Friday, August 29, 2014

Farm and Pool

We were treated to a farm bonanza yesterday: In the barn, we got squash, cucumber, shallots, onions, and three kinds of tomatoes (regular, heirloom, and sauce), then picked string beans, raspberries, and beautiful flowers (marigold, sunflowers, purple something, and white something).  Some of it was pretty far out in the fields, so we were at the farm longer than usual, but it was worth it.
Back at my friend's, we divided the spoils after I oohed and aahed over her newly renovated bathroom: fresh paint, deep tub, new mirrors--it looks great.  I borrowed her husband's slide projector so I can go through the hundreds of my husband's teeny-tiny slides you can barely see just holding up to the light.
Before hitting the road, I stopped at Dawn's, my friend's neighbor, and bought New Jersey peaches, for which I've had a hankering. Don't give me Georgia peaches or Florida peaches or California peaches--Jersey's are the best and so are our tomatoes.  
A young couple got in touch and will be here Sunday for my guest room beds.  Actually, they want only the mattresses, but will pay the price I had the included bed frames and bedclothes.  Wish they'd take them, too, but if not, will re-advertise. If they don't sell, I'll donate them, as I want to re-do the guest room.
Took pictures of the table and mirror in the foyer, plus four bookcases and put the two former on the FB Atlantic County Yard Sale page.  By that time, it had gotten so hot (I usually don't turn the air on until after dinner) that I jumped up, changed into my bathing suit, and went to the pool.
It was heavenly: just warmish/cool enough and so refreshing. There were only about eight people there; talked to Norma and Art M., plus the C.'s down the street while I splashed around.  Left when I was satiated, after about forty-five minutes.  (It seems a crashing bore to stay longer at any watering spot, although I know lots of people who spend all day.  They do that at the beach, too--I couldn't stand it.)
Went to the library after dinner to ask if donated books were still being accepted. Yes, indeed, and I'll start bringing in some of the dozens I have.  Ran into Mary Ann Van O. as I was leaving and we chatted. She has her house (a Bayliner, one of the smaller), up for sale.  Said she was furious at the people down the street who sold their much larger Mariner for the same amount she's asking, then this exchange ensued:
"Have you considered dropping the price?"
"No, because that's what I need to move north."
I kept my big mouth shut for a change, but that simple-minded answer reminded me of my employment manager days. Every so often, an interviewee would say I should hire him or her because "I need the job." If jobs were offered or houses sold on the basis of need, it would be a different world.
Got a call from Joe Bihlmier, Jack's son.  Said son is into genealogy and asked if I could put him in touch with my friend, Florence W., as there's some relationship there.  Called her and, as I've heard every time I have, the L.'s inbox is filled.  Called her cell, left a message, then called Joe back to give him her number.
Settled down to my popcorn and wine, in which I'm indulging again, at least for a time.  All in all, it was a good, productive, and interesting day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...