Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Widder Dinner

Happily, I've been sleeping well lately.  Maybe my sleeplessness earlier was because of the car thing, anxiety, or whatever, I'm glad I don't seem to have the problem now.
Stopped into the office and met the new person, John, who I guess will be Bianca's assistant. Told him about the stain on my living room ceiling, which I just noticed the other day.
Walked the footpath to the library again; I think I'll make that a morning ritual. Stayed there for a time continuing to read Burrough's book. I'm sorry I didn't take it out, but maybe I will later.
From there, I walked to Victoria Avenue and caught a bus to the mall. Went to Target to check if they had blueberries--they do, I was happy to see. I guess they were just out of them the other day.  Bought some frozen chicken strips for my salad and rode home.
Had lunch, then took a shower. I have no idea why, but I suddenly started getting pains in my stomach. I'll draw a veil over what happened next, except to say the problem seemed to be what I ate and "what happened" was I got rid  of it. Ugh.
Dressed and left at 5:00 for the widder dinner at Stonefire Grille. Walked there and had a riotous time with Greg, Hana, and the others. Carolyn was there, but told me Nancy had a sore throat; I'll call her later to see how she is and tell her how I'm enjoying Downton Abbey.
We stayed talking and laughing for later than usual, then Barb took me home. After she pulled into the entrance, we sat and talked for 45 or so. Because of the annual gun show at the fairgrounds, she's under the gun--ha!--since she's the CEO. I'm more or less neutral about it; I think it's yet another example of people jumping on the bandwagon of the latest trend, pro or con, but never examining the systemic rot underneath. Anyway, she's got a mind and uses it, which is a welcome novelty.
I'm off to Santa Barbara today.

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