Thursday, August 28, 2014

Getting Things Done

Now I'm cookin'!  I've received a fair amount of interest in some of my listings on Facebook's Atlantic County Yard Sale, notably my rattan chest, twin beds (with matching bedclothes), and armoire. However, the person interested in the last needed it delivered and I can't accommodate, haven't heard back about the chest, and now I'm having second thoughts about the beds.  I think it might be better to keep them for "staging" when I sell the house.  As for the wine stuff, that's small enough for me to take with me to the flea market in a few weeks.
I spent a lot of time emptying the chest.  There were mostly pictures in it, along with some of the mountain of memorabilia I've accumulated over the years.  Tossed some and was able to get the rest in a smallish container, which I labelled and put in the guest room.  My goal is to sell a lot of the Christmas items at the sale and put the boxed "to go" stuff in the garage so it will be ready for the movers.
Realizing I had a $4.00 "Staples rewards" coupon that expired at the end of August (I'd turn blue and collapse if I wasted it), I drove to Manahawkin and got ink for the printer.  Bought a "see through" container--very convenient, but I have a labeler, and some empty opaque ones, so maybe won't need many more.
After dinner,  I was at the computer when the phone rang.  "Hello, this is Carol," a woman said.  Because I know roughly a dozen Carols, I was silent, then realized where I had heard the voice before:  more than a month ago, when I tracked down and called my late husband's friend, Carole Liberty, after finding several letters she had sent him sixty years ago.
Carole had received the letters I sent and had read the first one, she said. Unfortunately, she had suffered a stroke--not sure when--and then was in an accident, so said her memory wasn't what it used to be.
We talked for a few minutes, with info coming mostly from her.  I had included a short synopsis of Pat's and my history in with the letters, and she remarked on "what a wonderful life" I had had. ("Yes, indeed," I wanted to say, "and it's not over yet!")
Carole told me she had married, divorced, and remarried, but is now separated; has four children, ten grandchildren, and five great-grands.  She said she'd call me again after she reads the rest of the letters.
That was an interesting interlude, but it reminded me that I have still more old letters to Pat that I want to send to relatives of the writers--must get on with that.
In the same vein, I have several hundred slides that I need to look at and keep or discard.  This is farm day and I'm going to borrow a projector from my friend's husband, so I can go through them.    

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