Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Pool and Happy Hour

I've been plenty active these past few days, but hadn't gotten any sustained walking in since New Mexico. Yesterday, I went about a mile in the neighborhood and it felt good.
Looked over and did some revising of my plays, including one or two I may see if Jeff, of Fractured Actors, might want to look over. Not sure--I'll just wait and see the lay of the land re August or a later production. Mike sent an itinerary for himself and the girls and oh, brother, what a complicated schedule. Besides back and forth to here, it involves Montreal, Idaho, Chicago, and, of course, Singapore.
Had lunch, then Ellen dropped the girls off on her way to the eye doctor. They changed and we went to the pool. It was lots of fun with them and--wonders will never cease---the pool had been heated enough to be comfortable for me. I also spent time in the hot tub, which was downright--well, hot. El called, then changed at my place and joined us. Suzanne came in and did her daily laps, pleased to see El and the girls again. We didn't stay much longer, as El was taking the girls to see A Dog's Journey, or some such movie at the Regency. We all changed, then El dropped me off at the transit center and I took a bus the rest of the way to town.
Met my three cohorts at Pacific for Happy Hour and had a rollicking good time, as usual. They congratulated me on getting the part in the show and we talked about that. We were there until about 6:00, then broke up. I waited with Diane for a time (she had taken the Access van), then hopped on the bus. I happened to meet a guy who lives in this apartment complex ("Rick"), who said he had designed the city buses. Hmm...I'm not sure how true that is.
Home after 7:00, settled in with blueberries and Frazier after another good day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...