Monday, May 24, 2010

Brother Larry called early and I enjoyed hearing from him. He and Helen will be coming north at the end of June, so I'll see them then.
Had a good time at the opera presentation yesterday. It was "The Barber of Seville" and was so enjoyable. Of course, I had heard of it, but wasn't familiar with it--it's a comedy first staged in 1816 and was one of the first operas presented in this country (1825).
Soon after I go home, I was pleased to get a call from old--oops, "longtime"--friend, Peg N. and we had a good chat. She had had pretty extensive dental work as an adult, too, as it turns out, which made me realize I'm not the only one. We made a date for dinner on Friday in Barnegat.
Not long after, sister Betty called and we talked for some time. After dinner, daughter Ellen and I chatted over the web cam, so I had a good, catching-up-with-people day.
We have a meeting for The Breeze at 11:30 today to go over typos. I hope we can substitute some articles that didn't get sent for others that aren't as topical.
My teeth continue to improve, although my mouth is still just the slightest bit sore.

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