Thursday, May 27, 2010

As I do every Wednesday, I completed the three mile walk at the clubhouse, silently bitching about the distance all the while. The one redeeming grace of the three mile is that it makes the two mile, which we do on Mondays and Fridays, seem like a piece of cake. Of course, I also completed my regular mile and a half with Susan, as we do without fail every day at seven.
Interviewed the H.'s, whose backgrounds are ordinary, but who are involved in an extraordinary circumstance: Their daughter and son-in-law adopted a little girl from China--an eight-year-old--and their story is the subject of a documentary called "Wo Ai Ni Mommy" ("I Love You Mommy"). The film has been shown in dozens of cities and will be aired on PBS on August 31. Talked to them for an hour or so, then asked if I could contact the guy who does twice a week column, "Everybody Has A Story" for The Press of Atlantic City. I e-mailed him and he wrote back that he's "definitely interested."
In the afternoon, I went to the cemetery to plant the begonias on Jay's grave. They look gorgeous--they're doubles and brilliantly red--but I hope there's enough shade for them to survive. They're right under the huge pine trees that Pat's aunt planted in 1932--yes, that's so and she carried them there herself--but I'm not sure if they shadow it enough.
Got a web cam call from P. and N. about 7:00 pm, unusual at that time, but very welcome. Later, sister Betty called to tell me about her hematologist appointment in preparation for her angiogram.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...