Thursday, May 20, 2010

Forgot to mention the lousy weather on Tuesday: Rain came down in sheets and buckets almost all day. Actually, it cleared by the time we went to the Awards Ceremony and it was okay driving home. Also, it loosened the ground and I was able to get a (very slight) start on the enormous amount of weeding I have to do.
Went to the cemetery to tidy up the plantings. I'm not sure if it's allowed, but I have in mind edging the little plot with flagstone or something. Baring that, I'll put some mulch down.
Today, I'm starting a pretty extensive course of dental work, so probably won't be blogging tomorrow--or maybe for a few days. Incidentally, figuring I wouldn't be eating much solid food for a while, I foolishly went out and bought pint of ice cream yesterday. Ate the whole thing and it kept me awake half the night (it feels like). Well, that'll show me.
Wider: This is from an e-mail I sent to a "liberal" friend on January 22, 2009 after the inauguration. She was ecstatic at O.'s triumph, but I wasn't quite as starry-eyed. Referring to Iraq and Afghanistan, this is what I wrote:
"The question remains, of course, not 'can he,' but 'will he' end these horrors? His selection of Biden, Emmanuel, Clinton, and others don't strike me as indicating a desire to lessen the bloodshed. Of course, I'm an old cynic. Overwhelmingly great though it is to see an African-American man in the White House--and such a tremendous relief it is to see Bush's ass going out the door-- we must be strictly vigilant, now and for the next four years. It's absolutely imperative for us to apply the "WIBDI"--"what if Bush did it"--rule to Obama at every turn. Otherwise, he's going to be MORE deadly than Dubya, because harder to despise and fight."
Oh, what silly talk! We know, sixteen months later, that O. is doing all humanly possible to end the carnage; wasn't he awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? And doesn't he keep telling us how grieved he is when we slaughter children in their beds? And doesn't he intend to make every effort to rein in the Pentagon and stop their rampages around the world? Well, all right, not yet, but give him time--lots and lots of time, because remember, he's surrounded by evil people who are leading him astray. If he only could, he would guide us out of these horrors and wash the blood off our hands, but you see, it isn't his fault, he's blameless, he's a nice family man, he isn't like the others...
Now go back to sleep.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...