Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yesterday was almost all Breeze, almost all the time. I did manage to get in touch with the woman at Holy Spirit who sent me on the wild goose chase on Monday. As I suspected, she had had a lapse and just got mixed up. She apologized profusely and I accepted her apology. Okay, it's done, it's over, and I'll move on.
Spent roughly six hours in front of the computer forwarding completed articles to Senior Publishing, and what a chore. It sounds so straightforward, but all kinds of questions and problems come up. Some of the stuff has to be retyped, some recast in standard English, and there are considerations of other kinds, too. Natalie, my contact at SP, couldn't receive (or it wasn't clear enough) one of my pictures, so asked me to send "the file." Wasn't sure what this meant and, after fooling around, couldn't do it. Finally, I asked Frank next door to help, and he sent it. In return, I gave him a piece of the cake left over from Sunday (ha!). It's very typical of Frank that he called me later to say how much he enjoyed it, and also to ask if the picture made it to Natalie all right. I hope and assume so, but it probably arrived after she left work, so I haven't heard back; will check now. I still don't know how to send picture files, though, and there are bound to be more.
Talked several times to Mary S., who I like more and more as I get to know her. She's done more on the paper than anybody and she's a silent partner. Being a trustee, she isn't listed on the editorial staff, so she doesn't get credit, either. I told her I was glad to do this for this issue, but am sure not going to continue until the others take their turns. Okay, we're on the same page.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...