Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Good Day

A busy and productive day, aside from some attention in the morning paid to the odious Blue Shield dental thing. I'll continue to address that tomorrow.

Took my trusty cart and set off down Victoria Avenue about 9:30. I had intended to get a bus to the WinCo Shopping Center, where Burlington is, and buy those little lidded casseroles, but none came, so I walked the three miles. Stopped first at Sprout's  in the Barnes & Noble Shopping Center and bought a pound of almonds. The cashier was Susan, whom I know from T.O.P.S., although she hasn't attended lately, and we chatted a bit.

I then went to B & N to see if they have Stephen King's newest, Later, and they do.  I debated whether to buy it or not, but hey, I'm on a Jonathan Kellerman kick; am almost at the end of Devil's Waltz and have four others which I intend to read in the order they were published, starting with Bones (1987). I also have the Jack London bio Jim gave me, which I'll get to eventually. Anyway, I didn't buy the King book; think I'll see if I can persuade the library to get it for me.

I then stopped at Famous Footwear, as I need new sneakers. That's what we used to called them and they were about $12.95. Now they're walking shoes or hiking shoes or whatever and you're looking at many multiples of $12,95. I actually don't mind spending a fair amount for them, but I'm hard to fit, since I have bunions. Tried on a few, but either they didn't feel good or I didn't like the way they look. And who did I run into there but Suzanne, on the same sneaker quest. She offered to drive me home, but I had other shopping to do, so declined. I don't know if she bought any, but will find out.

From there, I crossed over to the WinCo Shopping Center and bought the casseroles, plus cheapy sneakers (twenty bucks) which I may or may not keep. I'd thought I'd just have a cheap spare after I buy the better ones, but now I wonder if that even makes sense.  I then stopped at The Dollar Tree for pretzels and aluminum foil. Caught a bus to the transit center, then home.

By that time, it was 3:00, so lunch was late. After, I set off for town to get the book I had requested. It was such a gloriously sunny and warm day (upper seventies) that I wasn't about to stay in. Got to the library to find it closes at 3:00 on Saturdays. Oh, well, I sure have plenty of others to read. Stopped at The Coalition and bought a kind of photo box--thought I'd organize the six billion pics I have of my children's early days--and matching oil and vinegar carafes. Main Street and all the restaurants on it were just jammed with happy people of all ages and I loved being there. 

Didn't get home until after 6:00 and dinner until almost 7:00, but so what? It was a good day and what's even gooder is that I slept soundly through the night!

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...