Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fatal Family Reunion and Corruption

Spent a lot of the day editing, revising, and generally shaping up the first act of my Fatal Family Reunion.  Sent it, along with an explanation (it's a murder mystery dinner theatre, so pretty broad and outlandish), title page, and cast list to John P., our director of Players & Playwrights.  It will be read at the meeting on Saturday and I want to play Aunt Barbarella Corpuscle-Crenshaw myself.
Roasted chicken pieces and had them for a meal I often eat about 4:00 or whenever I feel like it; guess it could be called "linner." Trimmed and otherwise prepared squash and onions and popped them in the slow cooker; stowed in fridge.
Called Miami brother, Larry, to extend best wishes for his valve replacement surgery tomorrow.  My other two brothers, Jim and Frank, had the same procedure several years ago, and came out fine.  Larry said they gave him a choice of a pig or cow valve and he chose cow.  Guess he didn't want to be associated with a pig--he's had a weight problem most of his life--but I told him now he might start giving milk.
Drove to Manahawkin to pick up a few items, then down Dock Street to the water.  We had had heavy rains yesterday and the road was partly flooded, so I didn't park.
Will go up to my friend's shortly and we'll pick at the farm, then she and her hubby will attend a family reunion (his side) in the Catskills over the weekend.
Rehearsal tonight at the H.'s tonight; looking forward to when we can get into the Community Center--I think, Tuesday.
WIDER:  How people can still put their faith and trust in any elected "representatives" is just beyond belief.  Can't wait to get this add-on operational--devised, incidentally, by a 16-year-old high school kid:

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Interesting Rosemary. Can't install on a tablet --will ck it out on my laptop.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...