Saturday, June 08, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Hair

Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S., as ever and, as ever, it was a bore for the most part. I gained a pound--to 131.9, but that's okay.  Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, for Pete's sake.
I was delighted to find audition material for Fractured Actors on their site. The only character close to what I can do is "Aunt Mae, aged 50 to 70. Well, sure, I'll take it if I can get it. I know there are lots of parts, some non-speaking, but I'm going to try to best at the audition to get this. Aunt Mae doesn't have much dialog, but it's pretty pithy and I think I do a lot with it.
Walked to the post office to mail son's Fathers Day card. Impulsively, I took a number 10 bus from there, just to see where it goes. Right down Telegraph, as it turns out, so that should be useful.
Home and continued to pull together my theatrical resume. Unpacked some of the much-too-many items I had packed.
After lunch, I took a shower, then set off for my hair appointment. Stopped at Target for press-on nails, then got to the salon early, but Mary took me early--luckily, because I didn't get out until 5:00. My hair looks okay; color good, cut good, but about the same as ever. Some day, I might branch out.
Betty called twice with the latest crises and we chatted. Got home and made salmon and mixed veggies. I want to eat down the fridge so I don't have a lot in it over my absence.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...