Saturday, June 22, 2019

Mike And Me

Mike has blown in from Montreal and we had yet another good day.
I took the bus to Ojai and got there about noon, hung out with El and the girls until Mike got there at two. We went to lunch at a little restaurant on the Main drag in Meiners Oaks (the section of Ojai where El lives). This place is anything but impressive, but it has great salads--I had "Beetnick," El chicken something and they were very good.
We then drove up to the hills--'way up--and to the Kristimundi Center, where we walked, admired the shrubs and herbs, and stole oranges. Back at El's, we chatted, snacked, and then said goodbye, Mike coming home with me.
Stopped at a Chinese place in the Von's shopping center for Mike to get dinner takeout (I had had enough with snacks). When he ate it, he said it was the worst he ever tasted; I sampled it and concurred. Beneficent and self-sacrificing mother that I am, I offered Mike the bed and changed the sheets. Mike did some computer work, I watched Frazier with grapes, then we turned in.
Damn, I wish I had gotten a sleep sofa! This is long enough, but horribly uncomfortable, and I barely slept at all. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but it's true. Coffee is slowly reviving me--good thing, as I have the first rehearsal at 10 today.
Miserable as my night was, I'm happy to have my boy here. Soon, he'll pick up the girls in Ojai, drive back to LAX, and they'll take off for Idaho (Viv), Chicago (Vi and her Dad), then--happy day--come back here in a week.

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