Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Santa Barbara And Jim

Another full day. Left for Santa Barbara at 9:00, as usual. Hitchcock Way was again being worked on, so the driver left me off a block and a half away, and I walked to Betty's.
I suggested we just go to the Natural Cafe down the street and we did, because I wanted to get the early bus (2:20) home, so I could prepare for the audition with Fractured Actors on Sunday. We did that, then went back to Betty's just to talk; she walked me halfway to State and I hopped on the city bus. Got to the Coastal Express bus in plenty of time and boarded; it took off promptly at 2:20, so I figured I'd be home by 4:00, at least.
Nope. We stopped, as usual, in Carpetaria, but it occurred to me that we were sitting there for an unusually long time. It turned out the driver had hit a traffic cone, which had wrapped itself around the wheel axle or whatever, and the bus couldn't go. It took a good hour before the cone was able to be gotten off (via rope and other tools) and we finally were on our way.
I called Jim while just outside Santa Barbara and we made a date for dinner at Jasmine Thai at 5:00. I got off the SB bus at the transit center and hopped on a number 6, which took me close to the restaurant.  I had some time, so stopped into Jessica Nails and made a pedicure appointment for Thursday at 3:00. Called Ellen while I waited for Jim.
I enjoyed being with him; we had a good Thai meal plus Sappho beer for me and white wine for him. We also had a good, satisfying discussion about various schools of philosophy--he's an expert, of course, that's what he teaches--including our own beliefs and non-beliefs.
I mentioned I used to go to The Townehouse for wine and music on Fridays and he asked me to let  him know when and he'd go with me. Sure, sounds great, and I'll do that when I get back from New Mexico.
We talked and talked, but finally left and Jim dropped me off. It was a long day, but a good one and now I want to 1.) do a wash; 2.) start pulling my trip clothes together; and 3.) dig out my pictures and info from LETGO with me in costumes and write-ups; 4.) meet the gals for Happy Hour at Lemon y sal.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...