Saturday, August 31, 2024


As noted, I slept very well over Thursday to Friday. However, I still felt tired most of the day. Of course, I skipped T.O.P.,S., but as usual, weighed in at home. Surprisingly, I lost two pounds, going to 123.6. Took a nap of about two hours, then continued my marathon Frasier watch. I may run out of interest before long.

Called Ellen and we compared notes on the malady. We both seem to be doing as well as can be expected and El said she sat outside in the sun for a time. I think I'll do that later myself. Took some pain reliever, as my sore neck has returned. I took a short nap; don't want to do too much of that, as it may make me sleepless at night. 

I called Jim several times and got no response. Ellen suggested I call the Agency on Aging to ask about a possible wellness check, I did so and left a message.  

After that, I actually bestirred myself and did a bit of food prep. I had a pound and a half of ground turkey in the freezer, along with a good amount of chopped onions and peppers. Those I had prepared and frozen a few weeks ago; now combined them with the turkey, added garlic, seasonings, and a can of stewed tomatoes and cooked it up--turned out pretty good.

About 5:00, I took the trash out and got the mail, being glad to get out. I'm thinking of possibly going to Von's today, as I need eggs and a few other items. I know Suzanne would get them for me--actually, I could have them delivered--but I really want to get out.  I figured I'd wear a mask and try to stay away from people. 

Friday, August 30, 2024


Happy day--I just got up at 6:30, having soundly all night. As for yesterday, Thursday, as the day went on, I felt better. I'm still certainly not up to par, but I'm a bit less tired. I did have a problem with what I think is called a "unproductive cough" and dry mouth. Left a message for Primary Medicine, my doctor's office, to ask what I could do or take for it. In the meantime, I looked it up on-line and found that gargling with salt water was recommended. Followed that advice and it seems to have done the trick. Also, I have an OTC product for it, which also worked. Of course, the unpleasant aftertaste of the Paxlovid is still there, but doesn't bother me too much. 

I ventured outside to take out the trash, then retrieved the mail. Texted back and forth with Ellen, then called her. I was happy to hear she's feeling a lot better and as the day wore on, so did I. I called Jim twice, but he didn't pick up, which worries me. 

Spent a big part of the rest of the day continuing to watch the original Frasier. That show was about the best there was--and is--on television. Full of humor, pathos, and other human emotions, great writing, terrific acting, perfect casting, and you name it. I realize there's a new program that premiered in October last year which has Frasier moved to Boston. Looked at the trailer and may dip into it once I'm finished eleven years of the original. That ended twenty years ago--talk about living in the past...

Thursday, August 29, 2024


Yesterday, I took the Paxlovid, had breakfast, did my morning routine, then went back to bed and slept for two hours. When I got up for the day, I felt  better than I had.  That damn slight headache had disappeared and I felt much less fatigued. I then took it easy--spent a lot of time watched old reruns of the original  Frasier, one of my favorite shows ever. 

Mindful of Ellen's admonition about the value of  electrolytes, I had some of the tangerine soda she had brought. Actually, I like it a lot better than the Gatorade.  

Unfortunately, I had a very restless night. Was up and down a number of times and, speaking of restless, my RSL returned, damnit. I hadn't experienced it for a year or more and had stopped taking the medication (which seemed to have no effect anyway), so this came as an unpleasant surprise. just got up at 8:30, very late for me. 

The following appeared on Facebook yesterday, and I sent it to El and my other kiddies. I get annoyed at people who just automatically assume they've been infected at a particular place, even if they've been to several. However, I'm thinking this probably solves the mystery for El and me:  

We regret to inform you that, due to multiple cases of illness within our cast, the closing weekend of The Speakeasy Prom: Never Say Goodbye (August 29-31) has been postponed...

NOTE: El and I had both called Jim on Monday who was, as usual, in his out-of-it mode. I urged him to call the visiting nurse to get tested and treatment, if needed, but I doubt if he will. I'll get back to him today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Yoicks, I have COVID!  I woke up with a slight headache and a very runny nose, but didn't think much of it. Took an aspirin, figuring I had a cold. However, Ellen called about 8:00 to say she had tested positive for the damn disease, so we figured I'd better test myself. Yep, it was positive. El has Kaiser Insurance and was coming over to Ventura to get her Rx (Paxlovid). I called my doctor, was seen on Facetime and the Rx sent over to CVS, where El picked it up and brought it over.  I don't feel too bad at this point--the runny nose is annoying and my energy level is down a bit, but otherwise, it's not terrible.*

Ellen also brought me tangerine soda and Gatorade--both with sugar. Now, I never consume drinks with sugar, but Dr. Ellen said I need electrodes, a combination of water, sugar, and salt to combat dehydration. She also said the Paxlovid causes your tongue to feel icky and those drinks help. Okay, I'll do what she says.

Had to make a lot of calls, texts, and emails to various people and offices in order to cancel or revise my schedule, including Cheryl, Lora, Miramar (eye doctor), Zak Dentistry, and so on. E-mailed my other children to tell them and got calls and messages of concern. My darling granddaughter, Vivian, texted from U. of Hawaii, also. 

* That was yesterday, this is today; now I feel very tired and worse of all, I have this slight, but persistent headache. However, I was able to sleep off and on last night. I got up several times, but that's not too unusual. Along with the Paxlovid just now, I took a pain reliver, which I hope to help my head.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Spent the first half or so of the day cleaning the bathroom and doing a few other chores. I also started the minutes from the T.O.P.S. meeting on Friday. Actually, I've decided to skip it this week, as I have a dermatologist appointment in Oxnard at 1:30 and I just don't feel like it. I'll ask Cheryl if I can send her the minutes and she can print and present them.

Packed my lunch, and ate across from the mission. By that time, it was 3:00, but that's what I prefer on school days. If I go to town and eat at say, 1:00, then bus home, a lot of high and middle school kids ride then and it's crowded (I always have a seat, though).

It was almost 5:00 when I got home and for some reason, I was very sleepy, so lay down and took a nap for about 45 minutes. 

This is a dress Diane wanted to give me on Sunday and insisted I take home and try on: 

She is very clothes-conscious and emphasized excitedly that it's a Halston, but frankly, that means nothing to me. And good grief, it's a size 6; I could barely get it over my head. Also, it's velvet and this is California. Yes, sometimes it gets cool--ish, but not black velvet cool. To top it off, I think it's very dated and looks like what old ladies used to wear in the fifties--not my style, if I have one. Anyway, I'll donate it to the thrift store.

Monday, August 26, 2024


Oh, good grief, I had put Sunday instead of Saturday on yesterday's post! What follows took place on  Sunday, of course, and I hope I'm not losing it (my mind, that is, not my blog). 

Anyway, I did the usual Sunday stuff--crossword was okay, though not great--then prepared to meet Diane at the park across from for her place.. Started off by walking to Telephone Road, but was dismayed when I got there by checking the bus app and finding the 11 wouldn't come for 46 minutes. I didn't feel like sitting there that long, so took one going the other way to the transit center. Talk about losing it--it didn't occur to me I would just have to wait there instead at Victoria and Telephone. However, it was a lovely day and I enjoyed the ride.

I had texted Diane I'd be a little late, but it was no problem. Got there and we settled in for one of our long and interesting--well, interesting to us--conversations, always a pleasure. We didn't say goodbye until close to 3:00 and I bused home. Made myself a omelet for dinner with vegan "smart dogs" tomatoes, mixed veggies and cheese--yummy.  

No plans for today--or until Friday, in fact--so I'll probably go into town.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Hoo-boy! It's now 6:39 am on Sunday and I'm just typing this entry. Usually, I do it the evening of, then top it off the next morning, but I was out late (late for me, that is) and didn't do it, so here's a truncated version:

Did three washes: my bedclothes, a bleach ones, and myself to prepare for the Fractured Actors show. Ellen picked me up at 1:00, then we drove over to get Jim. Got there about fifteen minutes ahead, which was fine. Walked in to find the room transformed into a high school prom site. Here's the program:

We were greeted by Amy, who was acting as the prom greeter--wish I had gotten a picture of her as she was gorgeously arrayed in a deep purple gown, then sat down to enjoy the show. It was--as ever, it seems to me, in little theatre productions of this type--uneven. The band was great and played hits Ellen recognized from her era, late 70s and 80s. (It's amazing this is considered a long time ago by some.)  Here they are--James on the pink guitar, Shelby on keyboard; I've worked with both of them on Speakeasy productions:
Here are a few shots from some of the playlets:
The above was called "Dinner Party" and had a gay theme, which was see.  Cassie and Lindsay (with whom I've appeared) are in front.
And above is "A Stitch In Time," the one which Jeff had sent me to offer the part of the great-grandmother, which last night, I half-regretted turning down. And when I saw Becky in the part (far left), I knew she was entirely wrong for it. Her acting is leaden, with little nuance and to some extent, she played it with a sort of jokey touch, although it clearly belonged in the sweetly nostalgic genre. 

As F.A. productions always do, the show ended with a full-cast finale followed by a Conga line into the audience:
As ever, I enjoyed so much being greeted with hugs and hosannas by so many of my former fellow actors. 

We went after to Jasmine Thai for dinner--Jim agreed to have El and me split the bill two ways. I'm afraid that restaurant has gone downhill--I ordered spring rolls and they were terribly--must have been made the day before and I sent the back and wasn't charged. El also sent back her iced tea, which she said had no taste. As for Jim, he ordered a curry dish, of which he ate less than half. He did take the rest home and had soup, too. Got home close to 8:00 and had a frozen personal pizza while watched fifty-year-old Johnny Carson programs. I enjoy them more than today's crapola, especially since I don't know most of the guests. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Busy day. Sharon called early to say she wouldn't be at T.O.P.S., as she had hardly slept due to an UTI. Lora texted she wasn't coming because of a changed doctor's appointment. Bobbi had told me earlier she wouldn't be there. Anyway, the only attendees were Cheryl, Lennie, and me. Funnily, I was the biggest loser, since I was down to 126.5, so two pounds off. (At home, I was 125.6 for a loss of 2.3.) Cheryl had brought in the T.O.P.S. magazine and we talked about some of the articles; I took the minutes.

Home at 10:00 and Javier knocked just a few minutes after to look at the ailing kitchen sink. He worked on it, then left to get some tools, came back, worked again, and happy day, he fixed it! I didn't want to eat while he was there and by the time he left, I was starved and it was after 11:00 by the time I had breakfast.

I followed that by walking to the bank and even happier day: I opened a new account and deposited Lori's cashiers check in it. I was ushered into the office of a young man named Rudy Soto and, in chatting, learned he had graduated from UCSB, as Mike and Paula had. We had a good time talking and I walked out thrilled that the damn business with the check was resolved.

From there, I bused to town to have my lunch at the favored spot across from the mission, by this time,  after 3:00. I didn't go in any shops, just wanted to enjoy the ideal weather. After I ate, I went over to Ventura Avenue to get the 6 bus. A young man and I struck up a conversation, then continued it on the bus. His name is David; last name starts with an F and is unusual; he said it's Portuguese. What interested me is that he's a stand-up comedian and also runs the Trivial Night at the Bombay (Bomba?) Club in Ventura. Of course, I immediately mentioned Fractured Actors. He hadn't heard of it, as he lives in Camarillo, but has done some acting and was very interested. I gave him my card and information about F.A. It was great fun talking to him and I hope he follows through.

Got off at the mall to buy blueberries at Target. Bused home, stopping at Von's for a few items. Went in the gate of the complex and saw a young woman with a baby. We smiled at each other, I admired the adorable little six-month-old, and we fell into conversation. We chatted for fifteen minutes or so and I learned her name is Paula, she's a native Californian, she moved here only in December, and is a paralegal. Greatly enjoyed talking to her and hope to see her again.

It was after 6:00 when I got home, but that was okay. Called Jim to remind him about today--the show and dinner. He had it on his calendar, all right, but may not go to dinner with us. We looked up Steven's Greek Restaurant web site menu and he was alarmed at the prices. To me, they seem just ordinary, but he almost never goes out to eat and lives on a shoestring, so really didn't have any idea of how much dinner would be. The upshot was he said he's go to the show. Later, I called El and we decided she and I would split the bill for the three of us.  

Diane and I confirmed our lunch date for tomorrow in the park across from her place. 

Friday, August 23, 2024


Kind of a pokey day. I called the office at 9:00 to report the garbage disposal problem and a work order was executed. However, nobody has yet come to fix it. I then spent a lot of time on what I call business matters, which included Conservice (too long and involved to go into), which I'll address at the office today.  I scheduled the Airporter (shuttle to LAX) and paid a few bills on-line. I did get over to Von's for mayo and a twelve-pack of Stone IPA, on sale.

Other than that, I was a little on edge anticipating the cashier's check for the security deposit for my house. I knew I had to sign for it, so I didn't want to go out and miss it. I had been told the mail person would come to my door, but I don't trust the U.S. mail nowadays, considering the fiasco with the registered mail document I sent to Groendyke Insurance two months ago; it never arrived. With that in mind, I decided to sit out in the middle and wait for the mail. I took my book, my phone, some pretzels, and--naughtily--a nice, crisp IPA, and sat at one of the tables under the big umbrellas. It was actually very pleasant--so quiet and serene under the blue California sky: 

These actually are not very good pictures; maybe I'll add some today.

I did indeed catch the mailman as he was filling the boxes. I signed on his electronic device and now--oh, happy day and at long last!--I have the security deposit. I'll walk to the bank after T.O.P.S. today to open a new account and that should be the end of it. Lori, my tenant, had sent it Express Mail--as the R.E. agent should have in May--which cost her $30.45. There's no reason she should have to pay that and I'm gong to send her a check for it. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wednesday and Garbage (The Domestic Kind, Not The DNC)

Early on, I called Bobbi, as she hasn't been to T.O.P.S. since she broke her leg several months. I was glad to hear she's doing much better, almost completely back to normal, and that was good news. However, she isn't anxious to go back to the meetings, which I can well understand. Maybe I don't want to drop out altogether, but possibly, try a short hiatus. Come to think of it, I'll be skipping at least twice when I'll be in Jersey. Anyway, it's something to think about.

Also called Nancy, to whom I haven't spoken for several months. She no longer drives, but has gotten cortisone shots in her knees, which she said has improved them a lot. She still has a problem walking and doesn't get out much, but we had a good talk.

I had gotten a text from my tenant that the cashier's check for the security deposit was on the way and will be here today. She had sent it Express, and that requires my signature, so I walked to the post office to see about it. I was told the mail person would knock on my door (dream on!), but if I wasn't home, he or she would leave a card I'd have to sign and take to the P.O. Okay, I'll do it, and finally, the situation will be resolved. . 

Packed my lunch and bused first to Office Max for printer ink. Darn, I had forgotten the numbers, so I guess will send for them on-line. Went from there to WinCo for veggies, apples, and chicken sausage. 

By that time, it was after 2:00 and I was starved. There is no park or anything nearby, so I walked into a small sandwich shop and asked if I could sit at one of their outside tables and eat my lunch. Counter guy was perfectly fine with that--ahem: I didn't, of course mention that my beverage was a yummy IPA.

Bused home and did some food prep, including baking two of the apples (just in the microwave). I had cabbage left over from when I made fritters the other day, so cut that up, did the same with the other apples, added cinnamon and water and put them in the two smaller slow cookers...

That's when the trouble started. My smallest slow cooker didn't cook the cabbage chucks well, so I decided to just chuck them. Fed them into the garbage disposal, turned it on, and got a foot-high spout of water. I've tried to remedy it ever since, but obviously, it' stuck. Will call management as soon as they open.    

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


As planned, Ellen came at 11:30 after her doctor's appointment. Yes, she'll be an out-patient for the partial knee surgery to be done a month from today, September 20. A physical therapist will come to her the next day to explain exercises and so on, and she'll get a walker. El was given a form for AAA to be provided with a temporary disable sign and we stopped there first. She got the sign and we tried it out at Wal-Mart, where we went next. We both got a few minor items, then went back to my place. 

We were a little on the fence as to whether we wanted to go to the pool or not, but decided in favor. El had bought and I had made lunch, we changed, then off we went. There was only one person there and who was it but Suzanne? After she got out of the pool, she sat and chatted with us for a bit while we had lunch. Later, one couple showed up, but aside frm them, the pool was ours. The weather was ideal--in the low eighties with no wind. The pool was a little cool for my taste (according to Suzanne, the heater is broken), but still felt good. What felt even better was the hot tub, which we enjoyed after.

Back at my place, El changed, we said goodbye (I'll see her on Saturday for the show and dinner after we pick Jim up), and I showered and changed. I spread the damp towels and my bathing suit out to dry on the patio, did a color wash, had one of my scratched together dinners, and settled in after a very good day with my dear daughter.   

Good grief: When I got up this morning, I looked at my hearing aid charger and found the right one was missing! Frantic, I looked in my bed and there it was--I had forgotten to take it out yesterday. I put it back in the charger with the other one (I don't insert until after breakfast) and I fervently hope it's okay.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Sulked around after breakfast waiting for one o'clock. I had kept getting "no signal" for the channels I pay for (Netflix, etc.) and had been told the guy from Yandoo Communications would come between 1:00 and 5:00. That meant it was possible I wouldn't get to dinner Soaring Spirits and that was annoying. However, I did start reading The Story of Ventnor, N.J., which my nephew had lent me. At this point, I'm in the early days, but am greatly enjoying it.

Happily, Justin from Yandoo came at 1:30 and quickly remedied the situation. The problem was that the major plug had pulled loose from the wall. Now, this seems so minor--why couldn't I just plug it in again? Because, as Justin mentioned and I've noticed with other outlets, it's extremely difficult to get plugs for electronic devices into the outlets. It's hard to do it with this laptop, too. Anyway, he got it in, but mentioned how difficult it was. If he, a strapping young man about six feet tall, found it hard, how could little me do it?  Answer: I can't.

Anyway, it's fixed and that meant I could go to S.S. after all.  Walked to Telephone, bused to the B & N shopping center, stopped at Whole Foods for tangerines, then went over to the Stone Fire Grille. There were only five of us--a small group for us--but we had a good, congenital time, as ever.  We broke up about 7:30 and Vera took me home. 

I was pleased that Ellen texted, asking if I wanted to meet today after her appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. Yes, indeed, and the plans are to stop at Wal-Mart, then take our lunches to eat here, then go to the pool and hot tub. Looking forward

Monday, August 19, 2024


Did my usual Sunday morning activities. In my pious past, that would mean church, but now it signifies that I took my once-a-week pill, changed the bed, and did the crossword puzzle. Well, times change...

After breakfast, I spend an hour or so making a big batch of cabbage fritters. This entails flour, baking powder, five spices, eggs, and milk, plus frying in olive oil and so on. I reserved some fritters for dinner and froze the rest.

Packed lunch and bused to town to eat in my spot across from the mission (hey, maybe that stands in for attending church). It was enjoyable, as ever, and I lingered for a few hours. Home at 4:00 and I did some of my crypto-families, then took a short nap. I've decided it's not a bad thing to nap in the afternoon, as long as I don't sleep for too long. I used to set the alarm for an hour, but I've found I sleep much less than that without the alarm and feel just as refreshed when I get up, so an hour may be too long. Actually, somebody--was it my blogger buddy, Patti?--once told me shorter was better and for me, it seems to be. Unfortunately, I still get up when Nature calls between 1:00 and 3:00 am, then find it hard to get back.

Texted Ellen that I had gotten the tickets for the show next Saturday and for my trip to God's country. She was surprised at the miniscule cost for the latter. 

My daughter-in-law, Paula, put this picture on Facebook, she and my darling granddaughters out to dinner:

And her Dad, showed Violet on her first day of junior year:

Sweet Vi-i-o-let? Maybe not so sweet, but feisty. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Did  a color wash before breakfast, then followed my word games routine for an hour or so.. Took my cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final and back, so got about three miles in. Just bought blueberries and bleach, but it was a good walk.

Home, I tackled the ticket stuff. Went on the Fractured Actor website and ordered tickets for Ellen, Jim, and me for next Saturday. I then went to American Airlines and ordered my tickets for Jersey. (I'm not going to reveal the dates, in case robbers are checking on my absence so they can break in and steal my valuables. 😁) I was stunned to see what I was charged for a round-trip ticket--LAX to Philly and back, close to six thousand miles--exactly eleven dollars and twenty cents. I hadn't realized I had reward miles, or whatever they're called, but hey, I'll take them with pleasure.

Went over to Suzanne's at 5:00 for our little Happy Hour gathering with her and Vickie. As usual, we discussed our recent activates, viewed pictures from Suzanne's recent trip, discussed management's failings, and generally caught up. Mike Messaged me while I was there and Facetimed when I got home. He was walking in a lovely park and I enjoyed figuratively being with him. Vivian and Violet were staying at his place until Vivian goes back to college next week; Violet starts back to school tomorrow (or today, if you're in Singapore). Here they are in the Cloud Forest (a botanic garden):

My three beauties!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Friday With Sharon, Lennie, Lora, Cheryl, Bev, and Maria, Plus Two Guests

 As I was well aware I would, I paid for my over-indulgent lunch spree during the week by gaining. I was up 2.2 pounds to 128 at home,  and 1.6 at T.O.P.S.  (But still within my comfort zone, of course.) The meeting was yet again a sort of therapy session on which I don't even want to elaborate. BTW, both Sharon and Cheryl brought their sisters--a no-no in T.O.P.S., but we don't have to follow the rules, do we?

Home after 10:00 and put a white wash in before breakfast. After, I thought I'd walk to Smart 'n' Final, as they had an IPA I like on sale. Started off, but decided it was just too hot to traverse the mile and some. Changed my course and went to Vons instead. As I was about to got in, Ellen called and we discussed my upcoming trip to Jersey. After, I got a six-can container of a hazy (and citrusy) IPA, yogurt, and cabbage. On my way back, I went through the middle, nicely foliaged, area by the pool and there were Lorraine and Michelle sitting in the sun. We chatted for twenty or so, then I went on my way.

Had lunch, then called Yandoo because my T.V. still says "no signal"; I can get regular programming (which I never watch), but not Netflix and others I pay for.  After chatting with the tech and pulling wires out and back, we realized it's the Firestick that's at fault. Thanked him and hung up, then looked at this blog and found this June 13 entry: ",,,Called Yandoo early on and was pleased to have the guy come for the T.V. by 10:00. He fixed the problem, which had something to do with the firestick...." Called Yandoo back and asked to have a tcch come; to my surprise, the rep agreed and it's scheduled for Monday between 1 and 5. That means I may not get to dinner with Soaring Spirits, but that's okay.  

Started on the fraught task of getting my airline tickets for my Jersey trip next month. Haven't booked it yet, but will today.

Called Jim and invited him to "Prom Night," the Fractured Actors show next Saturday afternoon, plus dinner after and he accepted. We also talked about our current reads--his one of Jack London's about wolves, mine  a harrowing account about Jeffrey Dahmer by his father. This led us into a discussion about necrophilia, believe it or not. Jim had never heard of it, which doesn't surprise me.  

Friday, August 16, 2024

Thursday With Diane

Took a quick shower, had breakfast, packed my lunch, then took off over the footbridge to meet Diane for a Library Lunch at noon. She was there first, as usual, and we settled down for one of our heart-to-hearts accompanied by my IPA and her Chardonnay. 

We talked over all kinds of good things--and not-so-good things--until almost 3:00, then said goodbye. I had thought I might travel on to the mall or wherever, but decided not; I just didn't feel like it. Stopped at the library and dropped off The Body, one of the best books I've read in years: 

I stayed there reading The Glass Castle for 45 or so, then checked it out. On the "for sale" shelf, I saw another of Bryson's books and bought it:

Got home and for some reason, felt hungry, so had half an acorn squash, leftover spinach, and pretzels, and called it dinner. 

Ellen called and we had a good talk. We decided she, Jim, and I would go to Fractured Actors' "Prom Night" on August 24th. We'll hit the 2:00 show, then go out to dinner. 

Suzanne texted Vickie and me to invite us to Happy Hour tomorrow at 5:00, which we were both glad to accept. As ever, we'll bring our own drinks, but S. will provide the nibbles.  

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wednesday With Cheryl

Before I was due to be picked up by Cheryl, I remembered that Diane (with whom I'm lunching today) asked me to bring some pictures of Mimi in years past. Pulled a number of boxes out of the bench-seat in the kitchen and left them spread out over the kitchen table to go over after I got home.

Cheryl picked me up at 11:30--early, but I thought that was because we were driving to Santa Barbara to The Boathouse, my mistake, as we went to the one in Ventura Harbor. I like the place okay--haven't been there for several years--and enjoyed it. We both had chipotle chicken sandwiches, which were delicious, and I, of course, a hazy IPA. It was refreshing to talk pacifism with Cheryl--her husband is a member of Veterans for Peace and she's of that mindset--and we had good conversations. 

Got home about 3:00 and searched out some of the boxes and albums in the bedroom. Good grief, there are thousands of pictures and I spend a lot of time going over. Selected some representative ones of yours truly to show Diane and reflected that one of these years, I should spend time organizing them, but that's a monumental task and champion procrastinator that am, when will I ever bite the bullet and start?

Thought I'd watch a little T.V., turned it on and saw "No Signal" on the screen. Damn, this has happened before and I think it's the Firestick. Got the bigger remote and was able to see some cop show, but not Netflix, Prime,  or the other paid ones. Decided to just look at something on this laptop and deal with it later.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tuesday With Lora

Lora picked me up at noon and off we went to lunch. She suggested Outback Steakhouse in Oxnard for their coconut shrimp and that sounded fine to me, so that's where we went. 

The shrimp was excellent, but even better was the conversation. Lora is very open and honest about her family problems and told me about her mentally ill son, who is in a facility about an hour away. She recently visited him and it's a difficult road she has to walk. Her daughter isn't exactly Little Miss Conventional, but she has gifted Lora with a nine-year-old grandson and adorable six-month-old Joy. Lora, a travel agent, is trying to persuade me to go on a tour to Turkey and Croatia in September, 2025. I'm actually sort of considering it--will see if Ellen might want to go, too.

Got home a little after two and immediately took off for town. Why? Partly because  had succumbed to temptation at lunch and had a slice of cheesecake with raspberry sauce. I rarely eat sugar and I could have kicked myself after, so I wanted to get some exercise in. It was quiet and pleasant in town and I just stopped in the library, plus a few shops, but had a good walk. 

On my way back from the bus, I saw this display in front of a tree:

These are all carefully arranged, not just tossed there. I assume it's a memorial to the woman pictured, but it seem an odd place right on a main street. It made me wonder about her life. What is the book about? Was that her purse? What is in the labelled box in the middle? It couldn't be her ashes, could it? I think I'll look again today.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Monday With Stella

Being kind of at loose ends, I called Stella and asked if she could meet for lunch. Yes, but she had physical therapy first, then wanted to stop at Walmart. She said she'd call me from there, but instead, I took the bus. I had suggested the Chinese restaurant in that shopping center, but she wanted to go to Andrea's at the harbor, which was okay with me; I had clam chowder in a bread bowl.  We then took a short walk along the harbor, as it was a beautiful day. Next to Brophy Brothers, we saw this:

That's Stella in front. She took one of me with my camera, too, but managed to cut off the sides:
Anyway, I'd like to find the make, model, and year of the car. Will try to look it up.

After lunch, we went to WinCo, where I was glad to get a bag of grapefruit and four 16-ounch containers of blueberries, my two addictions. Stella then dropped me off at the transit center and I took the 6 home.

I can never decide if I enjoy being with Stella or consider it more a fate worse than death. She is so very picky and particular, slow as molasses, set in her ways, and utterly lacking in humor. She doesn't use email or the Internet at all, although she does text. I guess I can stand her once in a while, but only just. 

Mike Messaged that Violet got back home to Singapore all right and he sent pics of her settling in. Lora texted to let me know The Cliffhouse is closed on Tuesdays, so to pick another venue for today. Think I'll go for Lure.

Cheryl called in reference to my offer to take her to lunch as just a token thank-you for her picking me up every Friday for T.O.P.S. We decided on tomorrow and at her request, will go to The Boathouse, also at the harbor. Diane emailed to ask if I was free for a library lunch on Thursday. Gee, that means I'll have gone out to lunch five days. I'm afraid the result will be a gain at T.O.P.S., but hey, you only live once (twice if you believe the religionists) and what could be better than lunching out?

Monday, August 12, 2024


Showered and washed my hair before breakfast; and put in a white wash. Crossword was again annoyingly obscure, but I did a fair amount of it. Ellen called to let me know she and darling granddaughter, Violet, would be over by noon, which they were. Before that, her Dad, Mike, facetimed me and we chatted. He'll be picking Violet up at the airport in Singapore; he wasn't sure if her mother would be there or not. 

When they got here, El and I chatted for a bit while Violet, a typical 16-year-old. conferred with her phone:

We then went to B & N, where Violet got two books. Here she is with poor Ellen and her ailing knee:

Lunch at the Black Angus followed. It's not one of my favorite places, but since I was with two of my favorite people, it was enjoyable. After that, it was Target for snacks to keep Violet nourished during the long, long (16 hours in the air) trip back to Singapore. They came back to my place just for a few minutes, as it was after 4:00 by that time and they had to drive to L.A. We took some pics:

Who is that asylum escapee in the middle? 

I was nervous about them drive to L.A., but I told El she didn't have to call me when she got home because it would be so late. However, that dear girl did call--it was only about 8:00 and she was in Camarillo, not too far away--for which I was grateful.   

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Over to Von's after breakfast for this and that. Jim came at his usual 12:30 for lunch and he had no problem getting in the gate. I didn't go to much trouble--just rustled up some cheese and tomato sandwiches, plus crystal pickles, and served the chocolate eclairs for dessert. They were store-bought, I'm afraid. One of these days I'll revert back to being a proper hostess and make my own. I used to do that a lot and they're really delicious.

We talked a bit about Jim's various ailments. I knew he had gone to the doctor on Friday, but he actually couldn't quite remember which one. His confusion and evident lapses of memory are alarming, as is his weight: I had my new scale out and he weighed himself. Good grief, he weights 121 pounds! That's with all his clothes on, including his shoes and jacket. That would be somewhat thin for me at five foot two (I weigh 125.8) and he's about five eleven. 

We did have a pleasant enough visit. It's still difficult to keep up a conversation, but after lunch, I pulled out the crossword puzzle book and we did that. As ever, he asked the clues, I answered, and he wrote them in. I asked if he wanted to go to the Fractured Actors "Prom Night" show and yes, he does. I'll have to look at a good time for both of us.

Jim left at 4:00 and shortly after, Mike facetimed me. He's looking forward to Violet's arrival home--although it will be a new home for her--and I, of course, am looking forward to seeing her today. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Weighed in at 125.8 at home; which I think was down a bit, but since I didn't have a working scale last week, I'm not sure. At T.O.P.S., I was down a half pound to 126.9,so that was okay. The meeting was one of our therapy sessions with family problems being the main topic. Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and did a color wash after.

Packed lunch and took off for town about 1:00. Ate at my usual place across from the mission and mosey around the shops, but didn't buy anything. I stopped into The Coalition and saw Owen. Chatted with him a bit and he told me he and Cassie had had COVID and she may or may not be able to be in the upcoming Fractured Actors show. Darn, now I regret not taking Jeff up on his proposal for me to participate, but I just felt too overwhelmed by various happenings at the time.

Home at 4:00 and followed what's come to be my usual pattern: Watch T.V. for 45 or so, then take a short (yesterday only about twenty minutes) nap, then tidy up a bit.  

My tenant, Lori, texted to say the bank would issue the security deposit check on August 19, then she'll send it. Finally, at long last, that will be done and I hope my problems over the house will be over. 

Jim coming for lunch today--I should be canonized for inviting him. 😁

Friday, August 09, 2024


Jim called and yes, he can come for lunch tomorrow, instead of Sunday, when Ellen and Violet will be here.

Met Diane at the hospital at 11:30, a little surprised to see her sitting outside on the veranda. Incredibly,  she was told by an employee that the cafeteria is for staff and visitors only. Well, we're visitors, aren't we? After all, we don't live there. Of course, she meant those visiting patients, but good grief, it's a big place and you'd think they'd be a little more flexible. .

Anyway, no big deal, as the weather was okay--overcast, but warm. We sat, ate, and talked, going over dozens of  topics, as always. Unfortunately, Diane has been feeling low lately and no wonder: her neuropathy is worsening and she's experiencing increasing fatigue. Considering what she has to deal with, I'm amazed at her fortitude and what she is able to do. Usually, we walk together from the hospital to the transit center, only about a half mile, but yesterday, she called the access van to take her home.

We said goodbye at 2:30 and I walked to the mall. Went to Target for a few items, then took the 6 bus home. I watched T.V. for an hour, then took a short--about twenty minutes--nap on the couch.   

So very proud of my granddaughter, Vivian, who completed her internship by presenting at the Boyce Institute of Cornell University. The topic: phenotypes and their role in the water efficiency of maize:

WIDER: It's been some time since I've commented on the national scene, but I just can't ignore the current furor surrounding the prez hoopla. On the demented side, we have an aged moneybags and his pretend poor boy from the sticks (worth five million) and their fundamentalist cult. Representing the Dems' death wish, there's a kind of blackish Barbie doll and The Guy Next Door. It doesn't take a whole lot of smarts to imagine the reasoning of the focus groups for the latter: "We gotta pick a just-plain-folks cohort to appeal to the ignoramuses who vote for personality, not content." Of course, the "content" of both parties is  identical: Smash and plunder throughout the world and don't worry about that three-year-old screaming in the corner with her arm torn off.       

Thursday, August 08, 2024


Julie picked me up at 9:00 for the BCNN meeting. She had her neighbor, Noella, a new member, with her and we got acquainted. Got to the the yacht club early and socialized with several people I was glad to see. And then there was Sherry, a goofy goof who had been a thorn in my side in my acting group. On the other hand, there was Susan S., co-president of the club, and one of my favorites in BCNN. She  introduced the speaker, who was from Road Scholar. Susan is an excellent speaker--intelligent, articulate, but not stuffy--and the program was very good. In fact, I'm interested in exploring some of the trip offerings.

Lunch after the meeting is always scheduled at a nearby restaurant, but Julie wasn't going, so I hitched a ride with Susan. It was on the water, at a place called Seabridge, and was fun, but quirky, to say the least. There were about twenty-seven of us and only one server, a kind of dotty middle-aged woman. Besides the usual food, the place offers "Hawaiian pancakes" and even has a special menu for them. I got a cheeseburger, but a lot of people went for the pancakes and there were all kinds of snafus. Susan and I didn't get ours until most of the others were halfway finished and Judy had all kinds of problems with hers--so many, she wasn't charged. Oddly for me, I didn't get all annoyed--I found it funny. I had some good lunch companions, including Laurie, who's one of the club officers. She's interesting and fun and we had a good getting-to-know you session.  

Susan dropped me off and I looked at Facebook for a time, then took off for Wal-Mart, a place I heartily dislike, but it's only a mile and a quarter and I needed some stuff. Bused home and did this and that until dinner. 

Called Jim and invited him to lunch on Sunday, but later Ellen called and reminded me that she'd be picking up Violet from camp in Ojai and they'd come here for lunch. After, El will drive to LAX for Violet to take the long, long trip back to Singapore.  Will call Jim to switch to Saturday. Unfortunately, he seems terribly confused and lost, much worse than he had been.

Lunch with Diane today.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Tuesday--Veggies and an EARTHQUAKE! *

Okay, things are looking up. In the morning, I changed washed the bedclothes, re-made the bed, vacuumed living and bedroom, and chopped the onions and peppers. I sautéed them and put the in the freezer; now they're prepared for the next time I make turkey stir-fry. 

Got a text from tenant Lori to say she had gone to the bank to see how to submit me the security deposit. She was told they didn't have a definitive answer and had to consult another department. If she doesn't hear back from them tomorrow, she'll reach out again. (I'm not sure what bank, but that makes me wonder why nobody there knew how to proceed.)

I decided to walk to Wal-Mart and eat at the little park-like area there, so packed a lunch, but this time eschewed the beer for diet Coke. Am I worried about the alcohol? Actually, no, it's the calories. I went up at T.O.P.S. and I want to nip that tendency in the bud. As I headed to the gate, I ran into Vickie. She was frazzled by her job--she works at home for the county--and we started chatting. She asked if I wanted a ride--why, sure, but when she found I had my lunch, suggested she make hers and we would eat at her place, which we did. She then offered to take me somewhere other than Wal-Mart, which I hate, but it just happens to be convenient. It's one and a quarter miles or a total there and back of two and a half, but I usually walk there and bus back. Anyway, we had lunch at her place, then drove to WinCo, which was great for me, Especially as it has gotten a lot hotter--it's up to 78 right now, although there's a light breeze. 

I now have an absolute bonanza of vegetables, to wit: fresh spinach, squash, Brussel sprouts, and carrots, plus several frozen veggies. Made use of the fresh ones by roasting the cauliflower and cooking the sprouts in the small Crockpost. 

Suzanne is back after her several week away and I stopped over to give her her mail and view her pictures. She gave me a pretty card of thanks and we had a nice talk. 

* About 8:00 pm, as I was standing by the kitchen table, my phone gave off an ear-splitting siren and I was advised to take shelter, as an earthquake was happening. Almost simultaneously, the room shook--AAGH! I was terrified, not sure if I should get under the table, stand in a doorway, or what. Called Ellen, who told me the epicenter was in Bakersfield, which is miles away. We talked, I calmed down, and it hasn't happened since, and I hope that was it.    

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Monday With The S.S. Gang*

Up and at 'em after a reasonably okay sleep and I was at this machine when Lorraine called at 7:00. She wanted to discuss the promotion of former assistant manager Jasmine, who will be manager at another of SO-FI's apartment complexes. I never had a problem with Jasmine, but Lorraine, who has a lot of hang-ups, couldn't stand her. Anyway, we talked for a bit.

Walked and bused to meet up at noon with the Soaring Spirits gang at Stone Fire Grille. Only Gayle, Cathy, and Vera were there; Tom and a new person came later, so we were a small group of six. I had their South of the Border salad and it was very good; I accompanied it with a hazy IPA, of course. We talked and visited for an enjoyable two hours. After, I walked over to Barnes & Noble to inspect some of their new books. Followed that by walking another stretch to WinCo, where I got spinach, grapes, onions, peppers, and parm cheese. 

While I waited for the 11 bus, I got a text from my Kim, former R.E. agent about the security deposit. In May, when my tenants moved in, they submitted the rent, plus another half for the security deposit. According to Kim, she sent it to me, but I never got it. She had to nerve to text Lori, my tenant--and copied me--that "maybe Mrs. Molloy have lost it." That infuriated me. Anyway, you have to wait three months, which is now up, to have them void the first one; Lori will send another.  

Anyway, I was so involved in reading and responding to the texts that I missed Victoria Avenue, where I had intended to take the 6 or 21 partway home. No prob, though: I took another 11, got off at the Hill Street Library, went in to read a bit, then walked home over the footbridge.

Having bought a "personal" Crock Pot last week, when I got home, I put in some elbow macaroni, fresh spinach and seasonings just to test it; results will be posted here tomorrow! Incidentally, I already have and often use a large-capacity slow cooker  and a medium one, so I guess this completes my slow cooker wardrobe.

Ellen called and I'll mention our conversation in tomorrow's post.

* Not the Nazi Schutzstaffel!

Monday, August 05, 2024

Sunday With Stella

 Did the usual Sunday morning stuff--crossword was a bore--showered, washed my hair, then took off at 11:00 for town. I got to Immigrant Son early and was surprised to see it was jammed---there was even a line out front. I'm not sure why that was, as there are plenty of other restaurants to choose from. Anyway, I walked down to the mission, assuming Stella had gone to the twelve o'clock mass, but she texted me shortly after to say she was at Immigrant Son. It turned out she had gone to the nine instead.

Anyway, we met up and decided on Dargan's, which is just a few doors down. Sat outside--it was a perfect summer day, in the middle seventies, no humidity, and lots of people having a good time downtown--and the food, as ever, was good (as was the Chef Peak IPA, of course). 

After a leisurely meal and our usual talk, Stella asked if I wanted to go with her to Lowe's, as she was looking for "cactus fertilizer." for the succulents she had bought earlier. She asked if I wanted a slip of one, I did, and she gave it to me. We went to Lowe's, she got her stuff, then dropped me at the transit center and I took the 21 home. Stopped at CVS for iron (I don't know why I need it, as I eat spinach, but I do what doctor says). Shortly after I got in, I planted the slip and hope it will spread as ground cover.

Soaring Spirits lunch at Stone Fire Grille today. 

Sunday, August 04, 2024


In the morning, I did a white wash, then ran over to Von's for provisions. Did a few other chores of minor importance (as opposed to those of major importance, such as doing a white wash 😁), plus enjoyed puzzling out some of my latest addictions, cryptograms. 

As I was eating lunch, I was amazed to get a notice from Amazon that the scale* I had ordered on Friday was at my door! It was, incredibly, and I'm quite happy with it. Called Stella and we made a date for today: lunch at Immigrant Son after twelve o'clock mass at the mission.  

I decided to go to Target for my other addiction, the dietary one, grapefruit. Did so, and got three, plus some of my not-so-benign addiction, salty carbs in the form of crackers and cheddar popcorn.

I was surprised, since it was Saturday, to get a call from Orchid Insurance that they would be taking pictures of my house yesterday, presumably for the new policy (and price). I emailed Lori, my tenant, to let her know, but she doesn't have to do anything or be there.

Home at 4:00 and busied myself with whatever, so important I can't remember what. Meeting Stella for lunch today at 1:00.

* Here's something I can't wait to tell Diane: I do Wordle every day and guess what the word was yesterday? SCALE, which I got in three. Surely, that  can't be a coincidence and must have some profound psychic significance, right? 

Saturday, August 03, 2024


 My scale has given up the ghost, so I couldn't weigh my self at home. At T.O.P.S., I was up 1.2 to 127.4. That was after two weeks and, as I'm still within my zone, I'm okay with it.  The meeting was yet another therapy session--sort of--but okay. Didn't get home until 10:00 and checked a few things (notably the insurance situation, which seems okay), so didn't eat until almost 11:00.

My dear younger great-grandson turned 17 yesterday, so I wrote up a card, added some cash, and set it off to Jersey. Can't wait to see him and the rest of them in September. 

Made and packed lunch and set off for town about 1:00. Ate across from the mission after stopping in a few shops. I found a small Crock Pot and bought it. I already have a large one and a medium one; this one is probably just big enough for one person and I thought I'd give it a try. Also bought some flannel pajama bottoms, as I want to have some overnight things at Ellen's. 

As I was leaving the mission area, I saw these darling girls all dressed up for something and I took their picture--how wonderful to be so young! 

Home at 4:00 and I watched some T.V. on serial killers. Took a nap of fifteen or so minutes, then this and that until dinner time. Shortly before, I was pleased to get a call from Julie, asking if she could pick me up for the BCNN meeting on Wednesday. She had been in Europe for the month of June, then was occupied with the illness of a friend. I'm more or less losing interest in BCNN, but I like Julie and a group of us usually go out to lunch after the meeting, so sure, I'll go. 

Ordered a new scale from Amazon.

Friday, August 02, 2024


Because I'm a fan of useless information, I looked up the municipality of Califon, NJ, where my insurance agency for the house is located. It's in Hunterdon County, and yes, was named for California, and has a population of 1105 people. I was "there," sort of, a good part of the day, in contact with Maureen from Groendyke Insurance and I fervently hope this problem is solved.

 Aside from that, I packed lunch, took my book, and went out to the middle near the pool to eat it. I ran into Lorraine, so she accompanied me and we talked while I had lunch. Home, I just did this and that, including trimming the geraniums, then took a short nap.

Made turkey stir-fry, had a third for dinner and stowed the other two servings in the freezer for another day--okay, two other days. 

I got a very welcome Message from son, Mike, to tell me that he and Vivian will be coming for Thanksgiving; they'll stay at Ellen's and I'm so pleased. I assume Violet will stay with her mother in Singapore

For those of a medical persuasion, here's my nephew, Patrick, who was just here. In person, he's not nearly as serious, but he is a good-looking guy. Click on the red video watch under his picture:

And here's Jim, his brother, in a picture that must have been taken several years ago:

Dr. James Byrne is a Maternal Fetal Medicine physician awarded for innovations that improve maternal health.  He is Chair OB/Gyn Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and a clinical professor with Stanford University School of Medicine. Jim is a leading co-author for the March of Dimes Preterm Labor Assessment toolkit that is being implemented nationally to improve outcomes for premature births.  In 2011, he founded Lucina Health Foundation, a nonprofit focused on improving maternal care delivery in the USA. 
This is certainly from a few years ago, as it doesn't mention that Jim is medical director of three hospitals in California. Not sure if he still teaches at Stanford. 

Thursday, August 01, 2024


A special treat: I spent most of the day with Ellen. She got a blood test at 11:30, then picked me up and we went to the Stone Fire Grille for lunch. I had pizza, she pulled pork, but even more enjoyable was, of course, our good, long mother/daughter talks. 

We then went to FedEx to finally, at long last, scan my homeowner insurance documentation and send it. This situation has been terribly upsetting to me, and I don't want to go into all the ins and outs. I hope and trust it's been resolved and will find out when I get up tomorrow morning (I'm writing this at 5:30 on Wednesday). *

After, we went to Kohl's, where El returned a handbag and bought several tops. I tried on four bathing suits, but unfortunately, two were too small, one too big, and the other hideous, so I didn't buy any. I can probably wear my old one, anyway, if I ever want to go to the pool, which I haven't all year.

We went back to my place and chatted a bit until El left for her five o'clock mammogram appointment. 

* It's now 7:00 on Thursday and I just checked and saw no email from my account representative. I emailed her, asking if she received it and am awaiting a reply.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...