Friday, August 30, 2024


Happy day--I just got up at 6:30, having soundly all night. As for yesterday, Thursday, as the day went on, I felt better. I'm still certainly not up to par, but I'm a bit less tired. I did have a problem with what I think is called a "unproductive cough" and dry mouth. Left a message for Primary Medicine, my doctor's office, to ask what I could do or take for it. In the meantime, I looked it up on-line and found that gargling with salt water was recommended. Followed that advice and it seems to have done the trick. Also, I have an OTC product for it, which also worked. Of course, the unpleasant aftertaste of the Paxlovid is still there, but doesn't bother me too much. 

I ventured outside to take out the trash, then retrieved the mail. Texted back and forth with Ellen, then called her. I was happy to hear she's feeling a lot better and as the day wore on, so did I. I called Jim twice, but he didn't pick up, which worries me. 

Spent a big part of the rest of the day continuing to watch the original Frasier. That show was about the best there was--and is--on television. Full of humor, pathos, and other human emotions, great writing, terrific acting, perfect casting, and you name it. I realize there's a new program that premiered in October last year which has Frasier moved to Boston. Looked at the trailer and may dip into it once I'm finished eleven years of the original. That ended twenty years ago--talk about living in the past...

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