Wednesday, August 21, 2024


As planned, Ellen came at 11:30 after her doctor's appointment. Yes, she'll be an out-patient for the partial knee surgery to be done a month from today, September 20. A physical therapist will come to her the next day to explain exercises and so on, and she'll get a walker. El was given a form for AAA to be provided with a temporary disable sign and we stopped there first. She got the sign and we tried it out at Wal-Mart, where we went next. We both got a few minor items, then went back to my place. 

We were a little on the fence as to whether we wanted to go to the pool or not, but decided in favor. El had bought and I had made lunch, we changed, then off we went. There was only one person there and who was it but Suzanne? After she got out of the pool, she sat and chatted with us for a bit while we had lunch. Later, one couple showed up, but aside frm them, the pool was ours. The weather was ideal--in the low eighties with no wind. The pool was a little cool for my taste (according to Suzanne, the heater is broken), but still felt good. What felt even better was the hot tub, which we enjoyed after.

Back at my place, El changed, we said goodbye (I'll see her on Saturday for the show and dinner after we pick Jim up), and I showered and changed. I spread the damp towels and my bathing suit out to dry on the patio, did a color wash, had one of my scratched together dinners, and settled in after a very good day with my dear daughter.   

Good grief: When I got up this morning, I looked at my hearing aid charger and found the right one was missing! Frantic, I looked in my bed and there it was--I had forgotten to take it out yesterday. I put it back in the charger with the other one (I don't insert until after breakfast) and I fervently hope it's okay.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...