Sunday, August 18, 2024


Did  a color wash before breakfast, then followed my word games routine for an hour or so.. Took my cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final and back, so got about three miles in. Just bought blueberries and bleach, but it was a good walk.

Home, I tackled the ticket stuff. Went on the Fractured Actor website and ordered tickets for Ellen, Jim, and me for next Saturday. I then went to American Airlines and ordered my tickets for Jersey. (I'm not going to reveal the dates, in case robbers are checking on my absence so they can break in and steal my valuables. 😁) I was stunned to see what I was charged for a round-trip ticket--LAX to Philly and back, close to six thousand miles--exactly eleven dollars and twenty cents. I hadn't realized I had reward miles, or whatever they're called, but hey, I'll take them with pleasure.

Went over to Suzanne's at 5:00 for our little Happy Hour gathering with her and Vickie. As usual, we discussed our recent activates, viewed pictures from Suzanne's recent trip, discussed management's failings, and generally caught up. Mike Messaged me while I was there and Facetimed when I got home. He was walking in a lovely park and I enjoyed figuratively being with him. Vivian and Violet were staying at his place until Vivian goes back to college next week; Violet starts back to school tomorrow (or today, if you're in Singapore). Here they are in the Cloud Forest (a botanic garden):

My three beauties!

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