal, anyway, I just want to be sure they had it in their system. Right next door is the new Aldi's Supermarket and I stopped in. It's okay--very clean and neat, of course, but I wasn't particularly impressed. I picked up some turkey lunchmeat and roles and will have them when Jim comes tomorrow.

Bused home, had lunch, then--unusual for me--lay down to take a nap. I've been sleeping very badly lately and was really tired. I had no sooner fallen asleep than I was awakened by a call from Bianca, the apartment manager oops, "community director." She said she hadn't received my rent for September and was missing my utilities payment. Now, I have my rent automatically paid on the first of the month and as soon as I receive the (separate) utilities bill, which varies month by month, I pay it on-line, so how could this happen? I told Bianca I'd look into it, did so, and printed out the activity on my bank account. As far as I could see, all was up to date. I copied the payment list and took it over to the office; Bianca said she look into it, so I left it there.

Home, I got involved with my continuing problem with Blue Shield over-the-counter benefit. This is another load of crapola I hate dealing with and I don't even want to outline the problem here. Anyway, as I was on the phone wiht the OTC people, Bianca called to say she had looked over the numbers and--I don't even remember what else, as I said I'd be over in fifteen minutes. I got nowhere with the OTC people and finally hung up, after being put on hold. Took my copy of the rent payments, etc. over to the office, only to find that Bianca had left--damn!  I told the temp filling in for what's-her-name I'd see Bianca at 11:00 today. I then found a voice mail from Bianca, which confuses things further.  

Called Ellen when I got home because I was so frazzled and upset. Happily, after tell her my tale of woe and having her sympathize, then hearing about her day, I felt much better. I actually have a good life and just have to quit being so paranoid about every little thing. Okay, I'll reform.   

I just got up, having set the alarm for 5:00--much too early--because the Access Van is picking me up at 7:00 for my 8:15 eye doc appointment in Camarillo. If this isn't a nap day, there's no such thing. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021


Busy day. Did a lot of what I call "business chores" (monkey business) in the morning, including sending a check to Bob Szabo for closing off the sprinklers at my house; sending the water bill to my tenants; calling Access Van to tell them I have a new debit card and to transfer my balance from the old number, emailing Mike about new mail for Paula. (The only reason I list it here is for reference.)

After breakfast, I walked to Wal-Mart (sleep aid), then The Market (veggies), and bused back. Lunched, then bused to Office Depot for printer ink. Walked from there to Famous Footwear for new sneakers, which for me are everyday walking shoes. Not sure if I'll keep them, as they may be a little big. The problem is, nines are a bit tight and nine and a halfs are a bit loose. Maybe I'll wear thicker socks in Jersey.

While at famous, I fell into conversaiton with a woman named "Jai" (it's combination of her first, middle, and last names, something like Janet Irene Iberia). We're almost the same age and we talked about a variety of topics, including dentistry. She lives in Ojai and is on Facebook. I gave her my card and hope to see more of her.  

I called Jim after dinner and invited him go to the stamp show at Dudley House on Saturday, then come here for lunch. He accepted and will pick me up at 11:00.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


What a delightful day! I took the 9:45 bus to Santa Barbara and was picked up at 11:00 by Carolyn and nephew, Wes. We then went and got Betty at Villa Alamar and I was finally able to see her room. It's small, but has a nice kind of anteroom and a roomy bathroom (no tub or shower, as the residents are helped to bathe by staff). From there, we went to Carolyn's, where I met Wes's lady friend, Heidi. I like her a lot; she's also an attorney (on HEPA affairs) and has two daughters and a son. I was fascinated to hear she and her former husband adopted the son from Ethiopia and we talked about that.

Carolyn went out and got subs for lunch, then presented a birthday cake (it was Wes's 57th) and we sang The Song. I had just quickly pulled together something--two small bottles of wine, which I said was for him and Heidi--and he appreciated it.

What I appreciated--well, it was more like I was blown away with amazement and gratitude--was the Google Earth virtual reality set Wes had brought. He put it on m, gave me the hand controls and I actually visited Ventnor and Singapore! It's as if you're in--not a plane, but maybe a glider soaring over the land. You can also--which I did--go down to street level, turn here and there, then use a control to take a kind of snapshot of the area. I saw St. James, the house where I grew up on Rosborough Avenue, Betty's big house on Atlantic, Mom's on Washington, and so many other places. I saw where son Mike and family live in Singapore and was almost, but not quite, able to walk in. I want one of these--I do! Maybe I'll ask the kids to put together and get me one for Christmas. In fact, I could actually buy one myself--hmm...

Anyway, it was a neat day and it was wonderful to see the loving care and concern Carolyn and Wes show Betty, who is more faded mentally and more frail physically than ever. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Last week was Fun Week, with eating out with friends every single day, and now, I have to turn my attention to my trip.  I don't want to go into detail, but I had a list of people and places to contact: brother Larry, niece Joan, CVS Caremark, Blue Shield OTC, the endocrinologist, Bank of America, Amazon, and Spirit Airlines--and several of them were resolving problems or potential problems. I still have a list of contacts to plow through, plus several other tasks, but at least I put a dent in it. 

I did get my flights to and from Florida and decided to skip the side trip to my niece's. Happily, that turned out fine, as she called to say she and Jim would drive or take a train to Larry's while I'm there, so I'll get to see her. Larry said he has two empty bedrooms, and they'll probably stay over at least one night--it'll be good to see them.  

Now I want to get new sneaks, have some keys made, and catch up with other various and sundry. However, I have to keep reminding myself I have two weeks to do all this stuff. I always think I have to hurry, hurry, hurry, and get everything done or the world will come to an end. But it won't.

A-N-N-D...later in the day, good things happened. Niece Carolyn called to say her brother, Wes, had blown in from Chicago with his girlfriend and would like to see me. When? Well, today, which happens to be his birthday. Great--I'll take the bus, they'll pick me up at the courthouse and we'll have an enjoyable time. I have a card and I think I'll pick up a bottle of wine on my way out.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Sunday With Suzanne

It was a pretty good Sunday, as Sundays go. For openers, the crossword was absorbing and I got all of it. Did a color wash, ran the dishwasher, then prepared to go to Oxnard with Suzanne. We met outside at 11:00, as planned, and drove to Seabridge. This is an spectacularly beautiful, very large complex that includes homes (several mil, no question) townhouses, condos, plus a large, but tasteful, shopping center (no chains except Vons), plenty of green areas, lovely foliage and flowers, and--best of all--a wide waterway on which are docked a variety of perfectly kept boats, including large yachts. There's a wonderful walk all along the canals, which we took. 

After we walked about a mile around the canal, Suzanne suggested we have lunch, so we turned back. Ate at The Fisherman's Catch and both had red snapper (very good) and Cole slaw (mediocre), and me a beer. Considering the area, I was surprised it was reasonably--well, reasonable. My niece, Joan, called while we were still there and I caught up with her when we got home about 1:30. The big news from her is that she and Jim are moving to Orlando on November 8. 

I put on a lighter top--it was a gorgeous day--and took off for town. On impulse, I got off at Seaward and walked to The Promenade next to the ocean. Lovely day, but with a brisk wind. Went from there to Main, stopping here and there. Bought a blouse and two DVDs (it's an addiction, I tell you), then bused home. I think I got a bit more than four miles in, hoping that would facilitate a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, it didn't.

I didn't get in until 6:00, at which point, I made one of my ground turkey stir-fries, adding chopped onions and a vegetable mix. I had enough for three large portions, so stowed two in the freezer. My neighbor, Olivia, knocked on the door to present me with three big avocados (she's the one whose sister has an orchard). I'll certainly give one to Suzanne and maybe one to Vickie. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Spent time preparing lunch for The Man Who Came To Dinner Lunch; rather, he who was coming and does, regularly, once a week. It occurred to me that no matter how much I make, Jim will eat it. He's fearfully thin and I honestly don't think he eats enough. Anyway, I made a sandwich of chicken and one of hard-boiled egg, then made another, one side chicken and one egg. I also put out the rest of the crystal pickles, grapes, and chips. I was pleased to notice he ate the chicken sandwich and both halves of the extra, plus all the pickles and some of the grapes and chips.

As for our conversation, we talked about abortion and as ever, he quoted St. Thomas Aquinas, who seems to have gotten his ideas from Aristotle. (Damn, for two lapsed Catholic, we talk about morality a remarkable amount of the time.) As with Noreen, I did not agree at all, but it made for a lively exchange. I also showed him the Rider yearbooks Donna had left me--I found out that her Dad, Joe, had actually graduated in 1954, not '55, but she left me both of those, plus '52 and '53.  I loved looking them over and was delighted to realize I knew some of the faculty and administrators pictured. (I started working at Rider in 1975.)   

After Jim left, I did the food prep I had been putting off: scrubbed several pounds of potatoes, cut them into wedges, seasoned, and roasted them in the over, then cut and chopped eight large onions. Stowed some in the freezer and had some for one of my sketchy vegan dinners: spinach, the potatoes, and grapes. Actually, it was pretty good.

Will be with Suzanne today for a walk and lunch. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021


Ellen called at 7:15 am. When I saw her name on my phone, I was alarmed--my usual "it must be bad news" reaction--but she wanted to let me know Suz Montgomery had died and there was a good article in the local section. I had already known that, but was glad she had called.

Julie picked me up for T.O.P.S. and we had the usual casual meeting; only we two, plus Sharon and Lora were there. (I weighed in at 127.6 at home, so up .04 and 128.5 at the meeting, so up 1.3. If these scales ever agree, I'll collapse on the spot.) Anyway, it was reasonably enjoyable. Sharon brought dried carrots she had gotten at Dollar Tree. Dried carrots? Intriguing and one of these days, I'll buy some.

Lora asked if I'd like to go with her to an estate sale on Donlan Street and sure, why not, but when we got there, we were told it will actually be over the weekend. I didn't care, as I enjoy so much talking to Lora. She's a travel agent and a very smart cookie.  One of these days, I'll surprise myself and everybody else and sign up for one of her tours. Lora suffers from migraines, but happily, has been helped a lot by Botox injections. She has some other life challenges, but handles them with a great deal of intelligence and élan. We agreed to do lunch sometime next week.

I didn't get breakfast until 10:30, but that was okay. I changed and got to Lure for lunch with Noreen a little early, I gave her the little skit I had worked up for her T.O.P.S. meeting (hers has a whopping 18 or 20 members) and she brought something she had written that had to do with a ghost, a witch, and a clown. She had wanted me to re-do it, but I begged off. If she had a copier--or, for that matter, used the Internet or a computer at all--it would be one thing, but she doesn't. I regretfully told her I had a lot to do before my trip and I just didn't want to take this on. She understood and thanked me for the Dolly Dimple skit. We then had a long conversation about, of all things, sex, but I'm not going to repeat it here.   

While we were eating, Jim called to confirm he's coming to lunch today. Yes, at 12:30, and I hope his difficulties at work aren't wearing on him as much. Here's the obit for Suze:

Friday, October 15, 2021

Interesting Encounters

I walked to Green Thumb to get new garden clippers (I had broken the ones I had), then back, so did three miles in the morning. As I approached a cross street, I saw this young woman sleeping next to the street:

I considered whether I should call 911 or what. Finally, I got two dollars out of my purse and walked over to her. I was going to just slip it under her arm, but she awoke and and looked up at me. I held out the money and said, "just put this into your pocket." At that, she jumped up and yelled, "I'm not fuckin' homeless!" She said she needed to call her work at the detention center, but didn't have her phone. I offered to punch in a number and she said, "Do you have a Google phone?" I had no idea what that was, and said no. At that, she started screaming, "If you don't have a Google phone, then the hell with it," then ran away down the street. Something tells me she may not work, but may have escaped from the detention center. Well, it was an interesting encounter--I guess. 

The second encounter was more to my liking: Donna picked me up at 1:00 and we went to the Hill Street Café for lunch. I hadn't been there since pre-C., so about two years. We sat out on the veranda, which was so enjoyable.  Donna had brought her father's Rider yearbooks and other artifacts and asked me to take them home and look them over. 

I had met Donna at Soaring Spirits. She had lost her husband when he was only 54--some kind of stent botch, I think. Anyway, she met Mark at one of our gatherings (horribly, his young wife had suddenly died of a stoke when their baby daughter was two weeks old). Now Donna and Mark have been married for three years and the little girl is nine. They share custody with her grandmother and it's a cordial arrangement, I'm happy to say. 

Donna dropped me home about 2:30 and I went in, changed my shoes, then left to bus to town. Visited my usual haunts, bought a few DVDs and--remarkably--two pairs of slacks. Home about 5:00, after which I settled in for the night. Since I had had a hamburger and beer for lunch, I just had a big salad for dinner.

Today, T.O.P.S., then lunch with Noreen at Lure. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


Called BOA to report my lost debit card and they'll issue another, of course. Walked from there up Victoria and bused part of the way back, but to the post office. Bought stamps and walked home. I was determined to organize my new tummy/fanny pack better and took everything out. I knew I had done this before, but darned if I didn't find the debit card. Called the bank back, but it had already been deactivated, of course, so I'll just wait for the new one to come. I use it about as rarely as I use cash, but it's handy now and then.

After lunch, I spent quite a bit of time continuing to revise and add to "Dolly Dimple." I'll see Noreen for lunch tomorrow and will give it to her then. Since there are three characters, I made three copies for her. 

I want to call my brother, Larry, because I'll fly down to Florida from Jersey during my visit. I'd also like to visit others, including my Blogger Buddy, Pat. R. I'll call soon to see what we can arrange. 

Jim picked me up at 6:15 and we went off to the Dudley House potluck. (Didn't feel like making anything, so I just brought some Cabernet Sauvignon.) The food was good, the wine, too, and the program interesting (Victorian gardens), and I greatly enjoyed seeing my old acquaintances. I told Lynn, the docent director, I'd like to jump back in after the new year. I'll have to re-memorize my script--or at least the highlights. I'll see Shari, who's kooky as ever, next Saturday at the stamp club thing.

I noticed that Jim seemed pretty down--well, he's not the cheery type ordinarily, but this was unusual--and he told me about problems at work. Before we went into the meeting, we sat in the car and talked about it. I really feel for him and I hate and despise the system that put a 78-year-old man in this predicament. Invited him for lunch on Saturday, and he'll let me know. I honestly fear for my friend.   

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Club

Another full--maybe too damn full--day. I had fits and conniptions trying to arrange my flight to Jersey, but finally got tickets. Julie picked me up at 11:30 for the Woman's Club luncheon. The food was the usual and okay: some kind of beef, cut-up potatoes, salad, and gooey desserts. The speaker was my old friend, Carol L., with whom I was on the Senior Council a few years ago. Carol is now a disability advocate; she had been brain damaged when she was ten months old; also has had problems with depression and anxiety. I went over to say hello before her talk, asked about Suz Montgomery, who had been director of the Agency on Aging (I was on the oversight board). I was shocked when Carol told me she had gotten an email a few hours before that Suz had died. I guess I shouldn't have been shocked, as Suz had been very open about her terminal cancer, which she had kept at bay for many years.  Here she is, as I knew her:

What a loss.

Anyway, the actual "business meeting" was long, but strangely enough, didn't bore me.   I kept thinking of Saturday Night Live and how perfectly it would have fit in there Suburban matrons, almost all pretty long in the tooth, taking seriously the idea of conserving water by turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth. They started the meeting with a prayer, which surprised me, since it's a secular group. There was also a "patriotic" segment, during which the chair read "a tribute to our flag."  You'd swear that came out of a second-grade primer from 1920. 

And so on.

I actually won the fifty-fifty ($27.00) then, incredibly, picked Julie's number.  After, Julie took me to WinCo, where I bought a lot of heavier stuff (detergent, a large container of oatmeal, and more). When I went to pay with my debit card (WinCo takes only debit cards and cash) I found I didn't have my debit card. I finally paid with my winnings. I called Poinsettia Pavilion, where the women's club meeting took place, thinking I may have somehow lost my card there, but haven't yet heard back from them.

When I got home, I changed, then had a little impromptu Happy Hour with Suzanne. I had been pretty frazzled, but felt better after we sat and chatted for a bit. 


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Lots Going On, Plus Leashes And Leases

My friend, Noreen, called early to ask if I'd share something I had written for T.O.P.S. , as she's working up a kind of Halloween skit for her group. I looked up a skit and will give her a re-worked copy of what I had done a year or two ago. It's a verse concerning Dolly Dimple, who needs to lose some of her five hundred plus pounds and her inner selves, Slenderella and Gobble. It's cute, but I want to revise a bit for Noreen. We also made a date for lunch at Lure Fish House on Friday--which means I have social engagements every day this week. I added Saturday when I'm going to a stamp club affair for children to get some stamps for Mr. K., who has started collecting. As for Sunday--see below.

Julie picked me up at 12:30 and we drove to town where we picked up Amy. I had the idea Amy was about my age--well, no, nobody above ground is that old--or at least, Julie's age (68). But Amy just turned 51, looks about 35, very slender, very, very attractive. Short bio: She's an artist (oils and sculping), husband died a year ago; he was 71 and she was his fifth wife. Horribly enough, she woke up to hug him good morning and he was cold beside her in bed--dead with no warning (heart attack). I found it interesting that he had taught philosophy (must tell Jim) at Penn State, where they lived before California. He retired, then played guitar, both with a band and solo in clubs and other venues around the area. Amy is having a very difficult time dealing with his death, especially since his children--one of whom is an attorney--are causing all kinds of problems with his estate--no will!  Anyway, we ate at Rumfish and had some serious and satisfying talk. Julie drove me home after (I'll go to a women's club luncheon with her today) and I actually took a short nap. 

Then Ellen came to pick up her plant and stayed for a good Mom/darling daughter chat. Walked her to her car where my neighbor, Margaret (an eighth-grade math teacher) was just coming home and I introduced them. 

Later in the evening, Suzanne came over and we talked about the dog situation. A synopsis: Several residents are letting their dogs run loose on the grassy area next to my kitchen and patio windows every single day. There are always four dogs out there, two rather large, two smaller. Suzanne said a resident she knows named Debbie has a small dog which she always keeps on a leash (that requirement is in the lease here) is concerned about this, as she's afraid the other dogs could harm her small one--plus knock her over, of course. Debbie brought the problem to manager Bianca who, incredibly enough, told her she'd have to call the county animal control office. She did and naturally, they told her that, since it's private property, it was up owners or their representative to handle it. Today, I'm going to go over to emphasize to Bianca that this situation has to be remedied. (Incidentally, there is a fenced-in dog area here.) If she tries to weasel out of it, I'm going to tell her if one of these dogs should knock me over, I'm going to sue not only the owners of the dog and the owners of the complex, but her personally.    

As for Sunday's outing, Suzanne invited me for a seaside walk in Oxnard, plus lunch, so natch, I accepted. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Soggy Sunday

Did a color wash in the morning, then did my tomato/onion/garlic/seasoning concoction and popped it in the oven. I looked at American Airlines for tickets to Jersey. At this point, it looks as if I may go on the 26th and return in November, but I'm still hashing it out.

I walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street library branch after lunch. It was not staffed, of course, but I got in with my card. There were three others there--very quiet--and I sat and read for an hour or so. Walked from there to Victoria and took a bus home. 

Called Ellen, as I still have her plant she left at Carolyn's. She'll stop here today about 4:00 to pick it up. I have lunch with Julie and Amy today; we're going to Rumfish in town. 

Aside from that, it was a typical soggy (dull and boring) Sunday. This coming week should be considerably more fun. 

SO-O-O, now it's 9:27 and I just now got on here, thanks to Yandoo Communications (or "Communications"). I should without my monthly tribute, maybe.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Jim And Joy

Walked to The Market at 9:00 and walked back, so got three miles in. Prepared for lunch and laid out various on the table, as I always do when Jim is here. He and I had talked about yearbooks the other day and I got my own (HSHS '54) out to show him.  He said he didn't have a yearbook--why would he want one?--and I sighed, as I often do hearing some of Jim's pronouncements. It then occurred to me to see if I could find his (St. Ignatius College Prep, San Francisco '61) on the Internet. To my surprise, I did and here's some of what I found:

Above, he's standing with glasses. He was actually a nice-looking kid and what surprised me, was pretty active in high school. He mentioned he had gone to "all the proms." (I can barely imagine Jim at any social gathering, let alone a prom.) Unlike at HSHS, every class had one yearly, or I got that impression. Anyway, he seemed to get a kick out of both my yearbook and the pictures I had printed out from his. 

Jim and I shared one of the little cocktails I had bought at WinCo the other day--the one called Mango Chili, which was actually pretty good. We had wine with lunch, he his usual red, I Chardonnay.  He stayed until 3:30, then left. He'll be picking me up for the Dudley House covered dish on Wednesday and, with that in mind, I looked up some possible dishes I could bring. I may bring an appetizer of cocktail meatballs; They're pretty easy to make and I can make them in my smaller slow cooker.  

Note: Oh, joy!  I've been sleeping well the last three nights. Just got up at 6:30 and feel good. 

Saturday, October 09, 2021


I wasn't going to be at T.O.P.S. because of my doctor's appointment, but I did my usual home weigh-in. At 127.2, I had gained a smidgen--.04, but I'm not concerned. 

Julie picked me up and took me to the appointment. She insisted on waiting for me, although I could easily have bused home. She had brought a book, though, and luckily, the appointment didn't take long, then she took me home.

I like Dr. Lazzarotto a lot--much more than Dr. Jennings--and she and I had a good rapport. I don't mean we chatted like pals; I don't need my doctor to be a pal, just a good doctor. Of course, she's younger than my youngest child (most of them are, I guess), but I don't want some old quack, anyway. The only thing I had that was very interesting was, I guess, the planters wart I had. I showed it to her and she treated it with  carbon dioxide, what we used to call "dry ice."  Come to think of it, that's not very interesting, either.

When I got home, I called the Ocean County Clerk's office, since I have to somehow get Pat's name off my house deed. I went 'round and around with the woman I spoke to--I'm not sure if I just didn't get it or if she's an idiot. I'll see if I can consult somebody else.

Went to town after lunch. Didn't go into any shops, just explored here and here, including the San Buenaventura Mission and Basilica.  The church was open and I went in there and in the garden--very serene and other-worldly. 

Next week is shaping up to be pretty busy. I have lunch at Rumfish with Julie and her friend, Amy on Monday; the Ventura Woman's Club luncheon* on Tuesday; the Dudley House Covered Dish with Jim on Wednesday; and lunch with Donna Z. on Thursday. Friday is T.O.P.S. and I hope all those outings aren't going to show! 

Jim will be over for lunch today and I have a surprise for him, which I will reveal here tomorrow. He'll either be pleased or annoyed, I'm not sure which.

*I'm not a member, but Julie is and she invited me.

Friday, October 08, 2021


If it isn't one thing, it's something else: I finally heard back from attorney Williams, to whom to spoke to about a trust. He told me that, because my late husband's name is still on the deed for my house, I have to contact New Jersey to see how to proceed. He assumes I'll have to send a certified copy of Pat's death certificate. Okay, I'll get on that. 

Called to make an eye doctor appointment and the next one I can get in Ventura is--get this: the middle of December. So I settled for one at 8:15 in Camarillo, for which I'll have to get the Access Van. When I called, they informed me it would cost $24, although all rides within the county were $3.00 each way. I can't understand what changed and will call back today. 

Called Julie to take her up on her offer to take me to the doctor's today and that was fine. But another odd occurrence: she called back later, rather upset, saying she had gotten a message from me not to pick me up. Yet I never called her--must have been an old message, but it's puzzling.

Well, something went right, anyway: I got my pedicure and my tootsies look and feel good. Something else good: I bused to town after lunch, for the first time in what seems ages. Just walked Main, bought two DVDs, then bused home. I felt good after that. 

Another something good: Finally, I slept all through and just woke up at 6:00--YAY! 

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Lunch, Bad Religion, And The Prom

The saga of the refrigerator continues: It was running okay--you can hear a kind of hum--when I checked periodically in the morning, but then, at about 10:15, it stopped humming. Carolyn had called to say they were running a little late, but I decided not to notify the office about the stoppage immediately, for two reasons: 1. I didn't want a whole lot of commotion while I was hosting a luncheon (HA--that sounds o grandiose!) and 2. I looked on-line and read that a GE might automatically defrost once a day, so you wouldn't hear it running. That was comforting, except for the fact that when it stopped yesterday, things didn't get cool. 

But aside from all that, my company came--Betty, Carolyn, and Girl Dana--and we had a great time. We sat in the living room with cocktails first and talked and talked. I served lunch about 12:30--ham and swiss sandwiches, crystal pickles, and deviled eggs, then apple crisp with ice cream for dessert. They left about 3:30 with many thanks. Betty, of course, made little sense and I was alarmed at how heavy she's gotten and how physically frail; she uses a walker and even so, had to be helped. 

Interestingly, Carolyn mentioned her brother, Jay Bentley, who founded and is the bassist for the rock band "Bad Religion." Later, I looked him up (praise Internet!) and it seems he and it are pretty well known in--in rock band circles, that is. I emailed my kids to see is any had heard of it. 

After the lunch, I put about everything in the dishwasher after they left and started thinking of my mother's beautiful china. That was ringed with platinum and couldn't be put in the dishwasher. I often entertained when we lived in Little Egg and would serve dinner on it; I'd be up until midnight hand washing it. 

Went next door to Suzanne's after I had cleaned up and brought her a bowl of apple crisp; stayed for fifteen or so chatting. I was amused to have her mention the L.A. Dodgers; she said the sister friends of hers who live nearby are avid fans. I remember when they were the Brooklyn Dodgers, of course,  and what a furor when they left. 

Called Jim and we had a good talk. I asked if he wanted to go to the Dudley House covered dish next week (he's accompanied me before) and yes, he does. Our talk meandered onto high school days and I was surprised to hear him mention going to the prom. With a girl! (Wow--Jim has depths I never realized.) Must explore this when I see him at my place for lunch on Saturday.

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Getting ready for my company (Carolyn and Betty), I vacuumed the carpet and mopped the hard floors.  Cored, pared, and chopped six big apples, intending to put the apple crisp together this morning, but instead, I made the whole thing and put it in the fridge. When I got up, I took it out and will put it in the oven an hour or so before they come.

Walked to Four Seasons Cleaners to get my refund for the extra charge for the belt, then over to Wal-Mart. I thought I'd buy an inexpensive pair of ballerinas to wear with my rather dressy slacks. They had them on their web site, but not in the store, and it's no big deal, I'll wear something else.

Home, and I opened the fridge to pour a glass of soda. But what--? It wasn't very cold and--AAGH! I couldn't hear the fridge motor running. Damn--and I'm having company today! Called Bianca right way and she sent Tory over. He checked, didn't hear anything either and when I said something like "damn, I'm having company"--mild for me--he very belligerently said "I was off and came back when Bianca called me--I'm supposed to be somewhere else." His attitude is crappy and I was thinking about complaining to Bianca, but the hell with it. Later, Bianca called to say Troy was going to eat dinner, then would be back to put in a borrower. But--later still, I checked and the damn thing is working--both freezer and refrigerator. Called Bianca back to tell her not to send Troy after he eats, He can come this morning and hopefully, it will still be working. 

Carolyn texted to see if she can invite Girl Dana (C.'s husband is Boy Dana) to come today, too, and sure, she can--the more the merrier. Dana used to live near Carolyn in Santa Barbara, now lives in Ventura, and they've remained friends. Just got up (6:15) and when I went out to get  my paper, Suzanne met me at the door to give my ice cream back. 

So what's that old saying? "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world."  Okay--until the next crises.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Yolanda's, Rent Raise, And Lightning

 Another diverse, active day. I contacted Blue Shield/CVS Caremark OTC section, as I'm having difficulty getting on the site. I finally called and it may or may not be working; will try again. 

Met Julie out front and we went off to Yolanda's. Vera came soon after and we had a wonderful time. It was great for me to be back there, where Soaring Spirits met when I moved here six years ago. Of course, this wasn't an official gathering--Vera explained she wasn't supposed to be there without her assistant leader, Susan--so it was just three friends having lunch. We all had Margaritas to begin (yummy, yum, yum!) and I violated my usual rule of one drink at a meal by having a beer with my quesadillas, too. So what, I wasn't driving.

After that, Julie was kind enough to take me first to the supermarket for apples, then a farmer's stand where I got Brussels sprouts and grapefruit. She also dropped me at the cleaners where I picked up my jacket, then to BOA to get some cash to repay Lennie. She had picked me up a "tummy pack" (I hate the alternate expression), the kind she had bought to a T.O.P.S. meeting. I walked to the post office with it on and like it a lot.  It's light and having my hands free when I walk is a bonus.

Sent off to Mr. K. in Tokyo some cardboard train cutouts that he can make into stand-up ones. I sent his Dad an email, asking that he look at it first to see if he thinks. K. will like it.

When I got home, Vickie called, worried about a rent raise. She has only a six-month lease and I'm surprised she didn't know that once it's finished, the owners can raise the rent with a one-month notice. Anyway, we talked together, then talked to Suzanne. Vickie and I went over to the office to ask manager Bianca our questions. Of course, SO-FI can and will raise the rent a certain percentage. Bianca had told me before that, by law, it couldn't go up more than 9 percent, but now 10 percent was mentioned. We stopped to tell Suzanne and she said she'll probably have to drop Net Flix, which I don't have and don't want. I can handle the rent raise, but it's a shame for Suzanne and a disaster for Vickie and Mary.  But, hey, that's capitalism, the system people defend so ardently that regularly screws those who haven't made it to a particular income stratum.    

When we walked back, we saw Patrick and Gordon excitedly looking at the sky. There was a passing thunder storm (I know there's some kind of meteorological reason why we almost never have them here) and they were like little boys exclaiming at the (very scarce) lightning strikes. Vickie and I, native east coasters (she, Maine), got a kick out of that. 

Monday, October 04, 2021

A Day In The Life...

It was an unusual day, in that I hardly went out at all, since I had told Vickie I'd be here. She was in an all-day billiards tournament and her friend, Sandy, was staying with Mixed-Up Mary. Suzanne and I agreed she could call on us if she needed to.

I got a number of little chores done, including preparing spinach and marinating tilapia. I had those and leftover mashed potatoes for dinner--so good.  Repotted some things in the patio, dead-headed the geraniums, and cut back the daisies. 

Called Doris G. in Virginia and we had a long talk--same old Doris. Called my niece, Joan, in New York and chatted with her, her husband, son Jeremy, and granddaughter, little Cora, who's four. They were all in the car headed back from a playground. Called Muckie twice, but there was no answer and no evidence of an answering machine. Julie called and we firmed up plans for lunch today.

About 3:00, Suzanne came back from a swim and suggested we go over and meet Sandy. We did, and she proved to be an interesting person. She's seventy, very slender, and quite attractive in an unadorned way. She mentioned two daughters, but I don't know what her marital status is--or her orientation, for that matter. She said she thought she had met me before, but I don't recall that. Anyway, I liked her and might see more of her, as Suzanne mentioned the five of us getting together for Happy Hour. (More accurately, maybe, "happy hour," sans caps, which is how I characterize it when the drinks are non-alcoholic.) 

Home, I got the mail, sent off a check to the termite guy, and scanned an escrow update from Chase for Mike and emailed it to him. Packaged some cardboard train parts for little Mr. K. in Tokyo. I'll get to the P.O. soon and send it off.     

Did I mention Happy Hour above? Suzanne called me before dinner to ask if I'd like to meet outside for our own little H.H. Sure thing and she had her O'Doul's, I my Stella Artois (Belgian wheat beer) and we chatted happily for forty-five or so. We both got texts from Vickie with pictures of the tournament and I'll check the morning paper shortly to see if it's covered. 


Sunday, October 03, 2021

Yolanda's, Tuna, Alzheimer's, And Laetrile

Put a wash in before breakfast, then went back and forth with Julie and Vera about the possibility of our Soaring Spirits lunch tomorrow. However, Vera said "headquarters"--i.e., the main leadership--is still not recommending gathering; she suggested we just meet for lunch as friends. Julie and I will go and, I'm happy to report, we'll meet at Yolanda's where we did when I moved here and joined the group six years ago. Great--I much prefer that to Surf Fire Grille. 

I made tuna fish sandwiches for lunch and put out grapes and almonds. When Jim got here--as we agreed, at 12:30--I suddenly remembered he doesn't like tuna. I asked to be sure, he doesn't, so having some Swiss cheese, I made him one with that. Showed him the two books I just bought Philosophy/An Illuminating Guide to History's Greatest Thinkers and Factfulness and we had good discussions about the ideas in both. 

Jim also mentioned a book by a professor at UCLA that promotes a particular diet and supplements to not only prevent, but cure Alzheimer's.  An odd coincident is that the guy who wrote it is the founder and CEO of Apollo Health, through which one gets the treatment, and naturally, profits from sales of the book, The End Of Alzheimer's. That's funny, isn't it? But of course, that doesn't mean he's a charlatan and a fraud, does it? It's just a coincidence.

Jim and I had a heated exchange about this. Alzheimer's has robbed me of the person I've known since I was born--in this case, "literally" is valid to use--and whom I love dearly. Its ravages are as tragic as death itself--in some ways, more so, because the physical presence is still there while the mind becomes a rotting corpse of decay. It infuriates me that desperate people might invest large sums to save their loved ones, when the science behind this is so poor and the writer is trying to get rich on other people's misery.* Here's one review, more for the non-medical, but I've plowed through several others by contemporaries of the writer:

Anyway, poor Jim was the recipient of my furious tirade--I even disparaged UCLA, calling it a rinky-dink school in a provincial state--and later, I e-mailed him to apologize. One of these days, I'll learn to keep my mouth shut.

Note: I've been sleeping very poorly over the last few nights. The gruesome new pattern I've developed is that I go to sleep at my usual 9:30 or 10:00, awaken three hours later for the usual, have a hard time getting back, then awake at about 4:00. I hope I can shake this.

*It reminds me of the Laetrile "cure for cancer" from years ago. It was made from apricot pits, I understand. Poor Betty actually sent to Mexico and paid a large sum to get some for her dying husband, so now Wes is alive and well. 


Saturday, October 02, 2021


The T.O.P.S. discrepancy is getting odder and odder. I weighed 126.8 at home for a loss of 1.6 pounds--and 126.9 at T.O.P.S., for a gain of .04! Now that makes no sense at all. Before, I knew the scales weighed somewhat differently, but they were consistant: If one said I had gained or lost a certain amount, the other did, also. Now...who knows? be honest, I'm not sure our weight mistress is always calculating correctly. For some strange reason, she does it with a pen and paper--why in the world she doesn't use the calculator on her phone is beyond me. That's Bobbi, who picked me up. On the way home, she told me about her sad home situation. Her husband has a number of ailments, including constant pain in his back and is getting more and more morose and negative. He won't see a therapist and it's a terrific strain for Bobbi to be with him 24/7, which she is. I can understand, as I went through somewhat of the same travail when Pat was so sick. I just listened and sympathized--there's really no solution or good answer for this, which so many of us go through. 

After breakfast--which I didn't get until 10:30--I walked down Victoria to the dry cleaners at Montalvo Square, about a mile and a half to take my very light jacket. I was stunned that the charge was $15.49--unbelievable and that's a good reason why I rarely buy anything that can't be washed. However, I left it and bused home.

Had a late lunch, then talked to Jim. I told him about the two new books I had gotten and he'll be here for lunch today so we can discuss them. 

Ellen picked me up at 5:00 and off we went to Stephen's Greek Restaurant. Greg got there just as we did, so that was good. Stephen's isn't a favorite of mine, but they like it and we had such a good time talking, I didn't care where I was. I asked El to take me to a different branch of The Market before she took me home to see if they had the rice cakes I like. They did, finally, and I got some, plus blueberries.

I had just walked in when Julie called. She has returned from "the desert" (up north) where she inherited a house from her sister, who recently died. She's going to sell it, but had some contractors to talk to there. She asked if I'd like her to take me to the farmers market in Channel Islands on Sunday. Well, I would, but I had promised Vickie I'd be available if the person taking care of Mary needs me, so I had to decline. I told her I'd contact Vera to see if we're going to meet on Monday for Soaring Spirits.   

I got an invitation for the Dudley Docents Fall Meeting--a pot luck and a talk on "Victorian Gardens" on October 13 at 6:30. I want to go and will ask Jim if he's like to; he has twice before. If not, I'll ask Julie; I definitely want to be there, as I haven't seen many of these people for more than a year. Not sure what I'll take--maybe crystal pickles or some kind of apple dessert.  

Friday, October 01, 2021


I set off for Smart 'n' Final about 10:30, but it was so hot, I decided not to go. It was windy, too, but even the wind was hot. Instead, I just walked over to Von's for crabmeat and spinach.

The maintenance guys were here changing batteries in the smoke detector and replacing the air filters. I was just walking in when they were leaving. Unfortunately, as I opened the door, the damn smoke detector starting beeping. Javier came back in and removed the (new) batteries; said he'd be back and put in a new smoke detector. Later, I got a call from the office saying they had to order them and it would take a few days. Since I don't have slightest concern about fire--I'm on the first floor and the building is all stucco--that's fine by me.

After lunch, I did something really radical for me: I went to the pool! I took my pretzels and bottle of Stella Artois (you're not supposed to have glass at the pool, but I'm just a criminal, I guess), plus towel, book, glasses, and phone, and stayed about an hour. I first went in the pool--it was still hard to go under--then the hot tub. After, I just sat reading my terrific new book (Amazon delivered it overnight), which I think should be on everyone's agenda. 

It illustrates the sheer wrongheadedness of those who insist the world is getting worse--more crime, more poverty, more child death, more division between rich and poor, and so on. It's easy to see why this prevails in the minds of so many--Rosling points out how the negativity tendency, media "news," and many other factors make us believe otherwise. When it comes to actual facts and true statistics, though, it simply isn't true. Anyway, I find the book fascinating--and hopeful, even.

Called Jim when I got home and left a message, but haven't heard back. I'm looking forward to seeing Ellen and Greg today, when I'll take them out to dinner to celebrate her birthday--finally, as it was on September 11th. I have a little jokey gift for her, too.



Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...