Friday, March 12, 2021

Bank And More From Neighbors

Walked to the bank in the morning to 1.) deposit the new tenants' cashier's check for the security deposit and 2.) withdraw Eileen's security deposit, minus $150.00 for the re-wiring of the added smoke alarm in the study. Went from there to the market for Brussels sprouts, beets, and other goodies. Bused home, but because the bus stop isn't that close, I probably walked nearly as far as I would have otherwise, so about three.Trimmed the sprouts and popped them in the slow cooker along with the veggie "juice" I always save and freeze. 

I was delighted to get a call from Barb H., wife of Ray, with whom I also spoke. They're the kinds of friends and neighbors you never forget: so good to us when Pat was so sick. Barbara is an ex-nun, Ray an atheist, and they met when Ray was visiting his twin sister, also a nun, at the convent. I guess one thing led to another and they've been married for decades. Anyway, I talked at length to both of them and boy, we lucked out when we chose Sunrise Bay so many years ago.

Wrote Eileen a letter to go with the cashier's check and other stuff. I'm actually nervous about sending it through the U.S. post office, that poor excuse for what used to be a shining example of American know-how. To my knowledge, my certified mail to the township still haven't arrived, more than a month after I mailed it. 

My "Office" is on the blink; I can't open it. Patrick's been trying to help, but so far, no luck. However, he told me about Google docs, which I used to write a cover letter to Eileen.   

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