Saturday, October 05, 2019

Back Up

Darn, I gained two pounds again at T.O.P.S. , so was at 133.2. I seem to be gaining and losing the same two pounds every week.
I was still a bit down in the dumps early yesterday, but now I'm back in fighting trim. That's because somebody called me and we had a long talk. This time I was honest about my semi-depression, I guess resulting from the thing with Diane, the car, and because, as often happens, I think, minor problems accumulated, which I'd usually resolve without a thought, but not so much when I'm low.
Anyway, I feel considerably better. I resolved to put the car on Craig's List, sell it,  and maybe--but more likely not--get another. That wouldn't be immediately, anyway. I'm going to work on that after breakfast.
I took the "back walk" over the freeway which Vera had told me about and it was so enjoyable; only one small street to cross to the library branch, where I stayed for an hour reading. Walked back (a total of about 2.5 miles, I figured), and had lunch.
As for that pesky flat tire, I called Pep Boys to see if I could bring it in and leave it for a few hours while I bus to the library. I want to ask if my cast and I can come in at 6:00 to the meeting room, in preparation for the 7:30 Open Mic meeting. However, I then decided to call AAA--gawd, they're charging me a fortune, I might as well get something for it. Well, darned if I wasn't able to arrange for the tow guy to come. However, when he did--Jack, a very nice young man (good-looking, too)--he said it had a nail in it, had to changed, but I have no spare, so they have to bring a flat bed to take it to the place where they'll pull the nail and fix the tire... Hey, I don't care, let them do it, so I'll called, as instructed at 7:00 am to ask for the truck.
A little late, I caught a bus to town and got to the library just about 5:00, when they close. Talked to the unpleasant young man on the desk--he never says hello when I go there, which is often--and was told to come back to day to ask about the room.
Waiting for the bus, I called El--still at school  at 6:00--and we had a nice talk. Home and had half of a Sprout's vegetable pizza--very good and only 370 calories.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...