Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Teeth And Thai

Ellen got here at 9:45, as she said she would, and took her zonk-out pills. An hour later, I drove her down the street to her dentist appointment. I then went to Five Points and finally, at long last, got the car washed. Stopped at BOA to deposit Mike's check and by then, it was time to pick El up.
She had had a cap removed and replaced temporarily, and all went well. I gave her lunch, then she sacked out in my bed while I did this and that on-line and off. Called Betty to tell her I'd resume my weekly lunch run with her today. I then actually lay down on the sofa myself and dozed off for a bit (it's ironic that I had such a sleepless night a few days ago).
Suzanne rang my bell about 4:30 and we enjoyed catching up with each other. I told her all about my New Mexico trip and showed her pictures of it. El got up about 5:00, well refreshed, and joined the conversation--she and Greg are going to NM on July 15.
By the time Suzanne left, it was 5:30 and El and I decided to go to Jasmine Thai for dinner. It's one of El's favorite places and is now mine, too. I had Pad Thai, which was yummy accompanied by a good Thai Singha beer. After interesting discussions on aliens, Trump supporters, politicians, and other weird entities. El dropped  me off about 7:00 after a good day.
Here's what one of my new theatre company friends put on Facebook and which I shared. I "voted" for Fractured Actors and hope my southern California friends will, too.
No photo description available.

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