Sunday, May 30, 2010

The start of the Memorial Day Weekend wasn't exactly a bell ringer for me, the high point being when I cleaned the bathroom. Actually, I cleaned both of them, but didn't do a lot else, aside from going to two produce stores, Got yams, sweet potatoes (yes, both), tomatoes, apricots, blueberries, and eggplant. I pared and cut up the enormous yam, added a splash of orange/mango juice and a bit of cinnamon, and cooked it in the small slow cooker. Made a casserole of the eggplant, onions, and tomatoes and had both for lunch.
Brother Jim called to tell me an amusing story. Years ago, when he first started working in D.C. right out of college, the personnel director saw he was from Ventnor. He said there was another person in the agency from tiny Ventnor; her last name was Hartman and Jim and I surmised she was my pal, Peggy's sister. I called Peg to tell her about the coincidence and we had a good chat.
Hey, what if Jim had looked the other Ventnorite up and they became friendly and had started dating and then married and--Peg and I would be sisters-in-law!
As noted, it was a slow day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...