Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cemetery And Videos

Met Betty at noon at her husband's grave in the cemetery.  Wes has been gone now for forty years--bewildering to contemplate--and they were married for only thirteen. We decided to go to Outback for lunch and I led the way.  We had no sooner turned onto the Black Horse Pike, though, than we were halted by a huge backup. I don't know how long we would have sat there, but I wasn't about to, so indicted to Betty we should turn around and go to the Dubliner, an Irish pub in the opposite direction.  We did so and had a nice lunch.
When I got home, I was pleased to find that Tonya N.'s husband, Bob, had come through and sent via e-mail a four-part video of Tony and the Heiress.  It was great fun seeing it and I started noting the elapsed time (not sure what it's called) up to when I appear. Will send to my children and Betty and tell them if they'd rather skip the full show, they can view my parts only.
In addition, just now I saw that Tonya had finally, at long last, sent same of Hedda Gabler, which we did almost seven months ago. Usually, I hate seeing myself in any kind of pictures, but am anxious to view this.  It was a meaty part and I think I can more objectively assess my performance than in more recent efforts. And, happy day, I open the first and fourth acts, so don't necessarily have to sit through the rest of it.
Started going through pictures and got so frustrated I had to stop.  I must, must, must follow some kind of system for discarding them, otherwise, I'll never get out from under.  

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