Monday, August 19, 2024


Did my usual Sunday morning activities. In my pious past, that would mean church, but now it signifies that I took my once-a-week pill, changed the bed, and did the crossword puzzle. Well, times change...

After breakfast, I spend an hour or so making a big batch of cabbage fritters. This entails flour, baking powder, five spices, eggs, and milk, plus frying in olive oil and so on. I reserved some fritters for dinner and froze the rest.

Packed lunch and bused to town to eat in my spot across from the mission (hey, maybe that stands in for attending church). It was enjoyable, as ever, and I lingered for a few hours. Home at 4:00 and I did some of my crypto-families, then took a short nap. I've decided it's not a bad thing to nap in the afternoon, as long as I don't sleep for too long. I used to set the alarm for an hour, but I've found I sleep much less than that without the alarm and feel just as refreshed when I get up, so an hour may be too long. Actually, somebody--was it my blogger buddy, Patti?--once told me shorter was better and for me, it seems to be. Unfortunately, I still get up when Nature calls between 1:00 and 3:00 am, then find it hard to get back.

Texted Ellen that I had gotten the tickets for the show next Saturday and for my trip to God's country. She was surprised at the miniscule cost for the latter. 

My daughter-in-law, Paula, put this picture on Facebook, she and my darling granddaughters out to dinner:

And her Dad, showed Violet on her first day of junior year:

Sweet Vi-i-o-let? Maybe not so sweet, but feisty. 


Anonymous said...

Probably was me. I think I read 20” is all you should do…but whatever works for you is the best. /PMR from AC

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat, but "twenty inches"? You mean twenty minutes, right?


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...