Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Did my Tuesday chores: Changed the bed and did a wash. I then decided to trek down Victoria Avenue to BOA to actually confront a human re the wire transfer stuff. Did so and talked to a young man to make an appointment and he gave me tomorrow at 9:30, to which I'll bring my laptop. However, he said he was also emailing me a video on how to accomplish that. 

Several hours later, the video had not arrived. I tried calling--no good. I went on the website--no way to convey much. Finally, I saw the "feedback" area and sent a furious note to "Holly McNellis," no doubt one of those pretend people, venting my spleen. 

Just for something to do, I took a shower and washed my hair. That reminds me of somebody I knew from Rider, Helen Hecken. She was the head of the American Language Institute there. We met because I was assistant director of Career Development. She mentioned that she showered before she went to bed and as soon she got up. She howled when I remarked she must have had some wild nightly activities...

Nancy, Carolyn, and I did the H.H. thing at 5:00. Neither have been out for a year and, seemingly, they're content with that. Nancy is engaged in a "sock challenge" in her knitting group, which includes people from all over the world. (If I ever make noises about wanting to knit, kill me quick.)

Called Jim and we talked for fifteen or so. He'll be over for lunch on Saturday. I'm almost at the end of Gangs of New York. The DVD will immediately go in the donation box, Leonardo or not.  




Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Mission And A Movie

Mission accomplished! The Arc donations, that is. I was called at 9:03 to say the truck would be there within a half-hour. That was good because I had been afraid I'd have to stay in all day to await the call. Being a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist, however, I was sure either I couldn't get the stuff out front by myself, and/or they'd all be stolen before I got back with the next load, and/or there'd be some mix- up with the time, and/or--

But no: I had to load up the cart (which I had given to Suzanne and borrowed back) just twice and got the stuff out front with no prob. The truck came within the time frame, driver was very pleasant, I was given a blank receipt card for IRS purposes, and off went my stuff. When I got home, I took up the bathroom rugs and tub mat, put them in the washer, and while they were being done, dusted and mopped the hard floors. 

Hmm...I know why I was being so virtuous about cleaning: to avoid the moment I had to tackle the Blue Shield and BOA stuff.  Okay, I forced myself to get to that next. AAGH! I won't even go into it, but after it was over--I hope it's over--I filed a complaint. with Blue Shield, then tackled BOA. I gave up with that, though, and will go there today. 

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for groceries, so I got three in. It was only 3:00 when I got home, so I played around on the laptop, 

Niece Carolyn called and I was delighted to hear that Betty is settling in well at Villa Rivera. The director let her move to her permanent room and out of quarantine a few days early. We talked for some time, then I called Betty. She still has plenty of (nebulous) complaints, but is mostly okay (if anything can be "okay" with this disease). I'll go see her after Easter. 

I finished watched The Departed, the totally absorbing 2006 Scorsese movie. Looked up what Ebert (how I miss him!) had to say about it--very astute, as ever--and here's the last paragraph of his review:

"I have often thought that many of Scorsese's critics and admirers do not realize how deeply the Catholic Church of pre-Vatican II could burrow into the subconscious, or in how many ways Scorsese is a Catholic director. This movie is like an examination of conscience, when you stay up all night trying to figure out a way to tell the priest: I know I done wrong, but, oh, Father, what else was I gonna do?"

Oh, yes; Ebert went to parochial school, too, and you never get over it, do you?

Monday, March 29, 2021

Sunday With Sneakers And Suzanne

After the Sunday thing, I tidied up a bit, then did some food prep involving cauliflower and onions. After lunch, I walked to Burlington to return those stupid sneakers I shouldn't have bought in the first place. By the time I had gone the three or so miles, it got wonderfully warm and pleasant. Bused back to Victoria Avenue and walked to Wal-Mart for facial scrub. Walked half the way home before a bus came, so I got my exercise in. 

I called niece Carolyn to see how things were going in that neck of the woods and got a text back with pictures of Betty's new room, now that she's out of quarantine. It's small, but she has her own bathroom and there's a nice view out the window. Carolyn will let me know when I can come to visit. 

I no sooner got home at about 4:00, when Suzanne called to asked if I wanted to Happy Hour outside with her.  Damn straight I did (I didn't say that to her) and I grabbed my beer and peanuts and joined her. She drank her O'Doul's, I my Corona, and we had a good talk. For once--wonders will never cease--she didn't wear a mask--yay!  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Good Day

A busy and productive day, aside from some attention in the morning paid to the odious Blue Shield dental thing. I'll continue to address that tomorrow.

Took my trusty cart and set off down Victoria Avenue about 9:30. I had intended to get a bus to the WinCo Shopping Center, where Burlington is, and buy those little lidded casseroles, but none came, so I walked the three miles. Stopped first at Sprout's  in the Barnes & Noble Shopping Center and bought a pound of almonds. The cashier was Susan, whom I know from T.O.P.S., although she hasn't attended lately, and we chatted a bit.

I then went to B & N to see if they have Stephen King's newest, Later, and they do.  I debated whether to buy it or not, but hey, I'm on a Jonathan Kellerman kick; am almost at the end of Devil's Waltz and have four others which I intend to read in the order they were published, starting with Bones (1987). I also have the Jack London bio Jim gave me, which I'll get to eventually. Anyway, I didn't buy the King book; think I'll see if I can persuade the library to get it for me.

I then stopped at Famous Footwear, as I need new sneakers. That's what we used to called them and they were about $12.95. Now they're walking shoes or hiking shoes or whatever and you're looking at many multiples of $12,95. I actually don't mind spending a fair amount for them, but I'm hard to fit, since I have bunions. Tried on a few, but either they didn't feel good or I didn't like the way they look. And who did I run into there but Suzanne, on the same sneaker quest. She offered to drive me home, but I had other shopping to do, so declined. I don't know if she bought any, but will find out.

From there, I crossed over to the WinCo Shopping Center and bought the casseroles, plus cheapy sneakers (twenty bucks) which I may or may not keep. I'd thought I'd just have a cheap spare after I buy the better ones, but now I wonder if that even makes sense.  I then stopped at The Dollar Tree for pretzels and aluminum foil. Caught a bus to the transit center, then home.

By that time, it was 3:00, so lunch was late. After, I set off for town to get the book I had requested. It was such a gloriously sunny and warm day (upper seventies) that I wasn't about to stay in. Got to the library to find it closes at 3:00 on Saturdays. Oh, well, I sure have plenty of others to read. Stopped at The Coalition and bought a kind of photo box--thought I'd organize the six billion pics I have of my children's early days--and matching oil and vinegar carafes. Main Street and all the restaurants on it were just jammed with happy people of all ages and I loved being there. 

Didn't get home until after 6:00 and dinner until almost 7:00, but so what? It was a good day and what's even gooder is that I slept soundly through the night!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Stella And Other Stuff

 Oops, I accidentally put "Wednesday" on yesterday's post and, of course, it was Thursday. Corrected it.

I dressed in regular clothes, not my usual weigh-in ones, and went out to the middle of the complex for the T.O.P.S. gathering. Considering there were only three of us--Lolly, Lennie, and me--it could hardly be called a meeting, but we were there. After the other two weighed in and a little conversation, Lolly took me to Rolling Oaks Radiology for my mammogram. But--I got there more than an hour and a half early early. Okay, no prob, I'd just wait. However, I was called in early and had the procedure. Released, I walked to WinCo, where I was to meet Stella at noon and yoicks, it was only 10:45! I called Stella to see if she wanted to come early, but she was just getting up and having her coffee and had to shower...

So I spent a lot of time browsing in this store and that. Actually, that turned out to be a good thing, because I stopped in to Burlington (maybe it used to be Burlington Coat Factory--dunno) and found the one-serving little casseroles with lids I've been wanting and hadn't found elsewhere. I'll go back one of these days to get them.

Stella got there at 12:00 we got groceries in WinCo, then went to Target, then the discount Uggs store. By the time we finally made it to Aloha for lunch it was almost 2:00. I had a nice rare-juicy hamburger and an even nicer pale ale and enjoyed them. We then walked a good distance on The Promenade--I think about two miles out and two back, which I was glad to get in. Happily, Stella didn't link arms, as she has done in the past, and she picked up her pace a bit, while I slowed mine, so our walk went well. It was very windy, though, as it has been lately. 

Stella is one of those people who are positive that around every corner is a disease, accident, serial killer, rotted portion of seafood, or other catastrophe aimed at herself alone. I don't mean just COVID, with which many are preoccupied and that's understandable in this day and age. But she seems to have an inordinate number of fears from the killer bacteria lurking everywhere to the homeless, dedicated to her demise. It gets wearing, believe me, but I managed to steer her away from the terrors that be and into more agreeable topics, so we had a pretty enjoyable day. 

Picked up my mail when I got home and got a disconcerting letter from Blue Shield telling me that my dentist is no longer in the network. Called Ellen and we talked about it, also the fact that I'm going to switch my appointment to June and find another dentist. 

Friday, March 26, 2021


Called Stella and we decided that, after my mammogram appointment at 10:45 today, we'd meet at WinCo at noon. She'll then drive us to The Promenade for a walk and Aloha for lunch. 

I straightened up a bit, preparing for Jim's arrival and met him out front at 1:00. It was very windy, so we were both glad to lunch inside. Had some good talk and some laughs. He had asked if I wanted to read a bio of Jack London, I said yes, and he brought it over. I had been at London's house in Glen Ellen, but years ago. 

Jim left at 4:30, then Ellen called. We had a good long talk, which included the possibility of me changing my dental appointment to June. She tried to get the second vaccine shot on Thursday next week, but slots were all filled for then and Friday, so she reserved Saturday, the day before Easter. If she has a strong reaction, that means I may not see her on Easter, but I'm reconciled. However, after we talked, I went over to Von's. Stopped at the pharmacy and asked what the chances were that El could get her shot there. Pharnacist said it was possible, as they were canceling some who live in Santa Barbara. I called El immediately to tell her. She checked on, but was unable to get an appointment, she'l keep trying.  

Called T.O.P.S. leader, Lolly, to say I probably wouldn't be there today. I couldn't dress in my weigh-in clothes, attend, then go home, have breakfast, change, and take the bus to get to my mammogram appointment by 10:15. I was surprised when she suggested I come in regular clothes, skip the weigh-in, then she'd drive me to Rolling Oaks Radiology. I accepted with thanks, then was more surprised when she suggested we have lunch together before she moves to Banning. We decided on next Wednesday at Rice, a Thai restaurant in town. 


Thursday, March 25, 2021


I forgot to mention that on Monday, I received the rent payment from my new tenants: Via check! Sent through the U.S. mail! AAGH! 

I fervently hope they don't keep up this bizarre behavior. I sent Susan, who seems to handle the finances (as I did throughout my marriage), an email suggesting they go electronic and, ideally, automatic. I know she's in her fifties and that she has an office job, so I'm mystified.  Of course, I should have known when she didn't ask for my account info. Anyway, I walked to the bank and consulted one of the officers about that and about Vanguard, with which I'm still dealing. If Susan continues to send checks, I'll put the app on my phone to deposit them that way, but it would be a drag.

I got home just in time to board the bus for town and meet Noreen at 1:00 at Finney's. What a delightful time we had! We sat outside to eat--weather was perfect--and talked and talked. She had both knees replaced--or whatever they do to knees--and that improved her life a lot (but losing her son last December didn't).  Interestingly, Noreen is planning a trip to a national park with her gentleman friend--in his RV. She's 85 and he's a year older.

I had delicious little bratwurst sandwiches--first time I've had red meat in several months, as I don't eat it as a rule--and a good hoppy beer.  So good to be out, especially there. We said goodbye about 3:00 and I walked Main to the bus stop. Browsed in some of the shops and bought a one-serving, oven-proof bowl with a lid. Home about 4:30 and I organized some tax deductible stuff.  

Stella texted me about a walk on The Promenade, then lunch at the Aloha tomorrow. Darn, I have a mammogram scheduled, but maybe I can meet her after or re-schedule. Hope so--I'm always reluctant to violate one of my cardinal rules: Never turn down an invitation. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Betty, Jim, Noreen, Nancy, Carolyn, and Jack London

Changed the bed clothes and did a wash, as I seem always to do on Tuesdays. Called Betty twice in the morning and was a bit concerned when her voice mail was on. At the same time, it made me sad to hear it. It's the same one she recorded long before her dementia and she sounds so--well, normal and cheerful. I doubt if she notices she has messages, so I called her an hour or so later and she answered. We had another wandering, desultory "conversation," if that's what it was.

About 10:30, I left for The Market and Wal-Mart; walked there and took a bus home. After lunch, I called Jim and left a message--I hope he's free tomorrow for lunch. Texted Noreen to remind her of our lunch date today--YAY! For the first time in months, I'm going to a real restaurant with a real IN-PERSON person!

Did the Zoom Happy Hour with Nancy and Carolyn and it was enjoyable. Nancy wants to  hold off meeting me for lunch until after Easter and she's afraid to meet at a restaurant, even outside. I was a little surprised that she's okay with meeting in my place and doesn't insist on being outside here. No prob, I'll just wait until she's ready.

After our H.H., I wasn't hungry (had pretzels and two beers during our Zoom meet), so put on my coat and walked a few blocks out and back. Nice evening. 

Jim called back and we talked for about twenty. He said he had just finished a bio of Jack London and did I want to borrow it? Yes. I had read it about thirty years ago, after seeing London's property in Glen Ellen, CA, "Wolf's House." I'm not sure if he ever got to live in it, as he died young; will have to look it up. Anyway, Jim will be here tomorrow for lunch, I'm pleased to report. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Visa And Various

I called the carpet cleaning people first thing. I'm wasn't sure what happened that my credit card payment was refused, but I researched a bit. I found had charged it to an Amazon Visa card I closed shortly thereafter. I had forgotten this hadn't come off yet. 

I'm also dealing with other money stuff: I want to be able to easily transfer money into Vanguard from my accounts at BOA. You have to jump through hoops to do it, but it's coming along. They're most concerned, of course, with transferring the other way, but now I have much too much in the savings account, which is paying about two cents a month interest (literally), so why not have it elsewhere? 

Before lunch, I put a few cups of dry black beans in the slow cooker, added chopped onion and seasonings, and let 'er go. Ate, then bused to town. I walked The Promenade, as I needed to see the ocean and the sand again. Went almost the whole length, which is about four miles, and it felt so good.

Waiting on the avenue for the bus back, I called Stella. We made a tentative date for Friday to walk. I hope I can persuade her to a restaurant for lunch, too. The only problem with Stella is that she strolls and likes to link arms as we walk. This makes me antsy as 1. I walk briskly and 2. I don't really like having my arm held as I walk. I think she used to do this with Arthur, her dear departed husband, and I don't want to hurt her feelings, so guess I'll just endure it.

Had a vegan dinner consisting of the beans (yummy), carrots and tangerines (yummy), and peas (yummy).  Later, of course, while I watched my hour of movie*, I had my blueberries, grapes, and popcorn. 

* Incredibly, after Eyes Wide Shut (talk about your sexy movie) and Miracle On34th Street (talk about your wooden acting), I'm watching Village of the Damned, made in England, black and white, starring George Sanders, and sixty-one years old. Even more incredibly, I'm enjoying it. 

Monday, March 22, 2021


What a good girl am I! I got all the filing done and then, incredibly, starting going through the different individual files, organizing, sorting, and weeding out. I took out the teeth stuff and will examine that soon--I need to call Dr. K.'s office today or tomorrow--in preparation for my dental ordeal in May.  Of course, this was after the crossword (I aced it) and some time on this machine.

Ellen called and we had a good talk. She gets her second shot on Thursday, April 1, and I had thought she'd be reluctant to see me three days later. But no--I was delighted when she suggested she come over for Easter--she'll bring food (I'm going to suggest dinner, not lunch) and we'll sit outside, if she prefers. I knew my niece Francine is going to bring my brother, Frank, down for Easter, but I had told her if El was uncomfortable with being there, I wouldn't be joining them.  Called Francine and left a message, but haven't heard back. Possibly, I can visit another time. 

My black printer ink was out, so after lunch, I walked to Office Max for both regular and wide black. I hadn't intended to walk all the way, but did, just under three miles, but I did. Bused part of the way back.

I had a message from the carpet cleaners in Jersey that there's some problem with the payment I sent them last month. I'll look into it, but I'm afraid I may have failed to recognize it when it was posted and thought it was fraud. Damn. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Errands And Chores

I got most of my errands and chores done before noon, which included walking to

1. the bank to get cash. (+I hardly ever use it, but once in a while it may be necessary, so I like to keep some with me);

2. down the road a bit to The Market for tomatoes and onions;

3. over  to Ralph's for coffee and veggies;

4. home and doing my tomatoes/onion prep.

After lunch, I bused to the mall and just looked around at Macy's and other stores. It was good to see more people than I've seen there for about a year. 

I spent time on yet more financial stuff, notably my Discover card, which I've decided to discontinue.  I  much prefer Mastercard, because I can get the statements and pay it alongside my regular bank accounts at BOA.

I added a number of items to the growing amount I'm donating to ARC. The truck will be here next Monday and I hope I can get it to the main entrance. I'm thinking I should maybe change that and have the guy come in the gate; might be easier to get the stuff there. 

Today, I must turn my attention to what I call "compiling and filing"--again! 


Saturday, March 20, 2021

T.O.P.S. And Natalie Wood

127.0 home and 127.6 at T.O.P.S., so each showed a loss of .02. That's of no importance, but what is, is that the chapter may be disbanding. Only Lolly, Cheryl, and I were there today and we were startled to hear that Cheryl has decided to discontinue coming. She says she isn't losing weight and she doesn't get anything out of it. I don't blame her in the least, but I hated to hear it, as she and I are compatible when it comes to pacifism and religion (or a dearth thereof). Since Lolly is moving in a few weeks, that leaves only Bobbi, Lennie, and me and frankly, I don't get much out of it, either. The question is--now that I have a scale, why do I need it? That whole "inspirational" thing that everybody seems to revere, is just bullcrap to me. I had to devise a regimen that works for me, and so far, I'm maintaining with mine and have been for several years. But it took a lot of thought and questioning of common beliefs and that can be disturbing to many. 

But enough of that: After, breakfast I took the footbridge to the park and the little lending library, something I haven't done for weeks. Left off several books and DVDs and borrowed a number of Jonathan Kellerman's stuff. I like the idea that he lives in L.A. and sometimes mentions Ventura. Also, his books are just the right kind to read for recreation: They're absorbing, then quickly forgotten--a kind of brain candy. 

Called Betty and she seemed fairly content. She still doesn't seem to realize she's in a different place and she gets mixed up between Wes, her late husband and Wes, her son. Made an appointment for May 17 for my dental work. 

Walked the long way home, so got in about four miles. After lunch, bused to town and went my usual rounds, so another mile and a half, I guess. I bought a light jacket and the DVD, believe it or not, of Miracle On 34th Street, which includes both the original black and white and a colorized version. I actually started watching the color version last night and was interested in how acting styles have so radically changed. You always knew the actors were acting and, aside from adorable little Natalie Wood, they seemed wooden and not truly involved. It's fun to watch, though--that vanished world I knew so long ago. 

Friday, March 19, 2021


AAGH! I spent practically the entire morning on financial and business crapola. I won't go into detail, but it meant a number of phone calls, checking records, and organizing this and that. Now I have a lot of filing to do, plus I want to break down some of my files, so as to separate the this from the that.

Did a wash, still appreciating having the washer and dryer in my own place. Decided to try broccoli in the slow cooker, so trimmed it, added veggie broth and Italian seasoning, and let 'er sizzle. Had some with dinner and it turned out okay.

After lunch, I took my cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final for Stella Artois beer. They had the twelve-bottle cube on sale, but then I decided to get Corona Extra instead. I like them both, but the latter maybe a little more. It's usually served with a slice of lime, which I try to remember to add. I thought I'd take it home, then bus to town, but by that time, it was almost 4:00 and I didn't.  

Other than that--nothin' much going on. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Full Of--Beans?

FuThe Access Van got me to the dermatologist's office so early--9:15--and I was taken so early that I was out of there at 9:45 before my scheduled appointment of 10:00. Dr. T. zapped two pre-cancerous thingies after a full-body scan.

Since I hadn't walked on either Sunday or Monday, I walked to the mall and Target from the doc's office, about a mile and a half. Called Stella from there. She had asked if I wanted to meet her in town to walk on the Promenade and I had said I would, but we decided to skip it until later. Neither of us had slept well and I wanted to take a nap.

It was only 11:00 by the time I bused home, so I got my cart and walked to The Market, then home, which added an additional three miles. Had lunch, then called Betty. She seemed pretty much okay--I'm not sure if she realizes she's no longer in her apartment--but complained about "the people coming in"--i.e., the staff. She did say the food was good. She later called me--twice--but that's okay.

I lay down, intending to take a nap, but just couldn't. Got up and went to Von's for blueberries and spinach. I bought five 18oz. packages of blueberries, so close to six pounds. How could I possibly eat that many before they went bad? I can't; I put them in the freezer so I don't run out. I sautéed the spinach in a little olive oil and had some with dinner. I'm still eating the turkey stir-fry and yams from the other day, and have one more meal left. 

I eat a fair amount of beans, but want to add more to my diet. I have never heard anything but praise for the healthiness of beans and I just came across this yesterday: "The intake of legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—may be the single most important dietary predictor of a long lifespan. Watch the video "Increased Lifespan from Beans" to learn more."

P.S. My husband, Pat, used to recite this silly rhyme anytime we had beans: "Beans, beans, the musical fruit/The more you eat the more you toot." Ha. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I called Little Egg Township and, wouldn't you know, my former tenant was right: To get a C.O. five years ago, I had to add a smoke alarm in the study because it has a closet, so they consider it a bedroom. Either they  added the stipulation that it had to be connected to the others recently or I was breaking the law for five years, but who cares? I apologized to Eileen and sent her a reimbursement check.

Talked to Carolyn to find that the transition for Betty went fairly smoothly. I called her, but she was engaged in her Bingo game, so said I'd call later. 

Walked to Ralph's for blueberries, broccoli, and lettuce, then back, so got my three in. I had been uneasy about two days (because of my company) without walking or any other exercise, so was glad to do it.

After lunch, I called my friend, Noreen, who had been in my acting group. I was sorry to hear that her son, who lived in an RV in her driveway, had died in December. He was a drinker, she said, and had cirrhosis of the liver. As for Noreen, she had both knees replaced and no longer had pain, which I was glad to know. We made a date for lunch next Wednesday at Finney's Craft House in town--YAY!  

Did the Zoom Happy Hour thing with Nancy and Carolyn. The latter has to get some kind of eye surgery next Tuesday--she was vague about what it is--cataracts, even though she's only 58?--and with her usual attitude of certainly that things will not go well, speculated that she wouldn't come through it better than she was before.

My friend, Stella, called and asked if I'd meet her today after my doctor's appointment (just a three-month checkup of the basal cell removal) so we would walk the promanade in town. I agreed and hope I can persuade her to lunch after. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


When I got up, it was raining. I was glad it didn't last through the day; I just find it so dreary. 

I didn't sleep too well, maybe because I'm thinking about Frank here for Easter. I had hoped to spend it with Ellen, but she indicated she wanted to wait until two weeks after her second shot, which is scheduled for April 1, Good Friday. But if she changes her mind, would she want to meet with Francine, Frank, and, I guess, their families, too? If not, I'd be torn about it. 

Cleaned up a bit getting ready for lunch with Jim. I went out to meet him at our usual 1:00 and we went back here. He spent a lot of time looking at the Atlantic City pictures on my wall--he had never heard of Steel Pier!--and others of my family.  After, we had lunch and our long discussions about philosophy, books, movies, and so on. He stayed until almost 5:00.

While Jim was here, I got an unpleasant surprise: a text from Eileen, my former tenant, angry about the $150 I deducted from her security deposit re the smoke alarm thing. She said the township required it for a C.O. before she moved it. I said I'd look into it. Called Walter, who was my agent at time and he didn't remember it, either, but we both think he's probably right. I'll call the township today

Monday, March 15, 2021


The usual slow Sunday. After morning rituals, I changed the non-digital clocks. I didn't really have any problem with Daylight Saving Time. 

Did a fair amount of food prep. Halved, microwaved, and seeded an acorn squash, prepared some frozen onions and peppers for dinner stir-fry, and pared and trimmed a number of yams. Instead of microwaving them, I did them the old-fashioned way: put them in a big pot of cold water, brought it to a boil, then simmered until they were tender. 

I then got my cart and set off for Ralph's on Victoria. I had just gone out the gate when I realized it was really chilly and wind was unpleasantly intense. The hell with it, I thought, so I turned around and went to Von's instead. 

After that, I was at loose ends. Just did some hidden object games on the laptop, charged my phone, and otherwise moped around. However, I was pleasantly surprised when Helen Crawford called. I had gotten a--bogus, I was sure and I was right--PM from her, so had called her a few days ago. She called back and we had an enjoyable talk. We agreed to keep in touch.

I forgot to mention that Ellen called on Saturday night and we had one of our good talks. (Talking with my children is always good.) She gets her second vaccine shot on April 1; luckily, the next day is Good Friday and she's off. I hope she doesn't get a bad reaction, but she's anticipating one, I'm afraid.

I called niece Francine in Oakland, to ask how my brother, Frank, is doing. He's now in a facility, which is surely the best place for him--his dementia is considerably more advanced than Betty's--and she thinks seems contented. She said she'd like to bring him to visit for Easter and I said I'd like that. She's going to call Carolyn to check with her. 

When I got up, it was raining. I hope it doesn't last through the day; I just find it so dreary.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Happy Day!

I got a delightful surprise call about 9:00 am from Betty's son, Wes, visiting from Chicago. Could he bring his mother over? Yes, of course, and I told him they must stay for lunch. Cleaned up a bit (just a lick and a promise, as the saying goes), then ran over to Von's for turkey breast, pesto pasta salad, Corona Extra for Wes and me, and diet Coke for Betty. High-tailed it home and had hardly walked in the door when Wes called to say they were at the gate. I let them in and welcomed Wes, Betty, and Claire, Carolyn's daughter, whom I was pleased to see was with them. This is the first time I've had company in--what, a year? Happy day!

We had such a great time: talked and laughed and reminisced. I brought out some albums of old-time Byrne'es, plus documents, such as my parents' wedding certificate, and so on. Wes is very much into genealogy and greatly enjoyed them. Served lunch then more of the same. Wes has one of those things that fit over your face and you can "see" various places he has videos of--I think. Unfortunately, my hi-fi is connected only to my laptop, so I couldn't see it. However, he suggested I come to Santa Barbara in the next few days (he leaves to go home on Wednesday). I'm not sure if it's feasible; we'll talk about it.

Here they are: Betty in the middle with her boy and her grandgirl:

Wes took one with Betty, Claire, and me and a selfie with all four of us, but I don't have it yet.

They stayed until about 3:30, when we regretfully said goodbye. There are going to be some changes in Betty's life on Monday and I hope all goes well. 

Jim had called me earlier and we discussed his class (going better than he expected, considering the 18- weeks class compressed into 8-weeks problem). He asked about lunch and I said I'd get back to him; did so and we made a date for tomorrow. It's been chilly and I asked if he'd be comfortable eating inside. Sure, fine (we've both had the vaccine), so we will. YAY--company again!



Saturday, March 13, 2021


At home: 127.2, so down 1.2; at T.O.P.S: 127.8, so down .07 (or 0.7?).

At T.O.P.S., we were taken aback to learn that our long-time leader, Lolly, has sold her condo and is moving to Banning. I'm not sure why, but I had the idea she was only modestly fixed, but she mentioned she got $770,000 for the condo, and she owns the one in Banning, so maybe she not in the food stamp line yet.

I was relieved to get an email response from my tenant about the eighty bucks they owe for the water bill. She'll send me a check. I went to the P.O. to mail the cashier's check and my eighty-buck check to Eileen, the former tenant. I added a cover letter telling her why I was deducting $150 from the deposit. This time, I sent it priority mail--clearly, certified is just a joke--which cost me $9.90. 

Speaking of that joke--and boy, you laugh so you don't cry--I finally went in to "track" (another howler) the documents I sent on February and read that that mail would be "late." What a surprise, considering I sent it on February 9. Anyway, I raised hell with the about it to the branch manager and he asked me to wait. I did, for about fifteen minutes. He came back to tell me he had tried to contact Tennessee--I guess it's a waylay station or something--and couldn't get them. I had no thought of asking for a refund, but he offered, so I took it. What an ordeal and what a sorry change in what used to be an institution you could rely on.

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and the shop next door for chicken quarters, lettuce, marinade, and Easter cards. Home, I dressed the chicken with the marinade and popped them in the oven. Pared some of the yams I had bought the other day. Wrote out and mailed the cards to Asia; will hold the ones for the states until later. Called Jim to see how his class went. This is the one where the college had him compress an 18-week class into 8 weeks; it's a math/logic class. He's taught it for years, but always at the longer length. Left a message. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Bank And More From Neighbors

Walked to the bank in the morning to 1.) deposit the new tenants' cashier's check for the security deposit and 2.) withdraw Eileen's security deposit, minus $150.00 for the re-wiring of the added smoke alarm in the study. Went from there to the market for Brussels sprouts, beets, and other goodies. Bused home, but because the bus stop isn't that close, I probably walked nearly as far as I would have otherwise, so about three.Trimmed the sprouts and popped them in the slow cooker along with the veggie "juice" I always save and freeze. 

I was delighted to get a call from Barb H., wife of Ray, with whom I also spoke. They're the kinds of friends and neighbors you never forget: so good to us when Pat was so sick. Barbara is an ex-nun, Ray an atheist, and they met when Ray was visiting his twin sister, also a nun, at the convent. I guess one thing led to another and they've been married for decades. Anyway, I talked at length to both of them and boy, we lucked out when we chose Sunrise Bay so many years ago.

Wrote Eileen a letter to go with the cashier's check and other stuff. I'm actually nervous about sending it through the U.S. post office, that poor excuse for what used to be a shining example of American know-how. To my knowledge, my certified mail to the township still haven't arrived, more than a month after I mailed it. 

My "Office" is on the blink; I can't open it. Patrick's been trying to help, but so far, no luck. However, he told me about Google docs, which I used to write a cover letter to Eileen.   

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rain And Old Neighbors

A remarkable occurrence: It rained yesterday! I mean, I think it did--the sky got a little gray and then six or seven drops fell in about 10 minutes, then the sun came out. I went over to Von's for cottage cheese and by the time I got back, skies were blue again. 

I got the deposit check from the new tenants from Kim and called to tell her. I wanted to send Kim a gift card for a restaurant, just because she's been such a terrific help to me. Called Susan G., my old neighbor and friend, to ask which of the restaurants in the area were still any good. I was startled to hear that several are closed, but maybe shouldn't have been surprised. Anyway, she mentioned that the Mystic Island Casino was still there and still good, so I contacted them for a gift card. They seemed very disinterested, so later, I emailed them to skip it; got Kim an Amazon gift card, instead. Aside from all that, Susan and I had a good time chatting and she brought me up to date on doings in Sunrise Bay.

I also spent a helluva time trying to re-stall my Apache Office program. With the help of my older son, I hope I'll be able to do, but so far, haven't been able to. Speaking of him--rather, his adorable little boy--I got this St. Pat's day card:

It says at the top: "Our rainbow has gold at both ends. (I always have to obscure his and his parents' names, as son Patrick won't allow them on the Internet.)

Suzanne came out when I was and we chatted about some kind of residue in her water. She said hers is still running very slowly, although my kitchen water is okay. So had been the bathroom water, but when I got up this morning, it was slow again. Think I'll call the office and ask how much of my utilities bill I should withhold. 

I was pleased to get an email from the library that my requested new Stephen King work--Later--was in. Bused to town and found that it isn't a book, it's a CD. I took it, but was very disappointed it isn't to read. I'm actually unclear as to whether a book of it was published or not. Later, I tried putting it in the disk holder in the laptop, but clearly, it wasn't the right fit and I had a hard time getting it out.

Stopped at the Market for blueberries and grapes, then walked to the transit center, so I believe I got my three in altogether. On the bus, Betty called and a man got on the line. It was Wes, her older son, the attorney, who blew in from Chicago. He said he'd like to see me and I assured him any day, any time. I love him a lot. 

I was pleased that Ray H., another neighbor, responded to the message I had left and called me last evening. Susan had said he had met the male half of my new tenants and he seemed like a pretty nice guy, and I was curious about that. Ray said he seemed okay and mentioned admiringly that he was a vet; he had been a paratrooper in the military. I said in that case, I'm going to evict him, since I'm a pacifist. Ray is such a good guy--we laughed together over that. I'm still curious to know if Clifford and Susan are married, since they have different last names. (Of course, son Mike's wife uses her maiden name for professional purposes.) 


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

At Anne's With Gayle

 I forgot to mention that Monday evening, Gayle B. called to say we were on for lunch yesterday (bringing our own, of course) at Anne's today. Gayle said she'd pick me up and Anne would take me home. I didn't realize they both live in Port Hueneme, a suburb of Oxnard, although Gayle would be coming from the nail salon in Ventura.

After changing the bed and doing two loads of wash, I went over to Von's for lunchmeat and a toy for Anne's new little puppy. Showered, washed my hair, and packed up my insulated lunch carrier. 

Gayle picked me up at 1:00 and off we went. Anne's townhouse, which she recently bought, is so attractive and nicely decorated. Her new puppy, Trooper, is such a cutie even I like him. We were given a tour of the house, then sat down for lunch (we each brought our own). I had a Blue Moon with me, but I also had some "hard lemonade" that Anne provided. Yum.

We talked and talked and laughed and talked and boy, it was great to be with others in the flesh and not on some damn screen. We went over to Gayle's house then so I could see her backyard. It's impressive, although the house is pretty dismal.

Anne then took me home--I didn't get in until quarter of six. Called Nancy to tell her about my day and was glad to hear she gets the second vaccine dose tomorrow and, by the end of the month, said she'll come over to my place. That was good to hear, but I was concerned that she was out of breath just talking on the phone. I asked about that and she said she may have to get her heart valve rechecked--there had been some concern about it before.

Gail M. (the other Gail) called while I was at Anne's to say she had some kind of emergency today, so couldn't meet me here for lunch. In truth, that was all right with me. For one thing, it's been chilly and very windy lately, plus it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Also, Gail isn't a very stimulating companion, I'm afraid. I find her a little tedious, so it's just as well.

Today, I'm determined to continue going over my closets and cabinets to see what else I can donate. I need to free up more space so I can get out from under. 

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Peeps And People

Called Betty in the morning and we had our usual confused and circular chat. After breakfast, I walked the Peeps package to the P.O. and was told postage to Singapore would be $25 something, with no guarantees about when it would arrive at customs. Next step up was $59.75 for six to ten days to customs. I chose the latter and oh, yes, I'm going to extract it from my little Mikey. He can afford it and it's essential for the mental and emotional health of the whole family that they get their Peeps by Easter.

Home, I made myself deal with the ever-growing pile of paper work and filed a lot of it. Called the office again about the water thing. It's actually flowing considerably better than it has, but where it comes out is still corroded with green minerals, so I need a new thingy. After that, I idly looked up my Amazon Visa credit card to see what I owed--I haven't used it much--and saw a balance of $257, which included a charge of $240.00 to "Patty Pachas" on February 27. What? Who? Never heard of it her (or it). I then spent 45 minutes on the phone with Amazon, Visa, and Chase, cumulating in the fraud department. It's removed and I closed the card, which I've had for only a few months, anyway.

Escaped from the dreary financial stuff by busing to town. Stopped at the ARC thrift store and bought a number of plastic hangers. Why? Because I'm culling my closet and will call the truck to get my donations. I thought it was a good idea to have clothes on hangers to keep them unwrinkled. 

On the way home, Betty called, and I told her I'd call her when I got home. In the meantime, her daughter, Carolyn, called and asked me to call her, too. I did when I got home and we had a long talk. Called Betty after and we chatted.

Monday, March 08, 2021


The usual Sunday morning. After breakfast and the crossword, I took my cart to The Market, so got three in. Mike had asked me to get Peeps for his girls (and I wouldn't be surprised if he hopes they share), so I picked up several small boxes in various colors. 

After lunch, I did some food prep: scrubbed and trimmed two pounds of carrots, added washed and quartered tangerines, and popped them in the slow cooker. I cut in half the box of mushrooms, used my mandolin to thin-slice a big onion, added garlic, oil, and seasonings. and put them in the fridge to roast for dinner. However, I had left-over stir-fry and black beans, plus the mushrooms, so I'll save the potatoes for tonight.

Started wrapping the peeps, which I want to send today. This took quite a while and I think the postage to Singapore is going to be a pretty penny. Mike said he'd send me a check, but I won't bother about it unless it's more than twenty bucks. 

I called Gayle B. to ask if she's heard from Anne L. We were tentatively planning to have lunch tomorrow at Anne's, but I'm not sure if that's on or not. Gayle was actually on the train, which had just stopped at Bakersfield (Bakersfield!). She had been at her SIL's birthday party, a six-hour train trip away. Being from teeny-weeny Jersey, I'm always amazed at how big this state is. 

I've been trying to open my Office (I have Apache, not Microsoft) and it just won't open. Tried it again just now and it still won't. I can get into it for documents and so on, but can't get a blank page to write something. Emailed my four children asking for advice. 

Ellen called in the evening and we had a good long talk. She's watching The Crown on Netflix and we spent an enjoyable time discussing those parasites, the "royal" family. My family's a lot more intelligent, interesting, and moral than theirs. 

The kitchen sink water is still coming in at a trickle. Think I'll call the office and ask how much of my utilities bill I should withhold, damnit. 

Sunday, March 07, 2021


Called Betty early just to say hello. I got a text from her daughter-in-law, Robyn, asking me some family ancestral info--she and Steve have a 14-year-old son. Went over to Von's for lettuce for my egg sandwich (preparing for my lunch with Jim).

 Brother Larry called from Miami to ask if I had heard from brother Frank--no. Actually, you don't "hear from" Frank anymore; you try to get to his daughters. Larry's wife, Helen (sadly depleted now) and daughter, Elaine, were on speaker phone, and we enjoyed chatting.

Met Jim in the middle at 1:00. We had our usual far-reaching conversation, during which son Mike called. It was only about 3:30 and I really couldn't talk then. Asked him to call in the evening, as  he had intended. 

I'm still reading the John Huston bio and found that the philosopher, Sartre, was his co-script writer on Huston's movie, Freud. They despised each other. Since Jim teaches philosophy, he was interested in hearing this. We also discussed my Acting for Amateurs group, where he and I met when he was my student. Neither one of us could remember all the participants so I want to look up some of the programs and pictures. Damn, those were the days--what I'd give to start up another class. 

We sat until 4:00, then Jim left and I took the bus to Ralph's. I was just about to cross Victoria Avenue when Mike called again. Good grief, there was an enormous amount of traffic, it was very noisy, and what possessed him? However, I got to see and exchange a few words with beautiful twelve-year-old Violet, who was dejectedly waiting for her math tutor (boy, I can relate), then said a bare hello with gorgeous sixteen-year-old Vivian.  Mike said he and Paula were going out for brunch with friends, but he'd try getting me in the evening; if it doesn't work out, we'll have to wait until next weekend. He did call about (my) 8:00 pm and I so enjoyed seeing my boy. 

Saturday, March 06, 2021

T.O.P.S., Town, And The Ventnor Beach

Weight report: At home, I stayed at 128.4, on the T.O.P.S. scale, I was 128.5, a whopping .04 loss from last week.  (At our regular T.O.P.S. meetings, the "weight report" was revealed every week--how many pounds lost, how many gained--in the aggregate, that is. I'm perfectly okay with not hearing that.)  

Called Jim to ask where he got the bifocal glasses he has; he said at Rite-Aid. I guess I should go back to the ophthalmologist, but I just hate to, for a variety of reasons. Anyway, we talked and he'll be over today for our usual lunch.

Finally heard back from my ungrateful wretch of a son, Mike (all my sacrifices! working my fingers to the bone for him! And does he appreciate it? Actually, yeah, I think he does), who said he'd set up a Zoom meeting for over the weekend. Can't wait to see him and his girls.

After lunch, I bused to town for the first time in awhile. It was fun to be back and I got my three miles in. I loved seeing the people at the various restaurants (outside, of course), but still didn't hear anyone asking me to join them. 

I put some pictures on Facebook, one of Monsignor Moran, pastor of St. James, and these two:

Mom wrote on the back: "Wyoming Ave. This is the approach to the boardwalk. The house directly behind is on Ros. (Rosborough) Ave. & received considerable damage to roof and garage." This was after the hurricane in either 1942 or '44; not sure which.
That's my mom on the left, Frankie, 2, next to her. The others are my Aunt Mary and Uncle Ed Renz, plus assorted Byrne and Renz kids. Betty and me? Oh, we were there--just not "out" until a few months later.

Friday, March 05, 2021

Various And Venereal Disease

I was inside virtually all day! That was a drag, but I got a few things done. I've been trying to clean out my closets of the things I haven't worn for ages. Did some--about ten tops I thought I could do without--and put them in the box for the thrift store.  

Why was I inside? Because I had committed to seeing a "Storytellers" Zoom program at 4:00. Carolyn B. had invited me to see it and I didn't want to hurt her feelings by refusing. Actually, it wasn't bad. There were four people telling "growing up" stories, but not exactly from childhood. Maybe it should have been called "growing out," or something, as it concerned more an expansion of ideas and so on. I thought the first person was a little boring--her "story" was predictable and the old lady even more so (sweetsie-poo). I did like the Latino man who had lost an eye in childhood and a young autistic woman, tubby and not pretty, who had a lonely girlhood, but actually got to speak a line in a movie. Always and forever, I identify with those who don't fit in. I'm toying with the idea of seeing if I can apply to present. 

Earlier, I went over to Von's for Dave's Killer Bread, the only kind I eat. Got an email from LeAnn at Prime Management (Sunrise Bay), asking for a copy of the new lease, plus my new tenants' phone numbers, so she can ask them to provide proof of age. Also got an email from accountant, Michelle, asking about some tax stuff; called her and we discussed it. Got a bill from Bill for $150 for re-wiring the smoke alarm in the study. You can be sure I'm going to withhold that from Eileen's deposit.

After the Storyteller thing, I had to get out.  Walked and bused to the mall for Target and blueberries, so got in two miles, at least, and felt much invigorated. 

Called Ellen to hear she got her first dose.* She got Moderna, so has to wait until April 1 for the second.   

I called the office--twice--about the water situation. There's nothing wrong with the quality and we don't have to boil it, but it's coming out of the faucet in only a thin stream. I was told there's some kind of delivery problem and that maintenance is going from apartment to apartment to remedy it. I hope they get to me soon.  

*Ha--"got a dose" used to be slang for acquiring venereal disease. 

Thursday, March 04, 2021


Got to Betty's after the usual two-and-a-half-hour trip. Stopped first at Whole Foods for beer--I keep some in Betty's fridge, which Carolyn (or anyone else) is welcome to, also. I had made turkey breast sandwiches for lunch and we ate after a Zoom Bingo session, courtesy of Friendship Center. This is a Santa Barbara organization for memory care; Betty used to attend often (it included lunch), but with COVID, now it's all virtual.

We were setting up the Sorry! game when Mary arrived, so it was a threesome. I like Mary a lot and we had an enjoyable time. However, I had to leave at 2:30 to catch the various buses. Did so, but didn't get home until 5:45. Why would it take more than three hours? Because the first two buses displayed "Bus Full" on the electric front, although I could see only about two people on the second. However, I finally got to town and on the Ventura-bound one.

I had called my friend, Gail, when I was riding to SB (we had met on the bus; her daughter lives there) and left a message. While I was riding home, she called back and we talked for about twenty miles. We made a date for lunch (here, in Jim style) next Wednesday, but when I got home, I saw my mammogram was scheduled for them. I think I'll call and change it.

Got a text from realtor Kim asking for my street address so she could send my tenants' deposit. Okay, and I guess I have to deal with giving Eileen's back, but I want to consult her or Walter about that.

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Things Have Improved--I Think

Before breakfast, as usual on Tuesdays, I stripped the bed, re-made, and washed whites. Did some food prep later, including my roasted tomatoes and trimming of Brussels sprouts.  

I'm a little leery about writing "things have improved" on the business front; I've thought that so many times, but then hopes were blasted. However...things have improved. I received a copy of the code of occupancy document from Kim and a "completed" call from the cleaning service, so--unless some other catastrophic thing happens, and it might--it looks as if the house stuff, at least, is okay.

Whether the bank is, is questionable. I called after breakfast and, regarding the Venture Couinty (the "i" was alerted me to the fraud), I understand that was blocked. Of course, my debit card was hacked, I guess, so it's blocked, too; they'll send a new one within ten days. That's not so bad, since I use credit cards almost exclusively. 

Speaking of which, I walked across to get a pedicure from Nails D'Elegance (so convenient, as it's in the Von's shopping center) and greatly enjoyed it. However, it's been so long since I've been there, that I forgot they don't accept anything except cash (I almost never use it) and checks. Had to go back and get one, then drop it off, but that was okay, because I wanted to stop at Von's. Did that, in order to get turkey breast and grapes for the lunch I'll bring to Betty's today.  Called her from the nail place to remind her. I'll do the same this morning--looking forward to seeing my sis!

Send a St. Pat's Day card to my little grandson in Japan, but I can't quite figure out his ethnicity. His Dad is three-quarters, his Mom only Japanese, so what does that make him? Had virtual Happy Hour with Nancy and Carolyn at 5:00. Nothing new with them--but then, there never seems to be.

Called Ellen in the evening and we chatted. She gets the first vaccine dose tomorrow.



Tuesday, March 02, 2021

No End

There's just no end to this crapola:  Kim sent me information about a cleaning company, and a copy of somebody's bill for a house like mine, the charge $373.  I called and was told it would have to be by the hour, so probably $550! I argued, and offered less, all kinds of bullshit went on. Finally--and I just don't want to go into the particulars--they offered said $250 and I accepted. (That supports my "everything's negotiable" mantra.) They were to clean at 2:30 yesterday afternoon--I assume they did--and Kim got to the township and was told the re-inspection would be today.

Aside from all that, I'm having major problems with an erroneous charge on my bank account. Oh, and every time I go into it, I'm told my password is wrong and I have to do a new one. Talked to two people about the charge and I just don't want to go into all the ins and outs--I'll have to try again today. As for BOA, those devils from hell, I was on the phone for more than an hour, trying to straighten that out. Still haven't and will call this morning.

Before the bank charge thing came up, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart and back--HAD to get out and felt somewhat better after getting my three miles in.  

Monday, March 01, 2021

And The Beat Goes On...


Unbelievable: I was just awakened (5:55 am) by a number of texts from realtor Kim (I have a notification ping on my phone) with pictures of various drawers and cabinets that need to be cleaned at the house. Some have cleaning supplies in them. Also, wicker furniture and clay pots were left on the porch. I immediately called Kim. She said she'll send the name and number of a cleaning service, which I'll call now. She also said Eileen had left wicker furniture and clay pots on the porch. I texted Eileen to ask if she wants them. Finally, Kim said the new tenants don't actually have closing on their own house (yes, they just sold it) until Friday--and here, we were frantically running around trying to finish today. Okay, things have gotta improve...I keep hoping... 


Having finished breakfast and the crossword, I was at the laptop with my second coffee, when the phone rang at 10:05 am.  It was my soon-to-be-former tenant, Eileen, very agitated, who called to tell me "the new people" (my present tenants) had pulled into the driveway with a huge truck and wanted to put things in, and I got mad, and he was nasty, and wha, wha, wha.blah. What?! Eileen, you told me it was all right for them to put some things in the garage after one o'clock on Sunday. Yes, but they had this big truck and I still had to clean the bathroom... AAGH!

After we hung up, I immediately called Kim and she said she'd notify the new tenants' agent and apologize and explain. Okay, but damn! After going through all the other travail, I was hoping at least Clifford and Susan would have a smooth beginning to their tenancy, but clearly, that wasn't in the cards. All right, there's nothing I can do about it, so the hell with it. Ellen called and I told her about the whole tale since the freakin' post office screwed up; felt a little relieved after that. I was happy to hear El has a first vaccine appointment on Thursday.

Packed up my income tax crapola and walked to Michelle's to leave it off.  I chatted with her a bit, which was pleasant. She's a little recovered from her reaction to her second shot, but still not up to par.

I had intended to take a bus to WinCo, but none was due, so I walked, so probably, all told, got in my basic three. Bought the various things I can only get there, then took the 11 to the transit center and the 10 home. 

Note: For some weird reason, it won't go to "left align" above, so I'm just going to leave it.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...