Saturday, August 17, 2024

Friday With Sharon, Lennie, Lora, Cheryl, Bev, and Maria, Plus Two Guests

 As I was well aware I would, I paid for my over-indulgent lunch spree during the week by gaining. I was up 2.2 pounds to 128 at home,  and 1.6 at T.O.P.S.  (But still within my comfort zone, of course.) The meeting was yet again a sort of therapy session on which I don't even want to elaborate. BTW, both Sharon and Cheryl brought their sisters--a no-no in T.O.P.S., but we don't have to follow the rules, do we?

Home after 10:00 and put a white wash in before breakfast. After, I thought I'd walk to Smart 'n' Final, as they had an IPA I like on sale. Started off, but decided it was just too hot to traverse the mile and some. Changed my course and went to Vons instead. As I was about to got in, Ellen called and we discussed my upcoming trip to Jersey. After, I got a six-can container of a hazy (and citrusy) IPA, yogurt, and cabbage. On my way back, I went through the middle, nicely foliaged, area by the pool and there were Lorraine and Michelle sitting in the sun. We chatted for twenty or so, then I went on my way.

Had lunch, then called Yandoo because my T.V. still says "no signal"; I can get regular programming (which I never watch), but not Netflix and others I pay for.  After chatting with the tech and pulling wires out and back, we realized it's the Firestick that's at fault. Thanked him and hung up, then looked at this blog and found this June 13 entry: ",,,Called Yandoo early on and was pleased to have the guy come for the T.V. by 10:00. He fixed the problem, which had something to do with the firestick...." Called Yandoo back and asked to have a tcch come; to my surprise, the rep agreed and it's scheduled for Monday between 1 and 5. That means I may not get to dinner with Soaring Spirits, but that's okay.  

Started on the fraught task of getting my airline tickets for my Jersey trip next month. Haven't booked it yet, but will today.

Called Jim and invited him to "Prom Night," the Fractured Actors show next Saturday afternoon, plus dinner after and he accepted. We also talked about our current reads--his one of Jack London's about wolves, mine  a harrowing account about Jeffrey Dahmer by his father. This led us into a discussion about necrophilia, believe it or not. Jim had never heard of it, which doesn't surprise me.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...