Thursday, June 13, 2019

Another Fun One

Continuing to have a ball. We did three and a half miles in the morning, then after breakfast, took off for Carrizzono and other parts. Went to a fascinating little church, way, way, out in the mountains. It's dedicated to Santa Nino, a depiction of the Christ Child, similar to the Infant of Prague.
Image may contain: 1 person, indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, tree and outdoor
We stopped at a art gallery and jewelry shop in the middle of nowhere and chatted with the owner before continuing on to Carizzono. There we found that the gallery we were intended to visit was closed--no explanation.
Instead of that, we went to the Smokey the Bear museum. Sound a little dull, but actually, it was interesting and fun. I hadn't known the original bear cub to be named "Smokey" was found after a fire in New Mexico.
Home and had a good dinner on the deck. Was taken up a high mountain, heading for a lookout point, but I lost my nerve and we didn't get up all the way. It was still an incredible view; this area just abounds with them.
Back to enjoy the fire pit on the deck. Called Ellen and got the lowdown on the Singapore Four, who will pick me up at LAX on Sunday.

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