Monday, August 26, 2024


Oh, good grief, I had put Sunday instead of Saturday on yesterday's post! What follows took place on  Sunday, of course, and I hope I'm not losing it (my mind, that is, not my blog). 

Anyway, I did the usual Sunday stuff--crossword was okay, though not great--then prepared to meet Diane at the park across from for her place.. Started off by walking to Telephone Road, but was dismayed when I got there by checking the bus app and finding the 11 wouldn't come for 46 minutes. I didn't feel like sitting there that long, so took one going the other way to the transit center. Talk about losing it--it didn't occur to me I would just have to wait there instead at Victoria and Telephone. However, it was a lovely day and I enjoyed the ride.

I had texted Diane I'd be a little late, but it was no problem. Got there and we settled in for one of our long and interesting--well, interesting to us--conversations, always a pleasure. We didn't say goodbye until close to 3:00 and I bused home. Made myself a omelet for dinner with vegan "smart dogs" tomatoes, mixed veggies and cheese--yummy.  

No plans for today--or until Friday, in fact--so I'll probably go into town.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...