Friday, August 02, 2024


Because I'm a fan of useless information, I looked up the municipality of Califon, NJ, where my insurance agency for the house is located. It's in Hunterdon County, and yes, was named for California, and has a population of 1105 people. I was "there," sort of, a good part of the day, in contact with Maureen from Groendyke Insurance and I fervently hope this problem is solved.

 Aside from that, I packed lunch, took my book, and went out to the middle near the pool to eat it. I ran into Lorraine, so she accompanied me and we talked while I had lunch. Home, I just did this and that, including trimming the geraniums, then took a short nap.

Made turkey stir-fry, had a third for dinner and stowed the other two servings in the freezer for another day--okay, two other days. 

I got a very welcome Message from son, Mike, to tell me that he and Vivian will be coming for Thanksgiving; they'll stay at Ellen's and I'm so pleased. I assume Violet will stay with her mother in Singapore

For those of a medical persuasion, here's my nephew, Patrick, who was just here. In person, he's not nearly as serious, but he is a good-looking guy. Click on the red video watch under his picture:

And here's Jim, his brother, in a picture that must have been taken several years ago:

Dr. James Byrne is a Maternal Fetal Medicine physician awarded for innovations that improve maternal health.  He is Chair OB/Gyn Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and a clinical professor with Stanford University School of Medicine. Jim is a leading co-author for the March of Dimes Preterm Labor Assessment toolkit that is being implemented nationally to improve outcomes for premature births.  In 2011, he founded Lucina Health Foundation, a nonprofit focused on improving maternal care delivery in the USA. 
This is certainly from a few years ago, as it doesn't mention that Jim is medical director of three hospitals in California. Not sure if he still teaches at Stanford. 


Anonymous said...

I’d seen the video of Patrick before…he looks a lot like his father. Either of those brothers would make any family so proud but to have two of them in one family is a treasure, for sure.

/pmr from A/C

Mimi said...

True, Pat, and their sisters are pretty pride-provoking, too. Maureen is principal of Dublin High School and Francine is a high-level job in the judicial system of Oakland.

Mimi said...

Pat, I didn't remember I had posted the video of Patrick before. I guess it was a few years ago?

PMR from AC said...

Not sure. You posted something about him and maybe I googled him.


 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...