Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nothing much at all going on yesterday. High point of the day came early when P. and N. called on Skype. Did a little editing of the proofs for The Breeze. Took a long drive north for no particular reason. Again napped on the sofa--this is getting scary.
Was pleased to receive an e-mail from St. James friend, Peggy N. She's back from her winter in Florida and we'll get together soon. I had a long talk with other grammar school friend, Elva B., on Tuesday. Hope the three of us can get together soon.
Was delighted to get an e-mail from darling g-grandson, Joel, who'll be eight years old next month. He has his own address now and we can correspond. Wrote back to him as soon as I found out it was legit.
Drove to the cemetery in the late afternoon to water and deadhead the pansies. Stopped at a supermarket and got the kind of processed stuff for dinner I don't usually eat. Had to take Tylenol because my mouth was sore. It feels better this morning and the stitches seem to have dissolved.
I plan to go to "Sunday at the Opera" at the clubhouse today.
I've generally been feeling groggy and a little depressed the last few days. I must snap out of this low period and I know I will.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Your adrenalin level was probably so high for a bit of time before your procedures. Now, your body is making you feel sleepy so you will 'lay low' and heal. If you feel like napping... do it. It means your body is healing and needs to be on 'down time' for a while. The depression will soon pass when you are healed. Enjoy the opera.


I was down to 123.8 at home, a loss of 1.2 and down to 124.7 at T.O.P.S, so down 1.01. The meeting was the usual therapy session, but not to...