Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Lunch and Tony

Things are looking up.  I called Betty to see if she could meet for lunch, as I wanted to go the Produce Junction for a few items.  She could and we did.  Stopped at P.J. first for broccoli, lettuce, and a pretty mum plant I couldn't resist, then met at Outback.
Had a good lunch and better talk, then parted.  Went to the sixty-nine cent store for a few things, then home.
Checked at our library for the new (-ish; 2013) Johnny Carson bio, but they didn't have it.  I noted it was at the Stafford branch, so drove there in the evening and picked it up.
Aline called.  As is our habit on Tuesdays, I'll pick her up at that branch, where she works (not sure why she had to go in, as it's her day off), then we'll go to Old Causeway, the new restaurant I've been wanted to try.  A. asked if we could go back to my house after, as she wants to go with Frank-Next-Door to distribute flyers for Tony and the Heiress.  That will work out, as I'll just shower and change for rehearsal while she's here.
I'll show her the new videos of Adorable Baby Boy I received lately, as she's crazy about him.  In one, he's blowing a whistle--very proud of himself--and in another, he waves bye-bye, a momentous occasion I love to watch over and over.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...