Sunday, May 02, 2010

Busy and productive day. It was incredibly warm--hot, even--and the day was flooded with sunshine. Talked to sister Betty, whose Santa Barbara Minute film festival was last night. I hope it went well.
Finally got around to putting away stuff from Magnolias--items from the library display window, flyers, and so on--that were strewed all over the study.
Went to Manahawkin for this and that. After lunch, I took the two azaleas over to the cemetery and planted them. The pansies badly needed water, but perked right up after I gave them a big drink. Met a couple and her father there.
After dinner, went to Kohl's to look for a few things. Found a top and a blouse, but am not sure I'll keep them.
Was pleased to get a cam call from Mike about eight in the evening (8 a.m. in Singapore) and could reconnect with the adorable little girls after Mike had been in Sydney for two weeks. Violet wasn't talking yesterday, but seemed interested in seeing her Nana; Vivian was her usual excited self. She was going to her tennis lessons (it was morning there), then to a birthday party for a boy in her class.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...