Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fun And Fractured Actors

And the fun and good times continue: I caught the 16 bus to Ojai, El and the girls met me in the Von's parking lot, and we drove to her place. Poor Ellen's eye still hurts, although she's been putting the antibiotic and "tear stuff" in regularly. She has an appointment back to the eye doctor today--see later.
I told El to rest while I took the girls on the local "trolley" (a kind of small bus made up to look like a trolley) into town. I was surprised and pleased to hear that over 75-ers ride free, so I did, of course.
We went to the Harmonics Vegan Restaurant, which was 1.) expensive as hell and 2.) not very good, to my taste. Violet and I shared a "pizza," the crust of which, it was explained, was bread, but dehydrated or something, so it came out as a kind of thin cookie-type base. On it was sliced tomato, pesto, and cashew cheese--what the hell!?  
Violet didn't like it and I wasn't nuts about it, either, but I ate it and let her get an avocado toast, as Vivian did. Incredibly, the lunch came to thirty-seven freakin' bucks! However, since Mike left a generous check for Ellen, besides giving each of his girls a hundred smackers, it didn't bother me.
We went from there to the ice cream store for cones (I didn't indulge), then to several stores so V. and V. could get presents for their host(esses). Viv will be spending a week in Idaho with her friend and Violet will visit my nephew, Wes, and his three girls in Chicago.
Next was the park, where the little darlings swung on various things--Viv is getting a bit old for this--and finally, back to El's on the trolley. I sipped a Margarita while we chatted and was told her eye was about the same. I was glad she had been able to rest a bit and hope the doc will do something else for her. I stayed for a bit and we decided El would drop the girls off here today before she goes to the doctor's and we'd go to the pool. She'll take me to town for Happy Hour on her way home. Left about 5:00 and didn't actually get in until almost 7:00, but that was okay.
BIG NEWS:  Incredibly, I put it on Facebook, but forgot to record it here: I got a call from director Jeff, of Fractured Actors, offering me a part in the upcoming show--first reading on Saturday--YAY!


iloveac said...

Congrats for getting the part Rosemary. What fun.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat!


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...