Friday, August 01, 2014

Farm And Rehearsal

It was pickin' day and I drove up to the farm early.  Got potatoes, onions, tomatoes, blueberries, squash, beets, Swiss chard, and herbs.  Stopped at my friend's on the way back, divided the produce (two-thirds for her, one for me), and left hers on the porch.
Home, I worked on my additions to our parts in Tony and the Heiress, adding some funny bits.  All are subject to director Jim's approval, of course.
Aline called to ask that I pick her up for rehearsal at the library, as she would be coming from work. Fine by me, as it's closer, anyway. We had agreed to meet a bit early, so we could go over my changes and we did, then took off for the H.'s.  We rehearsed in their "barn," really a kind of out-building on their nicely-landscaped, several-acre estate, where Jim had constructed the set.
Just did the first act and Jim was very receptive when I said I had added to Aline's and my parts.  We did two of the new shticks, which I was pleased Jim and the others liked.  Mary asked that I send her them, as she's re-doing the script because of Kevin's departure.  Tonya--no actress, I'm afraid, but she has a good voice--has been written in and all-in-all, it's shaping up okay.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...