Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Yoicks, I have COVID!  I woke up with a slight headache and a very runny nose, but didn't think much of it. Took an aspirin, figuring I had a cold. However, Ellen called about 8:00 to say she had tested positive for the damn disease, so we figured I'd better test myself. Yep, it was positive. El has Kaiser Insurance and was coming over to Ventura to get her Rx (Paxlovid). I called my doctor, was seen on Facetime and the Rx sent over to CVS, where El picked it up and brought it over.  I don't feel too bad at this point--the runny nose is annoying and my energy level is down a bit, but otherwise, it's not terrible.*

Ellen also brought me tangerine soda and Gatorade--both with sugar. Now, I never consume drinks with sugar, but Dr. Ellen said I need electrodes, a combination of water, sugar, and salt to combat dehydration. She also said the Paxlovid causes your tongue to feel icky and those drinks help. Okay, I'll do what she says.

Had to make a lot of calls, texts, and emails to various people and offices in order to cancel or revise my schedule, including Cheryl, Lora, Miramar (eye doctor), Zak Dentistry, and so on. E-mailed my other children to tell them and got calls and messages of concern. My darling granddaughter, Vivian, texted from U. of Hawaii, also. 

* That was yesterday, this is today; now I feel very tired and worse of all, I have this slight, but persistent headache. However, I was able to sleep off and on last night. I got up several times, but that's not too unusual. Along with the Paxlovid just now, I took a pain reliver, which I hope to help my head.

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