Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer Day

It was a glorious summer day.
I drove to the market after breakfast and picked up a huge cauliflower, three kinds of fresh mushrooms, and blueberries. They still don't have the rice cakes I like, but I talked to a clerk and she said they may be in today.
Thanks to Ellen, I got the tape recorder working. I recorded my cues, then my speeches; today, I want to record only the cues, then will verbalize into "blank air."
I'm happy to say Mike and girls are now back in Ojai at Ellen's. He saw what I posted yesterday on Facebook when I walked The Promenade in town:
20190629_152638.jpgAfter a few messages back and forth, we decided we'd go here today. I'll have to leave early, as I have rehearsal at 6:00 and I'll want to clean up first.
I finally got a good walk in: Bussed to The Promenade and it was glorious--see above. When I walked back to Main, I came across a wedding reception in the garden of the mission. How beautiful is this?
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, wedding, tree and outdoor
They had refreshments set up and I was sorely tempted to try for a glass of wine, but being dressed in casual clothes, even I didn't have the nerve. I walked down Main and caught the bus home.
After lunch, I had cut up the cauliflower--it was so big, only part of it fit in the slow cooker, so I put the rest in a big bowl and microwaved it for dinner. Also had half of the mushrooms and a yummy swordfish steak. I know it's supposed to be bad because it has mercury in it, but why is it still allowed to be sold? I'll have to look this up.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...