Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Widder Lunch And Graduation

I had a full day and things are looking up. Showered and dressed for the widder lunch--I wore my new white jeans and did they look sharp--and took the two buses to Stone Fire Grille. We had a good group there, more than usual for lunch. I think there were about twelve, including a newbie, Deidre, who lost her husband on Christmas Day, 2017.
I was surprised Nancy wasn't there, but Carolyn said she had been having stomach problems. We had good talk, as ever, and something interesting came up:  Our leader, Vera, knows I act and mentioned that friends of hers, who run the Fractured Actors Theatre. When she said they were planning a production and having auditions, I perked up my ears. Later, Vera sent me the link. The only audition I'll be here to attend is on Sunday, the 10th. I'd have to get back from Santa Barbara earlier than I had thought or--something I'm mulling over--I could contact the director and see if I can be fit in in the next few days. 
Boy, everything happens at once: I also got an email from Jim Crowley, suggesting we get together--or with my Happy Hour friends. I want to discourage the latter, but not discourage Jim. Sent him back a careful message. Called Nancy to see how she felt about Jim joining us, but then decided not contact the others.
Son Mike had sent me the live stream link to Stamford American International School, so I could see Violet's graduation from fifth grade to middle school. It's mind-boggling that it's 8,610 miles away in Singapore, but I saw it as it happened. I watched the entire thing and boy--was it long. And tedious. But I did get to hear Violet's name announced and see her receive her diploma.    

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