Sunday, August 04, 2024


In the morning, I did a white wash, then ran over to Von's for provisions. Did a few other chores of minor importance (as opposed to those of major importance, such as doing a white wash 😁), plus enjoyed puzzling out some of my latest addictions, cryptograms. 

As I was eating lunch, I was amazed to get a notice from Amazon that the scale* I had ordered on Friday was at my door! It was, incredibly, and I'm quite happy with it. Called Stella and we made a date for today: lunch at Immigrant Son after twelve o'clock mass at the mission.  

I decided to go to Target for my other addiction, the dietary one, grapefruit. Did so, and got three, plus some of my not-so-benign addiction, salty carbs in the form of crackers and cheddar popcorn.

I was surprised, since it was Saturday, to get a call from Orchid Insurance that they would be taking pictures of my house yesterday, presumably for the new policy (and price). I emailed Lori, my tenant, to let her know, but she doesn't have to do anything or be there.

Home at 4:00 and busied myself with whatever, so important I can't remember what. Meeting Stella for lunch today at 1:00.

* Here's something I can't wait to tell Diane: I do Wordle every day and guess what the word was yesterday? SCALE, which I got in three. Surely, that  can't be a coincidence and must have some profound psychic significance, right? 

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