Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fire And Peirano's

I slept well and didn't get up practically the middle of the afternoon: 7:30. Had breakfast late (9:00), then Suzanne rang my bell to tell me the Simi Valley fire is very close to the Reagan Library, where we were a few days ago. Nancy and I had already spoken and she had told me the same; Suzanne stayed for a bit to chat.
Now the fire news is even more ominous:
Carolyn B. called; she was worried about the air quality in Ventura, as we planned to sit outside at the newly-opened Peirano's. I said I'd check, I did and saw that air quality was "unhealthy" in Ventura for those with lung problems, otherwise okay. I reassured Carolyn.
Ellen then called to see if she could come over and use my printer. Hers in on the fritz (another saying from my mother) and she needed to do her students' report cards--that is, the report on the report cards. Of course, I was happy to have her come. She got the report done, then dropped me off at the transit center, where I got a bus to town. On the way, she got a phone message telling her that school is again closed today.
Got off at the library and walked to Peirano's. The wind continued extremely strong, but it was less noticeable in town, because of buildings on each side of Main Street. Carolyn and Nancy came soon after and we had a nice enough time.
However, it was one of those damn stand-at-the-counter-and-order-your-own, then-get-your-own- utensils-places, which really annoy me. I wasn't very hungry anyway, so just had sides of potato salad (unpleasantly spicy) and pesto salad (too bland) and an 805 beer. Nancy had egg salad and, although she usually has wine, also ordered a beer, as the wine was more expensive than she wanted to pay. 
Carolyn had a large deli sandwich, which looked pretty good. Anyway, it was okay, but not where I'd want to frequent.
Said goodbye--we'll see each other at lunch on Monday with Soaring Spirits--and I walked to the
library, read for a bit, then took out a book on JFK, Jr., don't ask me why, and bused home.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Linda R. And Santa Ana

Left for the Regency at 11:00. Walked down Victoria to Telephone, intending to get a bus there, but  it was such a good day for walking--sunny, but with a nice breeze--that I ended up walking the whole way, about 3.2 miles.
Met Nancy and we saw the Linda Ronstadt documentary movie. Boy, was it good; we both loved it. After, we went to The Cave, where Nance had wine and a shrimp/mac and cheese dish and I had a a kind of broiled eggplant dish, plus a semi-dark, German beer, new to me, but very good. After our usual good conversation, we parted about 4:00 and I walked the block to WinCo. Got grapes and Dave's Killer Bread, and had every intention of taking a bus home.  However, I got tired of waiting at the bus stop and felt good, so I walked home, too.
Ellen called when I was almost there to say classes at her school were cancelled today because of the high winds expected. She asked me to let her know if my electricity goes out and she'll do the same.*
Wow, I slept late. Got up for the usual at 5:00. I debated whether to stay up or go back for a bit. Decided on the latter and just got up at 7:30!
Looking forward to meeting Nancy and Carolyn for lunch today at the new Peirano's Restaurant in town. We decided to go to lunch every other Wednesday--during the weeks we don't have Soaring Spirits--instead of Happy Hour every week. That works out better for all of us and today will be our first.
*Got up to find that the Santa Ana winds really are ferocious. I'm hoping for no loss of electricity--and no fires.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Bed And Mr. Bates

Stripped the bed and did a bleach wash with the sheets and other whites. I had the load washed, dried, folded, and put away before 9:00 am. Did some computer stuff, then worked on my play, Acquisitions for a bit. I must discipline myself to write for at least an hour every day (creative writing, that is, not email or this pokey blog).
After lunch, I walked to the post office to mail some stuff, then took off for town. Got off at the library, walked back on Main, then looped around. I made the mistake of stopping into two thrift stores--my usuals, Goodwill and The Coalition--and bought a jacket and a small bathroom rug. That meant I had to carry two fairly large bags, but I managed.
Got off at the transit center/mall and walked down to Target for blueberries. I looked at the grapes, but I sure as hell wasn't going to pay $4.99 a pound for them; I really don't need them, anyway.
Home about 4:00 and emailed Nancy a reminder--she probably doesn't need it, but I do--about our movie and The Cave date today. Wrote her and Carolyn B. about tomorrow, when we're meeting for lunch at the new place, Peirano's.
I got a message back from Carolyn, worrying that it would be crowded. For Pete's sake! I called Peirano's to ask if they took lunch reservations; they don't, but the guy I talked to say there shouldn't be any problem. I wrote that back to Carolyn, copying Nancy. You'd think a 57-year-old woman might be able to pick up the phone and call herself, if she was worried about having to wait. If there was a long wait, we could simply go to one of the many good restaurants very close to Peirano's. Carolyn, though, seems unable to function as an adult. Her inner self is a helpless child, alone and afraid in a world she never made.
I'm usually more patient with Carolyn and at least, I didn't express my annoyance to her. Her outlook on life is so dark and her family life so odd--I'm always amazed at her peculiar relationship with her son and daughter--that I need to remember she's more pathetic than not. Also, she suffers from what I'm almost sure is early-onset Alzheimer's, considering the constant forgetfulness and other manifestations.
Got a call from my D.D. as she was driving home from school and we had a good long talk--hearing from her always makes my day.
Left the house and the country at 8:00 and transported myself to the Abbey, where I hovered for an hour in bliss. Oh, I do hope Mr. Bates returns to his true love!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Crossword, Credit Cards, And Korea

Usual Sunday routine. I was annoyed at the crossword puzzle because I found some of the hints obscure, but I think the world is still turning.
After breakfast, I decided to buckle down and do some work on my play, "Acquisitions." However, I easily persuaded myself that I first had to go buy shower caps and bathroom cups. Walked down Victoria to the 99-Cent store, then to Walmart (about 2.2), but found no caps. The cups had geometric designs and I like the one with flowers, so I didn't buy them...
GOOD GRIEF!  It's inconceivable that a grown woman would care what the hell her bathroom cups have on them! I think I'll go back and buy the others.
Took the bus home and by the time I got in, it was 1:30. I was just assembling my lunch salad when Stella called--did I want her to pick me up and we'd go to lunch? Foolishly, I agreed, she did, and we went to the newly-opened Denny's . We both had breakfast, although it was then after 2:00; I had scrambled egg whites, one sausage, and fruit. It wasn't bad, but wasn't anything to write home about, either (my mother's expression--ha!).
Idiotically, the server wasn't allowed to take our credit cards; we had to take the tabs up to the cash register and  put them in ourselves. When I expressed surprise, I was told it was because of identity theft and so on. Geez, if a restaurant thinks its own employees might be swindlers, who the hell wants to go there? I don't and I won't be back.
I made the mistake of mentioning to Stella that Nancy and I were going to the movies and The Cave on Tuesday and she said she'd like to go with us. I felt like a dog, but put her off; I didn't want to say yes, especially before asking Nancy and frankly, I get weary of Stella if I see her too often. I did tell her I'd like to have Betty, Suzanne, and her over for lunch when Betty's visiting (three Catholics and an infidel) and she was pleased to hear that. By the time she dropped me off, it was after 4:00.
I'm reading The Great Successor, a new book about Kim Jong Un and find it absorbing. I know little about North Korea--or Korea in general, for that matter--but well remember the Korean war, one of the horrors of our history.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Egyptian Antiquity

 20191026_105258.jpg (I have no idea why the layout is so screwed up, but I can't seem to fix it.)


Interesting day. Suzanne and I left for the Reagan Library at 9:00 and got there just as it opened at 10:00. Happily, it wasn't at all crowded, maybe because people were apprehensive about the fires.
Anyway, it was a terrific experience. Most of the artifacts were found under the sea, either recently or years ago and they were mainly of, or about, the gods popular at the time. I was struck by the fact that their beliefs so closely preceded those of Christianity These included the "one god" concept (although there were other supernatural creatures), the idea of life after death, and of a holy person rising from the dead, along with other similarities. Since these came years before Christ, it's assumed his followers absorbed some of these
We also enjoyed lunch on the patio overlooking the beautiful Simi Valley.  The weather was ideal; about 70, sunny, and with a gentle breeze, quite a contrast to the former hot, with fierce winds. I bought two postcards to send the grandchildren before we left.
We got home about 2:30 and I immediately took off for town. It was bustling, with kids in costume (I think the merchants on Main Street were giving out treats), parents, and young people, all in a festive mood.  It felt so good to take my library to museum and back again walk--about three miles, I guess, and I stopped into various stores. Picked up a purse at one of the thrift stores and some Dudley House Christmas cards at another. I don't think they make them anymore and, since I docent there, I thought I'd like to send some out.
I then stopped into the library and started reading a new book called The Great Successor about the North Korea leader, Kim Jong Un. I found it so absorbing, I took it out and will continue to read. I  ran into Ben (from Fractured Actors) in the library and to Stella in one of the thrift stores.
Left town about 5:00 and bused home after a very pleasant day.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Hot

Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S., as usual. I gained a bit--1.4 to 132--but I keep going up and down and am okay with that. The program was meandering as ever, but not too bad.
Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and set off afterward to the bank to deposit my car insurance refund check. Also wanted to go to the 99-Cent store for bathroom cups and shower caps. I got only to Victoria when I decided again it was too hot to walk, so doubled around to Telegraph and caught the bus.
Deposited the check, but changed my mind about the store when I saw another bus coming. Jumped on (okay, okay, I didn't actually "jump") and rode there, then walked to Target. Yay, they had blueberries, so I bought three pounds; I'll get the cups and shower caps later.
After lunch, for the second day in a row, I went to the pool. Only a mother and three little ones were there. The water felt heavenly and I floated around happily. Got out to read my magazine when Suzanne came. She asked if I wanted to go to the Reagan library for the Egyptian exhibit today and yes, I do. We'll leave at 9:00 and hope we don't run into any fires which, I'm afraid, are starting up again here and there.
Prepped some broccoli and Brussels sprouts and stowed them in the fridge. Had leftover turkey stir-fry for  dinner, along with spinach. Took a walk after, just around the block, then to the shopping center.
Is it hot? Yes, averaging around 82, but it's not humid here, so is bearable. Nevertheless, I won't be walking longer distances until it cools off.

Friday, October 25, 2019

WinCo And So On

Suzanne rang my bell while I was just finishing breakfast, to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo.  Yes, indeedy, and we did. I got a good supply of all kinds of things that are heavy, such as salad dressing (I got four bottles), frozen fajitas, and spaghetti squash, plus plenty of other staples that would have been difficult to take on the bus. Suzanne asked about the stain on my living room ceiling and I told her nobody had been over to look at it yet. That prompted me to remind them at office. Shortly after, Javier came, looked at it, then got his step stool to see if it was wet. It wasn't, so what they'll do about it, I don't know and I'm not that concerned about it, anyway.
Heard back from Nance and we'll go on Tuesday to see the new Linda Ronstadt movie, then have our Chardonnay and munchies at The Cave.
After lunch, I decided to go to Sprouts, as I knew they had wild-caught salmon on sale. I've walked that far several times (about 2.5 miles), but it was so incredibly hot, I thought it would be foolhardy, so took the bus (four buses, actually, two there and two back). I also picked up the new Dionne quintuplet book at Barnes & Noble in the same shopping center.
Home, I changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool. I was annoyed that five guys--not kids, but probably early twenties--were tossing two footballs back and forth in the pool. I went in, but just splashed around for ten minutes in the low end, then left. I wish I had gone before lunch when Suzanne did. Walked over to Von's for diet 7UP, which I drink occasionally; eight small bottles should last me for two months or so.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Did a big wash yesterday and had the clothes dried, folded, and put away before 10:00. Went over to Von's for lettuce. Instead of vacuuming, I started sweeping and otherwise cleaning up the patio. We have huge and majestic pines here, but they shed those long, brown needles, which drop on top of the wood chips and look unsightly. I wasn't about to pick them off piece by piece, but Ellen showed me that you can sweep them. I did, but left some undone when I left for the store after lunch. Walked down Victoria to the market (1.6) and got a few things, then took the 11 bus to Sprouts for grapes. Rode to the transit center and caught the 10 bus home.
I resumed tidying up the patio and it looks a lot better, if not perfect. I still have a few tomatoes growing, so won't pull the plants yet.

I had actually toyed with the idea of going to the pool, it was so hot--over 80 most of the day--but I didn't; maybe I will today. The fact is, I'm afraid, that I didn't feel like getting into my suit, gathering  up towels and other stuff, swimming, then coming home to take a shower. I'm just lazy, so I did only part of it: took a shower.
Unlike this week, next is pretty free, so I emailed Nancy to see when she was available for a movie and The Cave.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Santa Barbara And The Bonaventure

Long day. I left, as usual, at 9:00 to board the first of three buses to Santa Barbara; got there, as usual, two and a half hours later. I was pleased to hear Carolyn would join Betty and me for lunch and she did at noon. We went to "The Farmer Boy" restaurant; I've been there before and like it. I had a so-so small salad and a delicious mug of clam chowder, plus a good IPA.
Carolyn drove us back to Betty's and, as I wanted to get the 2:20 bus back, I said goodbye then. Bus  was ten minutes late, but I got to the Ventura transit center about 3:50, then hopped a number six bus. Rushed into my apartment just to change my top, then rushed out again to get the number 10 to The Bonaventure. They were having an Open House for their new memory care facility and I thought I'd like to see it. Plus, of course, they had refreshments, and that's always a draw, too. As I was drinking a glass of lemonade, my old friend, Doris, came in. We were pleased to see each other and talked about getting together some time--we'll see.
I took the tour of the facility--very nicely done and depressing as hell--then cut out. While waiting for the bus back, I called Nancy and we had a congenial chat. Didn't get home until almost 7:00, when it was already dusk. Saw my fourth episode of Downton and  continue to love it.
Now, today, I'm going to keep my nose to the grindstone and get some household chores done--I swear I am!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Widder Dinner

Happily, I've been sleeping well lately.  Maybe my sleeplessness earlier was because of the car thing, anxiety, or whatever, I'm glad I don't seem to have the problem now.
Stopped into the office and met the new person, John, who I guess will be Bianca's assistant. Told him about the stain on my living room ceiling, which I just noticed the other day.
Walked the footpath to the library again; I think I'll make that a morning ritual. Stayed there for a time continuing to read Burrough's book. I'm sorry I didn't take it out, but maybe I will later.
From there, I walked to Victoria Avenue and caught a bus to the mall. Went to Target to check if they had blueberries--they do, I was happy to see. I guess they were just out of them the other day.  Bought some frozen chicken strips for my salad and rode home.
Had lunch, then took a shower. I have no idea why, but I suddenly started getting pains in my stomach. I'll draw a veil over what happened next, except to say the problem seemed to be what I ate and "what happened" was I got rid  of it. Ugh.
Dressed and left at 5:00 for the widder dinner at Stonefire Grille. Walked there and had a riotous time with Greg, Hana, and the others. Carolyn was there, but told me Nancy had a sore throat; I'll call her later to see how she is and tell her how I'm enjoying Downton Abbey.
We stayed talking and laughing for later than usual, then Barb took me home. After she pulled into the entrance, we sat and talked for 45 or so. Because of the annual gun show at the fairgrounds, she's under the gun--ha!--since she's the CEO. I'm more or less neutral about it; I think it's yet another example of people jumping on the bandwagon of the latest trend, pro or con, but never examining the systemic rot underneath. Anyway, she's got a mind and uses it, which is a welcome novelty.
I'm off to Santa Barbara today.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Beans And The Brits

After my usual Sunday morning, I walked over to Von's for Romaine and onions. Shredded the latter and added them to my beans, which I had soaked in water overnight. Along with chicken broth (bought, but I'll make my own one of these days) and the saved "juice'" from cooking asparagus,* plus some seasonings, I put it in the slow cooker.  Had lunch, then left for the bus to Oxnard.
Stopped at Target there and, happy day, they had blueberries. I bought three 18-ounce containers, then stopped into see if Greg was working. He was and it was a pleasure to see him. I'm always so pleased that he gives me a hug when I come in. Just chatted with him for a bit, then walked back to the bus stop. I decided to stay on until we got to a store I knew has good and inexpensive grapes (jeez, this is California, they practically grow wild, so I'm not paying $4.99 a pound at Von's). Got off there, got my grapes, then bused home. At the door, I was greeted by the lovely aroma of the delectable black beans, which had simmered away all afternoon. Yummy, yum, and I have enough for several servings.
More of the Brits: I enjoyed the second episode of Downton Abbey, then turned in. I'll see Nancy tonight and tell her how much I appreciate the loan.
Yesterday was the first day in a full week I didn't go out for either lunch or dinner--heavens, I must be losing my touch. No fear, I'll attend the widder dinner tonight.
* For years, I've been saving the cooking water from vegetables to use in soups and other dishes. I understand a large percentage of the vitamins and minerals get leached out when they're cooked and this way, you eventually get the benefit. If I don't have plans to use it within a day or two, I freeze it.   

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Downton Abbey

Called Betty after breakfast to see if she was available on Tuesday; she is, so I'll go to SB. She told me she didn't want to go to Baltimore, after all. She said--this must be a delusion--that the last time she went, "they" (our nephew and his wife) went out and left her to do the housework. I just passed that over. Anyway, I'll see her the day after tomorrow.
Walked to the Hill Street library branch at ten and stayed an hour, dipping into a bio of Eunice Kennedy Shriver (boring) and a new Augusten Burroughs memoir (steamy). I wasn't interested enough to take out either, as I'm still in the middle of three other books.
El called to say she'd be over about 1:00, bringing her Bistro M.D. lunch with her; we ate together, which was a treat. After, she hooked up my new Blu-Ray player DVD player for Downtown Abbey. While she was doing that, Suzanne rang my bell and presented me with a little basket of gorgeous and delicious strawberries. The three of us chatted for a bit, then El and I went  to Wal-Mart. We both got a lot of paper products and she a cowboy hat. Why? Because, for some strange reason, the teachers at Olivelands School dress up for Halloween. She'll add jeans and a checkered shirt, a scarf, and a lasso rope (I suggested toy guns, but they're not allowed--no wonder).
As we were driving back to my place, Stella called to see if I could meet her at the Mexican restaurant in town where we've been before. At first, I declined, but then realized El would be going home shortly, so I called her back and agreed. El dropped me off in town and Stella and I had a pleasant time--I had already had lunch, so just has a single small taco and a Modelo. She went on to 5:30 mass at the mission and I window-shopped a bit, then hopped a bus home. I cooked up a ground turkey, onion, green pepper, garlic stir-fry and had some for dinner. I have enough for two more meals, so will freeze two portions.
I settled down at 8:00 and suddenly, it was 1912, the ship had just gone down, the duke and the footman had a gay encounter, and his Lordship was presiding over a wonderland of long lost glory. Say what you will, you just can't beat the Brits when it comes to this kind of entertainment and boy, I loved it. Watched the first episode and can't wait until tonight for the next.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

T.O.P.S. And The Townehomes

Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S. at the usual 8:25. I was up in weight a smidgen to 130.6,  but just a negligible six-tenths of a pound from last week. Carolyn did the so-called "program," bringing in one of those edited-for-idiots supermarket mags and three of us read something or other.
Home and late breakfast, as always on Fridays. I went through some of the things from my car; some I'll give away, others I'll keep if I can find a place for them.
Was on the phone with AAA to be sure they took me off the insurance and with one of my VISA cards to tell them to credit me with my "rewards" of $19.59. I'm dropping that card, as I have several others.
Walked to VON'S for lettuce and stuff, came home, had lunch, walked to the post office to drop off Halloween cards for the kids, then walked to The Townehouse independent living facility.  I still want to see if Jim and I can attend the music/wine affairs on Fridays, so I sat in. Had a glass of the white (mediocre) and cheese and crackers. Anne, the activities director, was out until Tuesday, but I talked to her assistant, Rachel. Gave her my card and mentioned that I taught acting to older people; she was interested and I think I'll mention it to Anne when I call her. I know Joe LaRocca, who lives there, but he wasn't at the musicale.
Left when it finished at 5:00 and walked to the transit center. Took a bus to the 99-Cent store for a few items, then another back home. Got in before 7:00, but was dismayed that it was already dusk--I'm not looking forward to the end of DST.
I looked it up and, all together, my walking totaled a bit more than three miles. I was pleased with that and consider it another benefit of selling the car.

Friday, October 18, 2019


I sold my car.
The rep from SHIFT came at 10:00 and drove the little red beauty out of my life ninety minutes later.
I actually would have settled for less than I got, so I'm satisfied. The car loan is paid off and the rest of the payment was electronically sent to my bank account. In fact, almost the whole transaction was done electronically.
I informed my children via e-mail of the sale and received congratulatory messages back from both my sons, then phone calls expressing the same from both daughters. Ellen called in the evening and we had a long, long talk; it was so good to hear of her teaching experiences. She's coming over sometime this weekend to hook up my new Blu-Ray player.
After the car drove away, I walked to the P.O. to mail Halloween cards to the kiddies. Back, had lunch, then took off--by bus, of course--to town. Strolled here and there until it was time to meet Nancy and Carolyn for Happy Hour at Lemon y sal. We enjoyed ourselves, as ever, and have decided that, because we go the Soaring Spirits (the widder group) twice a month, we  would switch Happy Hour to lunch on alternate weeks. Works better that way for all three.
After I left the other two, I went over to the library and took out a book.  Home, I rang Suzanne's bell and stopped in to tell her about the car. We discussed the sale of the complex, too.
I always have the option, I know, to buy some kind of junker, pay cash, then insure it for only the legal minimum. I'm thinking about that, but at this point, I'm just going to let the dust settle.
Called Cheryl, who will pick me up for T.O.P.S. this morning.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dudley House Potluck

Busy Lizzie am I. Got up at 6:00 and stripped the bed, then took the sheets and a load of whites to the laundry house. Had them all washed, dried, and back in before breakfast.
At 10:00, I finally got a pedicure--wow, do my tootsies look great! Went next door and bought Halloween cards for the granddaughters, grandson, and great-grandsons (who are, of course, older than the grandkids).
Betty called to tell me Don Marrendino has died--boy, there won't be anyone left in the class of '54 before long--wait, what am I saying?!
Met up with Jim, the assistant manager of this apartment complex and he told me it's been sold; the new people start on Monday.  The maintenance head, Javier, is already gone and Jim himself is moving to Bakersfield. Manager Bianca, will stay, but five new people will come in. Later I saw Suzanne, who's been here 19 years and another neighbor, Chuck, 23 years, and we discussed this. We're all apprehensive about what we see as a probable rent increase.
Walked over to Von's before lunch for my staples: lettuce, oranges, and cottage cheese. Cleared the few things I still had in there out of the car. Lunched, then I went to the bank to finally pick up the payout letter. From there, I drove to Five Points car wash and had the whole thing done, inside and out. Boy, it looks great, which makes me depressed about losing it.
Went from there to Lowe's and bought a new door mat for outside. Home, I threw the old one out, swept the front walk, and installed the new. Copied all the papers I have to show SHIFT this morning, then called Jim to be sure we were still on for the potluck. (My friends and I have all gotten screwed up lately about where, when, and so on, so I thought I'd make sure.)
Jim picked me up for the potluck at Dudley House and as ever, we had a good time. I hadn't felt like  like making anything, so I brought a bottle of wine, a red. I prefer white, so I had some of the Chardonnay others had brought.  Jim likes red and said mine was better than the other red (he know more about it than I do), so I let him take what was left home.
Connie K. did the program, impersonating Miriam Knox Dudley, daughter-in-law of the original Dudleys; she had lived in the house for seventy-some years herself. Connie had on a beautiful turn of the (twentieth) century outfit and a fabulous hat. Having been in her house in Oxnard, I know she has a huge wardrobe of costumes from a number of eras. (See picture below.)
Didn't get  in until almost 9:00.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Yet again, a see-saw day. I had set the alarm for 6:00, as Nancy and I were going to 10:00 show to see Judy and had planned ot meet in town at 9:45. Had breakfast and was dressed and out by 8:10.
That proved to be much too early, as I got there before 9:00. I strolled along Main, stopping in here and there until it was time to get to the theatre.
I bought two tickets (Nancy had bought mine last time) and waited for  Nance. And waited. It got to be 9:50 and she still wasn't there. I called her--aagh! She had thought we had decided on the 11:00 o'clock show. I knew we hadn't, as she had sent me an email saying she'd see me at 9:45. If we waited until the later show, I'd have to hang out for another hour and a half in town, so we conferred and decided she would just rush over and we'll go at 10. That's what we did; we missed the first few minute, but I assume not much. 
The movie was okay, but I thought the editing was poor; it seemed uneven to me. Renee Zellinger looked remarkably like Judy and the sets and so on were good. Zellinger sang as close as she could be Garland, but nobody could duplicate that voice and it was a little jarring. Anyway, we enjoyed it to a point and then went to Masa Sushi, the Japanese restaurant for lunch. Very good and we shared some.
We parted and Nancy drove off--I'll see her for Happy Hour tomorrow--and I bused to the bank to get the loan payoff letter. Did I get it? Why no, they have to get it faxed from Upper Japip or somewhere, it seems. Said they would get it within two hours, so I walked down to Jessica's Nails to make an appointment for a pedicure at 10 today, then to Ralph's for bread and oranges. Went  back to the bank to find they still didn't have it.  Boy, was I was annoyed. I told them to call me and I'll come back today.
Home, I'm trying to figure out something to bring to the potluck tonight. So far, I haven't come up with anything and, since there's always plenty of food, I may not bring anything--dunno. I cleared out the car, preparing to get it washed today and--I fervently hope--sell it tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

All Around Town

Yesterday was one of those days when anything that could go wrong, did.
For openers, I walked the mile and a bit to BOA after breakfast to get the pay-off letter I need to sell the car. I had forgotten it was Columbus Day and they were closed. Walked two blocks more to AAA to ask what I had to stop their highway robbery and was told I just had to call. Stopped at the 99-Cent store and they were out of what I wanted (can't remember what it was, now).
Home, lunched and showered, washed my hair,  then got the bus about 2:15, as I was supposed to be at the stem cell therapy thing at 3:45. Got to the mall early, took my blood pressure (115/78), and meandered around in this and that store before strolling across the parking lot to Mimi's Cafe.
Hmm, that was odd. I didn't see anybody checking off names or welcoming people in. Asked the manager. He looked in his book and no, nothing was scheduled. Aghast, I called Carolyn (not my niece, the T.O.P.S. one), but I had her land line and her husband said she may not have her phone with her. However, he gave me the number and luckily, she answered. When I said where I was, she reminded me the thing at Cafe Fiore in town, not Mimi's at the mall. Damn!
I rushed back to the bus, got one quickly, and got to the talk forty-five minutes late. It was reasonably interesting and the chicken Marsala was good, along with the Corona I ordered. We got out of there about 6:00, I said goodbye to Sharon and Carolyn, then headed toward Main to get the bus.
I was in a walk mood and it was broad daylight still, so I walked up two more stops. Now these are not like how the trolley stopped on Absecon Island at every block; it's more like a half mile between stops and I was almost up to the third one when the bus went past.
Finally caught one, but by this time, it was dusk. I got off at the mall to go to Target for blueberries and--good grief, it was terrible, they didn't have any!
Back on the bus, stopped at Von's and they had some at exactly twice the price at Target, but I bought them, plus gorgeous grapes--hey, once I get out from under the car insurance, I'll be on Easy Street.
Didn't get in until almost 8:00.  Looking forward to the movie, Judy, and lunch with Nancy today.

Monday, October 14, 2019


I walked the back footpath again, leaving early to get to the library before it closed at noon. Took out Jackie's Girl, by an Irish woman who had been Jackie Kennedy's "assistant" as a teenager. Dunno why, but I enjoy reading about the rich and famous. (Do they enjoy reading about me?)
On the way home, I impulsively stopped into The Capes at Ventura, an apartment complex on Hill Street. I told the nice young woman named Nicole on the desk I was scouting out places for my sister and asked to be shown some units. Hell, Nicole wasn't doing anything anyway on a poky Sunday morning; she was probably happy for the diversion.
Good grief, I can't believe the kind of money they're getting! I was shown a one-bedroom about half the size of mine and the rent was almost two thou plus electric, gas, and sewer. They also had a "junior" one bedroom, which was even smaller for about $1800, plus the utilities. Thanks, but no thanks.
I spent time after lunch on housework--well, I cleaned under the sink, anyway. Did some food prep--i.e. cored apples, added Splenda  and cinnamon, and put them in individual bowls so I can pop them in the microwave when I'm ready.
Suzanne texted me when she got into LAX at 1:00, then called when the shuttle was at Oxnard Airport, about twenty minutes away. I picked her up and heard all about her niece's wedding, held at a golf club in Scottsdale and officiated by the groom's sister, who has a divinity degree. What would the sisters at HSHS think about that?!
After seeing wedding pictures on Suzanne's phone, I walked over to Von's to get my new craze, Skinny Pop popcorn. The light kettle corn has only 35 calories a cup and the white cheddar only 43. Well, it's filling.
Niece Carolyn called to tell me Betty and my brother, Frank, are both going to his son, Patrick's* house for a visit in early November--on Patrick's dime, of course. He and his wife live in Baltimore and they have four children under about eight. Carolyn had suggested I might like to go and had told him she'd ask.
Uh, no, thanks. I greatly enjoy being with Betty when I go to see her in Santa Barbara and we have lunch, then go back to her place for an hour or so. However, I get antsy staying much longer. To spend two weeks and two days with her and my brother, who's in worse shape than she is, would be unbearable for me. I thanked Carolyn for thinking of me, but no, no, no.
(Patrick  looks a lot like my Dad.)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

CeCe And MeMe (Heh, heh)

I spent the morning researching Anna Deavere Smith, whose monologue Cece is reading for Toastmasters.
Got an unwelcome call from SHIFT, the outfit which presumably is buying my car, asking for all kinds of information I had already put on-line. However, after this and that, it was resolved and they should be coming on Thursday.
Left at 11:00 to meet CeCe at the Hill Street branch of the library. I went "the back way" via the footbridge over the freeway, and enjoyed it. Got there a half-hour early and sat down to read a bit and wait for CeCe. After a few minutes, I heard someone say, "Rosemary!" It was Gail Metcalf, whom I had met on the bus to Santa Barbara. We had lost touch with each other, but happily reunited. Impulsively, I asked if she'd like to go with me to "Rumors," which Fractured Actors are doing on November 8.  I was pleased when she said yes. This will let Ellen off the hook, whom I knew really didn't want to go, plus I like Gail, one of my younger friends (she's 69). We sat and talked until CeCe arrived and I told Gail I'd call her.
CeCe had thought she had reserved a private room for noon, but there was some mix-up and we had to wait for a half hour. In the meantime, we started discussing the monodrama she wanted help with; we talked on the terrace, then finally got into the room.
CeCe isn't bad, although as many do, she tends to read in a steady, one-level tone. I made a number of suggestions, including varying emphasis with tone and inflection, and incorporating facial expressions, gestures, pauses, sighs, and so on. I mentioned that some props that would be useful, to add interest and take the audience deeper into the piece. My ideas seemed pretty obvious to me, but clearly, not to CeCe and she was very appreciative. We worked on it for almost two hours, then I suggested lunch and we went next door to the Hill Street Cafe. As we were leaving the library, I ran into Sherry, with whom I had been friends for a time, but we lost touch, also. (Unlike with Gail, in her case, I was glad to leave it at that.)
Since I was walking, I had a Corona with lunch. Cece had a plate of bacon--she's on the Keto diet-- and coffee. We had a good chat, then she dropped me off at the 99 Cent store, as I needed plastic wrap. I could have taken a bus home, but walked.
Called Ellen and we chatted about her class, which is so much better than last year's. By then, it was 4:30 and oddly, I was tired. I actually lay down and took an hour nap; felt refreshed when I got up.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Good news at T.O.P.S.: I'm back down into my zone (barely) and was even the big winner with 3.4 pounds off and a weight of 129.8.  Lennie did "the program" (in quotes because it's hard to dignify a meandering gabfest with the word) and passed out a sheet of cliches about goals and self-esteem and other everyday hogwash. I must have been in a more-benign-than-usual mood, since it didn't annoy me as much as usual.
Home, breakfast, then registered with the car buying outfit, SHIFT.  After, I drove Goodwill to finally drop off some items that were in my trunk for about a year. The Grocery Outlet is next door to it and there I found a garlic and mushroom pizza for surprisingly few calories. Bought that and frozen peas.
Parked, stowed my purchases in the freezer (very smart to buy them, considering we might have a planned power outage at any time) and walked to Von's for lettuce. On my way home, I got a very welcome phone call from someone I love and we had a good chat.
Bob Szabo, from Sunrise Bay, called to say he had blown out my sprinkler heads, as he does every year. He had to replace one, so charge $50.00; I'll send a check today. I also chatted for a bit with his wife, Angela, a lovely person, now in the grip of memory loss. The Szabos lost both their daughters in their fifties to cancer within five years of each other. How you survive that, I don't know.
Talked to Nancy about our movie date and we decided on the early showing on Tuesday. Lunch after, of course.  Had lunch, then I turned my attention to CeCe's mono drama. Reading it, I noted that the character (a "large," white woman, somewhat blundering, from Johannesburg)  is about as different from CeCe (small, slender, precise to a fault, and somewhat uptight) as possible. That makes it interesting, though, and I'll meet her at the library today at noon to see what I can do with her presentation.
Hopped a bus about 4:00 and went to Target for my blueberries. Betty called after dinner; she had seen something about the fire at the Santa Clara riverbed and thought it was near me. It isn't, so I calmed her fears.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Happy Hour And CeCe

As it turned out, the electricity didn't go off so far, but it still might.
I had set the alarm for 5:00, but awoke at 4:15 and stayed up. As promised, I was outside Suzanne's door at ten of six and drove her to the shuttle with no problem.
After breakfast, I went out for paper products and other items. I got a nice pound of salmon and two of tilapia at Ralph's, and bought a blu-ray DVD at Wal-Mart. Lunched, showered, then left at 2:15 to meet Nancy and Carolyn at the Black Angus for Happy Hour at 3:00.
BUT--I just thought it was 2:15, it was actually 1:15 and wouldn't you know, both buses came almost as soon as I arrived at their stops, so I would have been at the Black Angus an hour and a half early--damn! So instead of getting off there, I rode to a  nearby shopping center and poked  around Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and a few other places. Walked back to the Black Angus and got there just at 3:00.
We had a good one, as usual. Since Diane left us, so to speak, Carolyn has seemed much more open and animated. I don't think Diane intimidated her, I think Carolyn is just more at ease with fewer people.
Anyway, we stayed until almost 5:00, at which point we said goodbye. I took the bus to town and picked up a book I had requested at the library, then just walked a bit and bused home.
Earlier, as I was walking to the bus stop, CeCe, from Poinsettia Toastmasters, called. She's the chapter president and is another who takes it very, very seriously. She said she was preparing a monodrama and someone else in the club suggested she get coaching, so she asked meet with her over the weekend to direct. I agreed and told her to send me the piece.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

More Chores And The Promenade

I spent the morning dusting, then mopping the hard floors, taking the bath rugs and so on to the wash place, and scrubbing, chopping, and seasoning the two pounds of carrots I bought the other day, then popping them in the larger slow cooker.
I got something from an outfit named "Shift," telling me they'd buy my  car for eight thou. Consulted my children about this and got conflicting reports. We'll see.
Texted Suzanne that I'd be outside her door at ten minutes of six this morning to take her to the shuttle. Later, she texted me to say the electricity would be out tonight and suggested I charge my phone, which I did. A few hours later, Ellen called to warn me about the electric outage. 
After lunch, I hopped a bus for town and, for the first time in months, walked The Promenade. It felt so good to be back at the ocean, although the water was calm and the sky was overcast. A bonus was this wonderful sand picture on the beach:

Walked the loop to the library and cancelled the 6:00 am reservation for rehearsal. I've decided to jettison "Hell On Wheels" at the poetry club and that's a big relief. The major reason is that I didn't hear back from three of the five people who said they wanted to participate. I think it was a hasty and ill-considered offer to do it on my part, since I'm really that much interested in this group.
Once I got back to the mall/transit center, I stopped into Target to buy my blueberries. Also bought Skinny Girl Sweet 'N' Salty popcorn; I still have some of the cheddar.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Chores And Errands

As promised (myself to myself), I got a lot of errands and chores done yesterday.
  --Went to Winco for lettuce, spaghetti squash, black beans, string beans, oranges, and fajitas;
  --Cooked the squash in the microwave, halved, and scooped out the "meat";
  --Stewed my raw beans with onions and spices in the small slow cooker;
   --Vacuumed the living room and spot-cleaned the carpet;
  --Sent son Mike my car info; he's going to list it somewhere;
  --Emailed my cast, asking for sub's address;
  --Got it, and emailed her;
  --Removed old Toastmaster papers from the file and put them in a container;
  --Sorted my huge number of magazines (which I never read) and put them at the trash area*;
                           And decorated my front door:


I still have some things to do, but I put a real dent in them my list, which does, of course, make me feel virtuous.
Rode the bus to Wells Avenue, about two miles, then simply rode it back again. Just felt like it.
Even though I got no real walking in yesterday, I slept well the entire night. (Boy, you know you're getting old when "sleeping well" is worthy of note--sigh....)
*When I went out later, the magazines were gone; I'm glad someone else got use out of them.

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Widder Lunch

Happy day, I slept well last night and woke up at 5:30, which is my preferred time. After my coffee and fooling around on this machine, I gathered up my clothes, took them to the laundry place, and had them washed, dried, folded, and put away before nine am.
Got ready for the widder lunch and, as I have before, walked the 2.2 miles to Stonefire Grille. We had a good, congenial group of ten, all but two (Renee and Hana) regulars. The roasted vegetable plate I had was mediocre, but the talk and laughs were prime. Nancy brought the Downtown Abbey DVDs she's lending me and Carolyn asked if we could switch Happy Hour to Thursday at 3:00.  I agreed and will just go from there to Open Mic Poetry.
After, I got the bus to the library and asked the branch manager if we could get in the meeting groom at 6:00 to rehearse my mighty epic, "Hell On Wheels." She said we could. Stayed to read for awhile, then left to get the bus to the mall and pick up blueberries at Target.
Home and I emailed Phil to ask for contact information for a woman named Weezie. I want to ask if she'll take over the part from which Jennifer withdrew (she objects to poking fun at Mormonism).
Now I have two free days. I have a long list of all the chores and errands I want to get done today and tomorrow, including buying a blu-ray player. 

Monday, October 07, 2019

Dudley House

Well, I was moping around all morning, kicking myself for agreeing to take a turn as docent guide at Dudley House yesterday. I just knew it would be horribly hot and my outfit would be horribly uncomfortable. It consists of a long sleeved, high collared blouse, a heavy, to the floor, black broadcloth skirt, under that a long undergarment of black cotton, a black velvet button belt, and a kind of shawl. I was sure I'd be sweltering and I didn't wanna go, didn't wanna go, didn't...
But I did, of course, and guess what? It was a lot of fun.
We had a large number of visitors, including a women's club and assorted others. Richard (Senate, a local historian) and I were the downstairs docents of the day. The way it works is that one of us takes the first group through the first floor rooms, delivering a running commentary on historic and family facts. We start on the side porch, then continue through the dining room and parlor, across the hall to the front bed- and sitting room, then to the back bedroom, bath (added in 1903), kitchen, and finally, back to the front hall, and they go upstairs where another upstairs docent is waiting. In the meantime, another downstairs docent (yesterday, Richard) takes over with the next group on the porch.
Anyway, there were a number of very interested, very engaged people, and that always makes for an enjoyable docent stint. Hours are 1 to 4 and the last group had barely left at 4:00. I'm looking forward to the potluck supper on the sixteenth, too.
Anyway, it was a good day. 

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Car, Suzanne, And Library

Holy smokes, it was another swing-high-and-low day. That means I was happy and satisfied with some stuff, but upset and depressed at others.
The guy came with the flatbed about 8:30 and took my little beauty off to get her tire fixed. It took him until after 9:00, so I didn't get breakfast until late. I was pleased to have Suzanne ring my bell while I was finishing. As I had, she had seen in the Ventura Star that the Reagan Library is now featuring an Egyptian exhibit and yes, indeed, we must go. It should be there for several months, so we have time to plan a day. I told her I'd take her to the shuttle on the tenth, when she leaves for her niece's wedding. She's taking the 6:30 a.m one, not the 4:30, which is much better.
I sent to the script for "Hell On Wheels" to four of my five cast members; I hope leader Phil lets me know Jennifer's address, so I can send to her.
About 10:00, I got the info that the tire was fixed and started out to pick up the car. I decided to walk down Victoria and get the bus on Telephone, but none came and I continued walking and got there on foot. Hey, this was at least three miles, possibly more, but of course, I drove the car home.
After lunch, I took the bus to the library to ask if my actors and I could rehearse before the poetry group meeting. Branch manager won't be in until tomorrow, so will call her then.
Home, I tried once again to list my car on Craig's  List, but again, was "blocked." I assume that's because they want their money ($5.00) up front, but I don't see how to pay it!  Damn, it's frustrating! I put a frantic post on Facebook and my dear boy, Mike, responded that he would post it elsewhere, so I'll send him the info.
Doceting at Dudley House today. I fervently hope it stays coolish, but doubt if I'll have any such luck. My outfit is pretty authentic (should be; it cost me two hundred smackers) and is very heavy. I may be sweltering, but it's the only one I have.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Back Up

Darn, I gained two pounds again at T.O.P.S. , so was at 133.2. I seem to be gaining and losing the same two pounds every week.
I was still a bit down in the dumps early yesterday, but now I'm back in fighting trim. That's because somebody called me and we had a long talk. This time I was honest about my semi-depression, I guess resulting from the thing with Diane, the car, and because, as often happens, I think, minor problems accumulated, which I'd usually resolve without a thought, but not so much when I'm low.
Anyway, I feel considerably better. I resolved to put the car on Craig's List, sell it,  and maybe--but more likely not--get another. That wouldn't be immediately, anyway. I'm going to work on that after breakfast.
I took the "back walk" over the freeway which Vera had told me about and it was so enjoyable; only one small street to cross to the library branch, where I stayed for an hour reading. Walked back (a total of about 2.5 miles, I figured), and had lunch.
As for that pesky flat tire, I called Pep Boys to see if I could bring it in and leave it for a few hours while I bus to the library. I want to ask if my cast and I can come in at 6:00 to the meeting room, in preparation for the 7:30 Open Mic meeting. However, I then decided to call AAA--gawd, they're charging me a fortune, I might as well get something for it. Well, darned if I wasn't able to arrange for the tow guy to come. However, when he did--Jack, a very nice young man (good-looking, too)--he said it had a nail in it, had to changed, but I have no spare, so they have to bring a flat bed to take it to the place where they'll pull the nail and fix the tire... Hey, I don't care, let them do it, so I'll called, as instructed at 7:00 am to ask for the truck.
A little late, I caught a bus to town and got to the library just about 5:00, when they close. Talked to the unpleasant young man on the desk--he never says hello when I go there, which is often--and was told to come back to day to ask about the room.
Waiting for the bus, I called El--still at school  at 6:00--and we had a nice talk. Home and had half of a Sprout's vegetable pizza--very good and only 370 calories.

Friday, October 04, 2019

Downtown Abbey And Open Mic

After an annoying start to the day--I rushed back to Office Max because my keyboard didn't seem to be working--things started looking up later.  Laura fixed the laptop (my mistake, as usual) and now it's fine and dandy.  I barely had time to plug it in again be.fore I rushed off to the bus to meet Nancy.
Got there just in time and we went into the Midtown to see Downton Abbey
Being a sucker for the Brits and that era period piece, I loved it. So did Nancy, but she has the whole television series which--happy day--she's going to lend me. She'll bring it to the widder lunch on Monday. However, my DVD player won't take Blu Ray, so I'll have to buy a new one.
We had lunch at Dargan's nearby--my potato and leek soup and Caesar salad were very tasty. as was. naturally, the Shock Top (beer) I had with it. We had a good long talk, Nancy recounting stories about her parents, both of whom were married three times; they split up when she was four. We said goodbye and I hopped on the bus for home--just didn't feel like walking in town. About 6:00, I took another bus right back to town to the Open Mic Poetry Group.
I was ambivalent about this, debating with myself back and forth whether to go or not. It was already dusk when I left and by the time I arrived, it was full dark. I had requested the Access Van to pick me up at 9:00, but I could have cancelled.
I'm glad I didn't. I got there and this time, introduced myself to people, including Sandra, Jennifer, Brad, Ellen from Malibu, Myron, and leader Phil. Myron, a psychiatrist, did the program, a nice presentation with power point and his wife, Anita, read a funny verse. I recited one of my cheery little poems on death and presented the idea of doing my rhyming couplet piece, "Hell On Wheels" next week.  Got five volunteers for the cast and will email them the script.
I want to list the cast here, so I have a recorder:
The devil: John
Women: Jennifer
Husband: Phil
Didn't get to bed until after 10:00, late for me.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Diane And Done

Walked to the P.O. for a book a stamps, which I'll send my tenant. She always sends me the occasional mail I still get at the house and it's only fair.
Annoyingly, I was back and forth to Office Max with my mouse, which had stopped working. I bought another and guess what? My keyboard isn't working. I'm using the laptop and have great difficulty typing with it. Will go back this morning.
Met Carolyn and Nancy for Happy Hour at the Victorian Pub. Where's Diane, I asked. You didn't read your email? So I went on my phone and did so. Below is what Diane wrote.

After discussing the situation with my sister who is in town, I am sorry but there just doesn't seem to be a friendship match between RM and me so I won't be attending HH today or in the future, Diane

Hey, her loss. We had enjoyable time, anyway. In fact, Carolyn seemed much much animated. She told us about her grandmother's confinement in Auschwitz, from searcher by her cousin. The grandmother survived and Carolyn remembers her.
I find it so awkward typing on this keyboard and will cut this short. Nancy and I are meeting at the Midtown at 11:00 for Downton Abbey, then will have lunch at Dargan's a few doors down. I'll go home, then go back by bus to the library for Open Mic, the poetry group. I arranged for the Access Van to take me home.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Santa Barbara And Quantum Physics

Yet another good/bad, up and down day. I left for Santa Barbara at the usual time and arrived at the transit center there about 10:30--fine so far. Then I saw a number 6-11 bus with the legend "Hollister Avenue" on it. Okay, I'll take that one instead of the 3, which wasn't in sight. Got on, paid, then discovered there was a ten-minute layover, so called Betty to tell her I'd be a little late. I mentioned where it was headed and she reminded me she lives on HITCHCOCK, not Hollister! Aagh! I jumped off, again didn't see the 3 bus, so asked another 6-11 if he want to Hitchcock--well, he goes on State and stops near Hitchcock. Good enough and I took that one.
Actually, that may be a better one, anyway. It goes right down State, doesn't meander around like the  3 and, although it doesn't drop me right at Betty's door like the 3, it does a few streets away and it's good for me to walk.
We did have a good day. Went to Islands for lunch, then back to Betty's and played Sorry! which we both enjoyed. I greatly dislike complicated "strategy" games (always hated Monopoly) and this is a kid's game; my children played it when they were in first or second grade. Anyway, I wanted to get the 4:47 bus back to Ventura, so left at 4:00 to take the SB bus there. It didn't come and didn't come and when it finally did, we didn't get to the transit center until 5:00. Damn, I thought, that means I have to wait an hour for the next one. But no--at that time of day, there's a 5:00, as well as the earlier one. I got on and my mood was elevated greatly.
Good thing, after reading what Diane emailed me. Oh, hell, I might as well add it below.  We've had some "discussions" about her beliefs and she can't let it alone. I sent her a piece on quantum physics and this is what she responded. It's almost incomprehensible and I can't even begin to address what she wrote--or even fathom what she's saying. I wrote her back something to that effect. I'll see her at Happy Hour at 4:00 today and fervently hope she just lets this lie. BTW, I'm not sure if she means "quantum mechanics" (or something) or "QM" is a typofor "QP."

Well Rosemary it's not only QM.... you also keep asking me to prove things in the social and biological sciences that I have already told you to google: systems theory, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, neurocardiology, placebo effect- old name spontaneous remission, mind over matter- (see IONS Institute for Noetic Science compiled over 3000 cases). Everything and everyone is connected according to QM and yes it also makes supernatural/ paranormal/abilities beyond the 5 senses clincally testable- what classical physics could not do and had to relegate to religion....and of course you will have a problem with this as many secular materialists do because it infers that Consciousness and not matter is the foundation of Reality....Right from the start. Max Plank, the Father of QM, Nobel prize winner 1918 said: 'All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle (now called string) of an atom to vibrate and holds this minute solar system together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a Conscious Intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter'.'  In physics this is called the 'Observer Effect' and the Double Split experiment demonstrates that if a wave is not observed by some consciousness ie the experimenter in this case, it will not turn into a particle/matter. QM also overturned at the subatomic level the theory that 'nothing travels faster than the speed of light', with the Entanglement experiments which even Einstein fought against... nothing is traveling, it's all connected.....  So if everything is 99.9999% empty space=consciousness+matter/ changed energy that can neither be created or destroyed, so are we immortal? ....the ancient Hindus, Chinese Buddhists thought so, they based their cosmology on this and thus in agreement with QM: Intelligent Mind-Consciousness-Energy-Matter but also called matter an illusion/maya, what some scientists call a holographic universe, only relatively real. The also built their health systems around this... the acupuncturist you went to was working on your invisible energetic body, freeing the flow of blocked energy, your friend Nancy had a NearDeathExperience where her energetic body separated from her physical body, once shrouded in secrecy these NDE events are pretty common and numerous books available, or google IANDS International Assn of Near Death Studies, so info of this invisible, non material 'stuff' is closer to you than you think and of course you are using the invisible vibrations in your microwave and cell phone etc daily...Ok, it's your turn now.... I won't ask you to prove their isn't a God or Consciousness as the Reality principle, here is an easier one, I say the Brain is a product of Consciousness, prove to me consciousness is a product of the brain...…..I probably should have written this sooner because resentment  was building up and last week was the last straw of feeling put on the mother did that to me, even saying things that if I believed what I believed that I was no daughter of hers-I must have really scared her with my beliefs that challenged her world I must be triggering something in you too... 

Tuesday, October 01, 2019


When I went to make my regular tomato/onion bake after breakfast, I found to my dismay that some of the tomatoes had mold on them. I buy this in a two-pound package, so didn't choose them individually. Took it back to the store and, although I didn't have the receipt, was cheerfully given a replacement. I had chopped the onions on Sunday, so it didn't take long to chunk the tomatoes, add the oil, vinegar, and spices, and pop it in the oven.
While it baked, I turned to my play, Acquisitions, which I've been working on sporadically for some time. There are a few problems I need to resolve and I may just start over--we'll see. Also, at least a year ago, I wrote a little piece about my Aunt Maggie, meaning to submit it to Reminisce magazine  I kept forgetting about it until yesterday, when I finally did. We'll see what happens.
After lunch, I hopped  a bus to Oxnard, planning to stop into Whole Foods and harass Greg, but once again, he wasn't working. However, I stopped at Target for my daily supply of blueberries, as I'll be in Santa Barbara today.
Home and made yummy salmon in the oven. It takes a little longer than my usual pan frying in olive oil, but is so much better. Also had large portions of Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and the rest of the butternut squash. I usually have three times as much plant food as fish or chicken.
Jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and that was it for the day.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...